Are vegan women more likely to breastfeed than non vegan women?!
Based purely on anecdotal evidence, I'd say yes!. Every vegan woman I know who has given birth has breastfed, and most of them have nursed quite a bit longer than has become average!. But my limited experience isn't proof of anything!.
There are currently no 100% vegan formulas on the market!. There are lots of soy formula options, but they all have animal-derived vitamin D in them!. So a vegan woman who opts not to nurse, or has to use formula to supplement, has to compromise on the veganness of her baby's formula!. I'm not thinking this is anyone's primary motivation for nursing, though!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
There are currently no 100% vegan formulas on the market!. There are lots of soy formula options, but they all have animal-derived vitamin D in them!. So a vegan woman who opts not to nurse, or has to use formula to supplement, has to compromise on the veganness of her baby's formula!. I'm not thinking this is anyone's primary motivation for nursing, though!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
a vegan for ethical reasons would probably breastfeed, not wanting to support the dairy industry since dairy is in formula, but a vegan that didn't really care about the dairy industry could go either way!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
every woman should breastfeed their child regardless vegan or non vegan!.
Breastfeed is a right of every child!.
Breastfeed is a right of every child!.
Probably, considering most vegans advocate that only cows should drink cows milk and the only "milk" a human should drink is human milk!.!.!.
So most vegan women probably breastfeed!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
So most vegan women probably breastfeed!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Probably, because if a vegan woman doesn't breastfeed than they'll have to feed their baby formula, which comes from milk!. Many non vegan women will probably breast feed too, though!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
No, I breastfeed my baby and I"m not a vegan!.