Vegetarian nutrient help?!
I've been a vegetarian for about two years, and I do take vitamins, however I feel like I'm not doing enough for protein and B12!. Can anyone tell me what sorts of vitamins I should be taking!? Any dietary supplements, anything I can do to make sure I'm getting all of the vitamins my body needs!. Thanks!Www@FoodAQ@Com
It is best to get your vitamins from food!
Tempeh, seitan (wheat gluten), tofu, TVP (Textured vegetable protein), lentils, chickpeas, quinoa, spirulina, buckwheat, amaranth, broccoli, mushrooms, potatoes, beans, rice & beans, apples, banana, oranges, watermelon, seeds (hemp, flax, pumpkin, sesame, sunflower), peanut butter, soymilk, some premade meals (such as Amy's, etc) & meat substitutes (such as Boca, Gardenburger, Tofurkey, Lightlife, Morningstar, Yves, etc) or the main sources of veg protein!.
Some good sources of B-12 are fortified cereals, fortified soy/rice milks, meat substitutes/soy analogs, some brands of fortified brewer's & nutritional yeast (such as Red Star & Twinlab)!. Sea vegetables like seaweed, dried nori, & spirulina, may contain vitamin B12, but their content varies and may be unreliable, lactic acid fermented products such as like tempeh, msio, beer & sauerkraut, but their content as well varies and may be unreliable!. Marmite, So Delicious Dairy Free Yogurt, Manging Star foods, and other vegan store bought foods also contains B12 (Cyanocobalamin)!.
You should check out the site below, it contains a lot of vegan nutrition information and links:
Tempeh, seitan (wheat gluten), tofu, TVP (Textured vegetable protein), lentils, chickpeas, quinoa, spirulina, buckwheat, amaranth, broccoli, mushrooms, potatoes, beans, rice & beans, apples, banana, oranges, watermelon, seeds (hemp, flax, pumpkin, sesame, sunflower), peanut butter, soymilk, some premade meals (such as Amy's, etc) & meat substitutes (such as Boca, Gardenburger, Tofurkey, Lightlife, Morningstar, Yves, etc) or the main sources of veg protein!.
Some good sources of B-12 are fortified cereals, fortified soy/rice milks, meat substitutes/soy analogs, some brands of fortified brewer's & nutritional yeast (such as Red Star & Twinlab)!. Sea vegetables like seaweed, dried nori, & spirulina, may contain vitamin B12, but their content varies and may be unreliable, lactic acid fermented products such as like tempeh, msio, beer & sauerkraut, but their content as well varies and may be unreliable!. Marmite, So Delicious Dairy Free Yogurt, Manging Star foods, and other vegan store bought foods also contains B12 (Cyanocobalamin)!.
You should check out the site below, it contains a lot of vegan nutrition information and links:
Hm!. Well to make sure you don't take in too much i think maybe you should have a check up with your doctor, who can tell you more about what nutrients you need more/less of!. Everyoen who stops eating meat has porblems getting protein!. You can try eating beans,nuts,ect!. I don't take any dietary supplements, and im pretty good!
also, try a website like calorie count plus where you can monitor you're gettign everythign you need if ya want:p
***[and to the above person, humans are omnivores we arent cavemen anymore we can afford to not eat something as long as we get the nutrion in some way!. peopel don't become vegitarians to ONLY or JUST to save animals! i didn't!. its your kind of ignorance that is killing the world]Www@FoodAQ@Com
also, try a website like calorie count plus where you can monitor you're gettign everythign you need if ya want:p
***[and to the above person, humans are omnivores we arent cavemen anymore we can afford to not eat something as long as we get the nutrion in some way!. peopel don't become vegitarians to ONLY or JUST to save animals! i didn't!. its your kind of ignorance that is killing the world]Www@FoodAQ@Com
There are vitamins that give you everything in one!. I take those!. Although I did research on vegetarianism and is proven that vegetarians get more protein than nonvegetarians!. Just eat a lot of rice and beans and you'll be fine!. I'm a vegetarian myself!. And yes, it does save animals, to answer that one closed minded jerk!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
your doctor can help you figure that out, for protein you can eat more beans and nutsWww@FoodAQ@Com