I would like to know how many vegetarians eat garlic?!
Garlic plays a big part in the flavouring of our food!. The area of Europe where we live, garlic is well used in food!. Depending on the time of year we (two of us) can eat between 6 - 8 whole garlics a week!. We still eat white meat and fish, but our diet is becoming more vegetable based because we find it healthier!.
Do you like garlic or not!. Many people shun away from it because of bad breath, but if cooked correctly then that alleviates that problem!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Do you like garlic or not!. Many people shun away from it because of bad breath, but if cooked correctly then that alleviates that problem!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Garlic is one of my favorite things to add to a dish!. One of the best things to do with garlic is to pour some Olive Oil in a bowl and mix in some salt, raw minced garlic, and minced Greek olives!. Dip some crusty French Bread in there and enjoy!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I'm vegetarian, I like garlic!. Most vegetarians probably eat garlic; it might depend on some culture and personal preference!.
Some vegetarians avoid garlic and onions!.
Some branches of the Hindu Vaisnava sect say garlic and onions are in the "mode of passion"--something that should be avoided!. They also avoid mushrooms for being in the "mode of ignorance!." The Hare Krishna group follows this idea!.
My wife is Vaisnava Hindu but her group does use garlic and onions in cooking!. My mother in law used to take a raw garlic clove every morning because she believed it was good for her health!. Maybe she still does it, I'm not sure!.
Jains from India are vegetarian and avoid eating any kind of root vegetables!. I don't know enough about the religion to fully understand why!. Some people say it's because it takes the life of the plant, some people say it's because they believe the root contains certain microbes!. I don't know very many Jains and I never had the opportunity to ask!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Some vegetarians avoid garlic and onions!.
Some branches of the Hindu Vaisnava sect say garlic and onions are in the "mode of passion"--something that should be avoided!. They also avoid mushrooms for being in the "mode of ignorance!." The Hare Krishna group follows this idea!.
My wife is Vaisnava Hindu but her group does use garlic and onions in cooking!. My mother in law used to take a raw garlic clove every morning because she believed it was good for her health!. Maybe she still does it, I'm not sure!.
Jains from India are vegetarian and avoid eating any kind of root vegetables!. I don't know enough about the religion to fully understand why!. Some people say it's because it takes the life of the plant, some people say it's because they believe the root contains certain microbes!. I don't know very many Jains and I never had the opportunity to ask!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Majority of the world, vegetarian or not uses Garlic!.
Someone as mentioned Jains in India, Yes Jains in India represent about 6% population in India who do not eat any root vegetables!. It is an exception!.
If I had to take a guess, I would say 90% of world population eats garlic!.
Garlic is anti-fungal, anti-biotic, and may even lower your cholesterol!. It tastes good and its good for you!.
Someone as mentioned Jains in India, Yes Jains in India represent about 6% population in India who do not eat any root vegetables!. It is an exception!.
If I had to take a guess, I would say 90% of world population eats garlic!.
Garlic is anti-fungal, anti-biotic, and may even lower your cholesterol!. It tastes good and its good for you!.
I love garlic in all forms! My husband and I just make sure we eat it on the same days - then we don't notice each other's breath!.
Garlic stuffed olives are simply awesome in Bloody Mary's - tried that over the weekend!. WOW!
I love roasting garlic with olive oil, I love it in salad dressings, pastas (pesto!!!) and nearly anything else!. It's very very healthy too!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Garlic stuffed olives are simply awesome in Bloody Mary's - tried that over the weekend!. WOW!
I love roasting garlic with olive oil, I love it in salad dressings, pastas (pesto!!!) and nearly anything else!. It's very very healthy too!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Garlic grows out of the ground, so I can't imagine why a vegetarian wouldn't eat it, except for a strong distaste for it!.
I try to avoid raw garlic due to my acid reflux problem!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I try to avoid raw garlic due to my acid reflux problem!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I eat garlic as much as you doo! I LOVE IT!!
You can put garlic in any meal, and make it taste that much better!.
Garlic might be bad for your breath, but it's good for your body, and your taste buds!!! ?Www@FoodAQ@Com
You can put garlic in any meal, and make it taste that much better!.
Garlic might be bad for your breath, but it's good for your body, and your taste buds!!! ?Www@FoodAQ@Com
I love garlic and onions!. I'll take the bad breath because there are other positive side effects to consuming garlic!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
i luv garlic, i don't care if it gives me bad breath!. worth it for the yummyness of garlic!.
I can only speak for myself when I say hardly a day goes by that doesn't involve garlic!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I like garlic!. It is good in veggie burgers and hummus!. And to prevent smelly breath, I brush my teeth after I eat it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Garlic goes into almost every dinner we make!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I cook garlic in just about anything- it gives things a great flavor!
In fact, I just put some garlic in blakc beans that Im currently cooking!.
In fact, I just put some garlic in blakc beans that Im currently cooking!.
i'm vegetarian i like garlic :)Www@FoodAQ@Com
i lovee garlic!!Www@FoodAQ@Com
i LUV garlic
i like to sautee it in butter
i like to sautee it in butter