If God didnt want us to eat animals...?!

Question: If God didnt want us to eat animals!.!.!.!?
Why did he make them taste like meat!?
(this is meant with the most sincere thoughts for all of you vegans out there)Www@FoodAQ@Com

This isn't to say if I believe in God or not!.!.!.or to debunk anyone's belief!.!.!.

However, The Bible does NOT say that God didn't want us to eat animals!. In fact, it is encouraged as part of our diet!. They sacrificed animals and ate the offerings after the ceremony!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Even assuming the existence of "God," and the possibility that animals were put on Earth for the use of humans, no benevolent deity would approve of factory farming!. Do a little research in to where your meat comes from, and maybe you'll come up with a belief system based upon something more substantial than a bumper sticker!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

One could consider all flesh to be 'meat'!.

What I can't understand is why you want to attempt to turn a personal eating choice into a point of division and attempt to bring religion into it as justification!.

The God that I serve and believe in saw fit to have in scripture that none should judge another about what they eat (Romans 14:13-23)!. I would suggest more study of scripture on your part before writing such comments again!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

How many reasons do you want, troll!?

Besides the fact that are no gods, and humans, being animals, are made out of "meat" too, animals aren't "meant" to be anything!. You do know humans are animals too right!?

If you do believe in gods, maybe a better question is why did they give brains to people who fail to use them!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Ever eaten raw meat!? Not so tasty, is it!?

Meat tastes good because we season it!. Unseasoned (but cooked) meat tastes fairly blah, actually!. It's like that person who doesn't like salad, so they drown it in dressing to make it taste like something they do like!. We cover meat in seasoning (or inject it with flavoring in some cases), so that it doesn't taste like meat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You can eat whatever you like!. Personally, I don't eat meat, simply because I really don't think "God" intended for animals to be force fed, injected with chemicals, and abused so I can enjoy meat!. I have a choice!. And it is a healthy moral choice!. I think God can agree to that, even if my teeth were "made" for devouring meat!.!.!.!.That is not the point though!.


WOW lots of atheism here!.

AYA!.!.!.you ever eat sushi or sashimi!?

Please come up with some better questions, use your imagination!. For example:

- If Vegetarianism were the answer to the worlds problems, would you kill yourself to prove it!?
- If you knew how many fish were killed annually by the fertilizer used to make your veggies would you still eat them!?
- What is fair about children and cats eating the same diet!?

If you are going to troll, at least make it entertaining!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

if god wanted us to eat animals!.!.!.!. then he must of been pretty cruel considering that he created them with the same nervous systems and biological makeups that he made us wtih, meaning they feel all the pain adn suffering and torture that we force them to indure in slaughterhouses in order to feed ourselves an absurd amount of meat!.!.!.!.

i don't think that's exactly what god intended maybe!?Www@FoodAQ@Com


Do you suppose you meater trolls could try asking some more original questions, please!?

Animals are not "made of meat"; humans turn them into meat!. Sheesh!.

And let's leave "god" out of it, since we don't have definitive proof of his/her existence and never will!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

*sigh* Meat is the muscles, bones, blood, organs, and flesh of an animal AND human!. God made animals, man made meat, therefore God did not make animals of meat, but just like you and me!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well, that's simple, god is imaginary so it doesn't matter!.

If god doesn't want perverts to rape and murder little children, why does he let them do it!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

I don't think it is healthy to avoid eating meat!. But one shouldn't eat too much meat!. After all, meat is a dead animal, though human beings need meat for their health!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Have you ever tasted humans!. I'm sure you were'nt educated enough to learn this, but humans and animals = both flesh and meat!. Mmmm nice tasty humans!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Your question assumes that your god exists, which I disagree with!. This is just a really dumb question, on many levels!. Please delete it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think the better question would be why did he design an omnivore system which requires nutrients from both plant and animal matter!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

but aren't humans made out of meat too!?
your logic condones cannibalismWww@FoodAQ@Com

He didn't make them meat, we made meat out of them!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

humans taste like chickenWww@FoodAQ@Com

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