Is it okay to force your child to be a meat eater?!

Question: Is it okay to force your child to be a meat eater!?
Alternatively, is it okay for a vegetarian parent to force her child to be a vegetarian or vegan!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

How old is the child!? Unless they're at least 13 or 14, they aren't informed enough to make their own decisions!. They don't know what's healthy for them, and would only make a decision on what's "trendy" or popular!. Parents should be responsible for the HEALTHY welfare and caring of their children, until they're old enough to make their own informed decisions!.!.!.!.!.!.!.And "healthy" includes eating meat, in moderation, if the rest of the family eats meat!. If the rest of the family is vegetarian, then they should still eat what everyone else does (and the parents should not keep telling their kids how "terrible" meateaters are!. Hate breeds hate)Www@FoodAQ@Com

I don't see anything wrong with raising veg*n children from birth, provided the parents know what they're doing when it comes to a balanced diet!. Their house, their rules!. I don't see how "forcing" a child to be veg*n is any different from making a child go to church on Sunday, or not allowing a teenager to walk around with her cleavage hanging out!. Parents instill their morals on kids all the time!.

I would say there is a difference between "forcing" a child to go veg and "forcing" a child who wants to go veg to eat meat!. I have yet to hear of someone being morally opposed to vegetarian foods, but for a lot of veg*ns or aspiring veg*ns, meat is death on a plate!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Children should get to choose for themselves!. My parents raised me as a meat-eater, but at nine I decided to become vegetarian!. A vegetarian parent shouldn't force his/her child to be vegetarian/vegan, but I think it's reasonable if a parent doesn't want to cook meat for their child if they're vegetarian!. However, if a kid is raised as a vegetarian or vegan they probably won't want to eat meat since they've already grown used to not eating it!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well, I like this idea!.!.!.

raise child on a vegetarian diet until he/she can make an informed decision about whether or not they want to eat animals!. I don't really think that you are forcing them to be a vegetarian, only giving them a healthy start on living, and when they are ready to make a decision on whether they want to eat dead animals and stuff, they should be well-informed and make a decision!

I am a vegan, and I always felt that I should have been told what the stuff was that I was eating!. A lot of young kids don't really understand where meat come from, etc!. My husband is not a vegan or vegetarian, but we (if/when we have a child) will raise it on a vegetarian diet!.!.!.!.

and it is NOT ok to force your kid to eat meatWww@FoodAQ@Com

yeah, let the kid decide that they want to eat candy and ice cream all the time!. or for the meat eaters, just hot dogs and processed meats!. alternatively, you can be the control freak that you really want to be and make your child eat everything you tell them to!.

on the other hand, if this is an adult who is asking the question, why are we talking about forcing a child to eat anything!? i mean can't you figure out tasty and nutritious food for your child regardless of whether it is vegetarian or non vegitarian!. at a certain point, you child will be old enough to express preferences which you might as well honor as long as it is healthful!. what is the problem here!? the role of the parent is to provide for the child hopefully in a loving and healthy way!.

i don't think forcing a child to eat only certain items is good for anybody!.


No of course not!. I'm a vegetarian and I have been since I was 13!. My mum has never once complained and she understands I am happy and forcing carcass down my throat is not right!. It is not fair for a parent to tell their son/daughter that they are not allowed to eat meat if they want to and vice versa!. I know a guy who's been raised vegetarian and hasn't ever eaten meat!. His parents would let him eat meat if that's what he wanted!. If your parents are vegetarian then it is likely you will be too, for a part of your life anyway!. But if they choose to raise you vegetarian or as a meat eater, you should be allowed to choose if you think that's okay, and if the answer is no, it is basic human right to be allowed to stop/start eating what you want to eat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think you can raise your child to be a vegetarian if you want to!. Similarly, you can raise your child to eat meat if you want to!. It's when you force them to do something when there is a problem!. If the child was raised eating meat and wants to become vegetarian, the parent should not discourage them!. The same thing goes for vegetarian children who want to start eating meat!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

No not force, that is way to strong a word, maybe raise!. Due to all the health problems and problem in general surrounding animal products, I think a parent has the duty and obligation to raise their child vegan till the child get old enough to know the consequences and affects it has on their body, and if they want a dead body inside their body at such a young age!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes!. parents should impart on their kids what they think is best!. That is their responsibility!. As long as it is legal, no law would convict them!.
It would be no different from parents "forcing" their kids to sleep early, do their homework, household chores, not to watch certain shows/magazines etc!. A vegetarian or non vegetarian diet makes no difference!. The principle, parental control and responsibility still applies!.

If my child wants to watch a xxx movie, should I be supportive and let him/her even if I find it immoral (not to mention illegal)!? Ridiculous!. Support is one thing, common sense and spoiling a child is another!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It depends on the parents' judgement!. I was raised as a meat-eater and my health was damaged from it until I started to clean up my act and went vegan!. Of course, I think a lot of problems relating to the food industry and human health would recover if more children were raised veggie but it's not my area to decide!.

About 60 years ago or so, it was a little better and people ate less than half of meat products that they do today!. But these days I think that raising a child, particularly one who eats too much junk, should be considered child neglect because it's so damaging and can have a lasting effect!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

The child should make her own decisions!.

My mom used to make me eat meat but I had to throw a tantrum and it would set things off between us and we'd always be mad at eachother!.

Don't let that happen between you guys!. Let him/her make their own decision, please!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

They should be able to make their own choice about the vegetarian vs!. regular foods!. However, the amount of food and nutritional value of the food the kids eat can, and should, be monitored by their parents!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

i think all childrens should eat and try a variety of foods!. but sometimes it may be the right thing to force a 4 year old 2 eat meat!. but at an older age like 10 and up, they should definatlly have a chance!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i think best would be telling them why vegans/vegetariens are better for u and telling them a little bit of what happens to the animals and how they live a horrible life and if there old enough to understand let them chooseWww@FoodAQ@Com


turn the child into an omnivore so the kid can have a balanced meal and a healthy lifestyle
meat should be served 9 times a week 2times mon-thur and 1time fri
vegetables and other foods everyday

no they should be whatever they want to be and eat what they want as long as its not bad for their health or too much junk food they should choose if they want to be a meat eater or a veganWww@FoodAQ@Com

Yes, yes and yes!. They should also force them to go to school, clean their rooms, brush their teeth, treat people with respect etc!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i think the child should be introduced to all kinds of foods and let the CHILD DECIDE what it is they like to eat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

In my opinion the PARENTS set the rules!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No! Put yourself in there spot!. Would you want your parent to make you be a vegan!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think that the parent should give the child its food and not give them options when they are so young!.
You know best!.
If you want your child to be healthy, then vegetarian/vegan is the way to go!. Kids don't choose to be carnivores!.
It's just the only thing they are given!.
I say give them vegetarian/vegan and they'll never miss the meat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I dont think its okay to force your child to do anything!. They have a right to make their own choices!. You can help them with deciding!. Im not saying if you kid says I want to eat a ballon you say ok thats your right!. You should make sure your child makes a choice that makes sense and they know what theyre doing!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No no no no no no no!!!!!!! The child should be allowed to decide what they want to eat!. I think as long as they try it once and then decide they don't like it, it's fine for them not to have to eat it again!. I grew up being forced to eat meat and I HATED it!. (Been vegetarian for 15 years now)Www@FoodAQ@Com

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