I'm reading "Diet For A Small Planet" by Frances Moore Lappe, are there any updated statistics available?!
also, does anyone have any suggestions about other books, authors, theories, diets that I should look into next!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
"Diet for a New America" by John Robbins is a bit dated, but is a classic!. His newer one, "The Food Revolution" is excellent and covers much of the same territitory, however I think both are worth reading!. He's very thorough and well-researched and offers sources for additional reading!.
I enjoyed "Mad Cowboy" and "No More Bull" by Howard Lyman as well!. He's a former cattle rancher turned vegan and has, not surprisingly, a unique perspective!.
"The China Study" by T!. Colin Campbell is compelling reading on the role of animal foods in the development of disease!.
I enjoyed "Mad Cowboy" and "No More Bull" by Howard Lyman as well!. He's a former cattle rancher turned vegan and has, not surprisingly, a unique perspective!.
"The China Study" by T!. Colin Campbell is compelling reading on the role of animal foods in the development of disease!.
In her book!. Lappe claimed that vegetarians need to combine two incomplete protein sources to get a complete one!. But in the early 1990s, it was proven that her theory of protein combining wasn't necessary!. You don't need to eat beans with rice or peanut butter with bread in order to get adequate protein!.
also I read that 16 pounds of grain producing 1 pound of beef was a little exaggerated and it's actually a little bit lower!. It could have been possible at the time, but now it's lower!. I think Eric Markus, author of "Meat Market" and "Vegan: The New Ethics of Eating" did some calculation and found different numbers!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
also I read that 16 pounds of grain producing 1 pound of beef was a little exaggerated and it's actually a little bit lower!. It could have been possible at the time, but now it's lower!. I think Eric Markus, author of "Meat Market" and "Vegan: The New Ethics of Eating" did some calculation and found different numbers!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Check out her daughter's book: GRUB by Anna LappeWww@FoodAQ@Com