Should my vegan son hunt? ?!
I know that it is a touchy subject and please let me explain!.!.
My son grew up hunting with our family, we hunt for food not for sport or trophys, it is just what we do!. I totally and completely respect the fact that vegetarian, and vegans have a choice just as I do!.
My son also has the same respect!. I cook completey vegan meals for him and he understands that we choose to eat meat!. It works for our family!.
When he was young he loved to hunt and fish, I am just wondering why he feels now that it would be wrong to do something that he so enjoyed before!?
I feel that since he has chosen not to hunt that he is missing out on so many family times with his brothers and uncles!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
My son grew up hunting with our family, we hunt for food not for sport or trophys, it is just what we do!. I totally and completely respect the fact that vegetarian, and vegans have a choice just as I do!.
My son also has the same respect!. I cook completey vegan meals for him and he understands that we choose to eat meat!. It works for our family!.
When he was young he loved to hunt and fish, I am just wondering why he feels now that it would be wrong to do something that he so enjoyed before!?
I feel that since he has chosen not to hunt that he is missing out on so many family times with his brothers and uncles!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Well as he gets older, his views will naturally change!. Just like kids like to watch cartoons when they're young, but then gradually grow out of them!.
Maybe something he saw, or heard, changed his mind about it!. Or maybe he just thought about it and just didn't want to kill animals anymore!.
If you're worried that he's not spending enough time with his family, then maybe you can schedule other family events that don't involve hunting!.
You could just talk to him about it, and see how he feels about missing out on family times!.
Maybe something he saw, or heard, changed his mind about it!. Or maybe he just thought about it and just didn't want to kill animals anymore!.
If you're worried that he's not spending enough time with his family, then maybe you can schedule other family events that don't involve hunting!.
You could just talk to him about it, and see how he feels about missing out on family times!.
Why is this even up for debate!? If it's not okay to kill animals for food in your family, why would it be okay to kill animals for fun!? If you care enough to be vegan, why the hell would you encourage your son to partake in such a disgusting and chauvinistic excuse for a recreational sport!?
Furthermore, what is hunting teaching your child about having reverence for the sanctity of life of other creatures!? Www@FoodAQ@Com
Furthermore, what is hunting teaching your child about having reverence for the sanctity of life of other creatures!? Www@FoodAQ@Com
You really need to let him decide this one!. It only makes since that if he isn't comfortable eating the meat or any product that comes from an animal that he also wouldn't want to be involved in the actually act of killing animals for food (food which he won't be eatting)!.
Growing up my brother was very big into hunting, but knowing that I was vegan he would have never expected me to go along with him!. We just did other "family things" together that didn't go against either of our beliefs!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Growing up my brother was very big into hunting, but knowing that I was vegan he would have never expected me to go along with him!. We just did other "family things" together that didn't go against either of our beliefs!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
encourage him to enjoy this family get together time!.
the hunt can be donated to the local zoo or wild life park for the animals there since it is not for personal use!.
the lions and tigers would be very grateful!.!.!.
used to live close to wild life safari and the dept of transportation had it in place that ALL road kill be called in ASAP to be picked up and taken to the park for the animals!.
and for all those who complain, survival skills is some thing that every person should have the opportuinity to learn if they have a chance!.!.!.it might be your only hope someday!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
the hunt can be donated to the local zoo or wild life park for the animals there since it is not for personal use!.
the lions and tigers would be very grateful!.!.!.
used to live close to wild life safari and the dept of transportation had it in place that ALL road kill be called in ASAP to be picked up and taken to the park for the animals!.
and for all those who complain, survival skills is some thing that every person should have the opportuinity to learn if they have a chance!.!.!.it might be your only hope someday!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
maybe you can find a family activity that doesn't involve teaching children that killing innocent beings for your amusement is ok!? ther'es plenty of family activities taht don't involve death!. he doesn't enjoy it anymore becuase he learned that killing innocents isn't fun that's all, good for him! and if he's not going to eat it anyway what is the point anyway!?!Www@FoodAQ@Com
I don't think you will get quality family time with him if he is obligated to do something he is not comfortable with!. If both of you like the outdoors, spend some time with him hiking or camping or bird watching (with no hunting in the agenda)!. The first step is to respect each other's choices and looks like that has been achieved!. I would build on that and find something else that all of you would like to do as a family!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
He may not enjoy hunting anymore since becoming vegan as the end result is killing an animal, for food for the rest of his family or otherwise, and vegans don't want to kill, but he could channel that energy and enjoyment with his brothers and uncles into a sport (like football, for example), perhaps!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Vegans don't hunt!. We don't purposely cause harm or pain to animals!. That's just the way it is!. He can spend time with relatives without blowing a beautiful animal away!.
Before I became vegan I enjoyed jello!. I gave that up and replaced it with other things!. I won't hurt animals!.!.!.and apparently your son won't either!.
If he did hunt he wouldn't be vegan!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Before I became vegan I enjoyed jello!. I gave that up and replaced it with other things!. I won't hurt animals!.!.!.and apparently your son won't either!.
If he did hunt he wouldn't be vegan!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
He most likely sees it as wrong now to kill an innocent animal!. This may be part of the reason he became vegan!.
I know or me, the animals were a big part in making me become a vegetarian!.
Try to suggest another activity they could all do together!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I know or me, the animals were a big part in making me become a vegetarian!.
Try to suggest another activity they could all do together!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Anyone should be allowed to hunt as long as the meat is consumed or to destroy birds or animals that are themselves destructive!.Some examples are feral hogs that destroy food crops,comurants that destroy fish where fish farming is done e!.c!.t!. I could go on!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I guess he has changed his mind!. If he no longer enjoys hunting, then he really isn't missing out on anything after all!. He can hang out with his male family members during other activities!. (Golf, boating, hiking, bowling, etc!.)Www@FoodAQ@Com
If he doesn't eat meat there is no reason to hunt!.
So unless he enjoys photography or seeing the animals in the wild it is pointless and goes against his beliefs!.
So unless he enjoys photography or seeing the animals in the wild it is pointless and goes against his beliefs!.
I would say no but it is completely his choice!.
If your son is vegan then he clearly cares for animals and doesnt want to hurt them!.
But your family can certainly find some other great hobbies to do together:)Www@FoodAQ@Com
If your son is vegan then he clearly cares for animals and doesnt want to hurt them!.
But your family can certainly find some other great hobbies to do together:)Www@FoodAQ@Com
Yes Vegans can hunt, but only with a camera, and use a telephoto lens so you don't disturb the animals!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
If my "family times" centered on killing animals, it would be fine with me if I missed out on them!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
You cannot hunt and be vegan, period!.
I don't care if you hunt for food, that's not a f**king excuse to kill animals!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I don't care if you hunt for food, that's not a f**king excuse to kill animals!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
It is his loss should he elect not to hunt!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
how old is heWww@FoodAQ@Com
Hunting goes against vegan ethics!. Vegans oppose hunting, whether for food or for "sport" because it exploits and kills an animal!. He may have liked meat when he was younger, but he has come to believe that an animal shouldn't have to die for his tastebuds!. As one journeys through life, tastes change, beliefs change, desires change!. This is clearly what has happened with your son!.
As someone else pointed out, perhaps your family could have outings that don't involve shooting animals (except with cameras)!. Perhaps you could go boating and just enjoy the breeze on the water!. Perhaps you could go hiking!. Try to find something the family can enjoy that doesn't infringe on your son's ethics!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
As someone else pointed out, perhaps your family could have outings that don't involve shooting animals (except with cameras)!. Perhaps you could go boating and just enjoy the breeze on the water!. Perhaps you could go hiking!. Try to find something the family can enjoy that doesn't infringe on your son's ethics!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Usually a Vegetarian chooses to be so because they have found a new respect for all living creatures and do not want any killed so they can eat!. They feel that there are plenty of other foods to satisfy and nourish the human body!. My Dad always hunted and I hated seeing the deer hanging that way in the garage, It is just something I could not do; kill an animal myself!. But I like turkey & chicken and beef sometimes!. Pork makes me feel ill after eating and so do some fatty cuts of beef!. I have been eating more raw veggies and fruits and hummus on crackers, rice cakes, things like that and I am feeling so much better!. It is a personal thing!. Your son loves you, he just can't do that hunting thing anymore!. Don't take it personal!. : )
People do need to hunt to keep the #'s down and curb disease and starvation of wild animals!. On the other hand, the way farmers treat calves for veal is cruel in my opinion!. I personally won't eat it!. Make it a point to find other fun things for the men to do together!. Maybe just going to the gun club for target practice !? Or something completely unrelated!? Good Luck!Www@FoodAQ@Com
People do need to hunt to keep the #'s down and curb disease and starvation of wild animals!. On the other hand, the way farmers treat calves for veal is cruel in my opinion!. I personally won't eat it!. Make it a point to find other fun things for the men to do together!. Maybe just going to the gun club for target practice !? Or something completely unrelated!? Good Luck!Www@FoodAQ@Com