Diff between vegan and vegetarian?!?!!?!

Question: Diff between vegan and vegetarian!?!!?!!!?
i know it sounds stupid!.
but i always thought it was the same!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Vegans dont eat anything having to do with animals even if the animal didnt die in the process!. Such as honey, vegans wont eat honey because it came from bees!. Many vegans will take it a step further and not wear any clothes or makeup or such that used any animal products!. Thats where you get your "vegan wool"!.

There are MANY different types of vegetarians!. They have lacto-ovo vegetarians who wont eat any meat or seafood but will eat eggs and dairy!. You have your ovo vegetarians who are similar to lacto-ovo with the exception of not eating dairy!. The same but reversed for lacto vegetarians!. Then you have Pescetarians who will not eat meat but will eat seafood!.

You also have your Raw- vegans who wont eat any foods that have been heatedd over a certain temperature!. The raw-vegans consider foods heated over a certain temperature to have a diminished nutritional value!.

Hope that answers your question!. Have a good night! =)Www@FoodAQ@Com

There's a number of gradiations!.
No flesh!.
No flesh, no fish!.
No flesh, no fish, no fowl!.
No flesh, no fowl!.
No flesh, no fish, no ova!.
No flesh, no fish, no fowl, no ova!.
No flesh, no lactations!.
etc!. !. !.

You can see the idea!. For meat, fish, bird, eggs, milk, there's a large number of combinations that all say they are "vegetarian"!.

Vegetarians don't eat meat, but they do eat animal bi-products(dairy,eggs, honey, gelatin)!. Vegans don't eat meat nor dairy, eggs, honey, or gelatin!. Vegans also typically don't use fabric taken from animals (e!.g!. wool) or products made from animals/animal bi-products!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

One of the main differences between vegetarians and vegans is that:

Vegetarians don't consume anything where an animal has died!. [Includes gelatin as this comes from the inside of bones]

Vegans don't consume anything from animals at all!. [Includes milk, honey]Www@FoodAQ@Com

Vegetarians do not eat any meat products, however, they do eat dairy and eggs!.
Vegans (which I am) don't eat anything that came from an animal!. And depending on the serious level, some also don't buy products tested on animals, leather, honey, etc!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Vegetarians do not eat animal flesh (red meat, fowl, fish, shellfish, game)!. Vegetarians may or may not eat eggs and dairy products!.
Vegan are Vegetarians who do not eat eggs and dair products as well!.

Vegetarians don't eat meat!. However they still eat milk, cheese, and eggs!. Vegans do not eat anything at all coming from an animal, this means dairy and even gelatin!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

vegeterians dont eat meat but do eat like dairy products!.

vegans dont eat meat or any dairy because it comes from cows, they absolutely dont eat anything that come from animals!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

vegetarians dont eat meat but they do eat animal byproducts
vegans dont eat meat or byproducts of any animals (ex!. milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, chocolate)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Vegans dont eat anything that comes from animals!.
No dairy products like milk!.
But Vegetarians just dont eat meat!.
They will eat dairy products though!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Cheese, milk, eggs, etc!. Vegans do not eat these because they come from animals!.!.!. vegetarians do however!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

vegans don't eat dairy and vegetarians eat dairyWww@FoodAQ@Com

actually i don't know i thought they were the same to lol!!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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