Tomorrow the Cross Country team is going out to eat after practice, we're going to a homestyle place?!

Question: Tomorrow the Cross Country team is going out to eat after practice, we're going to a homestyle place!?
that has like eggs, bacon, and hamburgers and stuff!. what do i do, since i'm vegan!? i don't want to not go becuz it's like team building, but idk what to eat!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

I hate when this happens!. Especially when we are going out to dinner in a not familiar area, like a different state!. Like we would celebrate after the competition!. I would be like ok, not what!. Last time i just got some water, and talked with my friends!. They bugged me about it, but the thing is i could not not go, cause my family was going with them!. After we got back to the hotel, (well me and a few friends left earlier then the parents, considering the hotel was right across the street!. They got there bathing suit on, and so did i, then i ate some of the food i brought, and we all went in together!. Or maybe have food before or after!. Or maybe a salad, just make sure you tell them and ask them questions!. The place i went to was a steak house though!. =/ My coach was bugging me (cause i am in an area where being skinny means it all, where they like skinny people better!. I know its sad, but its sort of like dance, you have to have a certain body type, and watch what you eat!. So my coach was acting like i was not going to eat at all!. But i did!. I love to eat =) does your team know they will understand!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Homestyle is going to be hard! Yikes! It might be salad and sides!. Be careful of the green beans!. Homestyle usually includes bacon in the green beans!.

Is there a way you can grab something after practice and before you get to the restaurant!. Will there be any lag time between the two!? Maybe you could stash something in your bag or locker just in case there isn't anything you can eat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Worst-case scenario is always a baked potato and salad!.

Check the menu for anything without meat!. You can ask about things like fries, see if they're cooked in vegetable oil and not with meat!.

Ask the waiter to speak to the chef and see if he has any vegetarian dishes he can make for you!. Sometimes chefs have lots of recipes that they can't normally use because of the restaurant's menu!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Some good suggestions already on here: speaking to the waiter to speak to the chef is great!. Remember, a chef's job is to be creative with food: I've often found that they can be outstanding if appropriately challenged!.

Might be worth calling the place in advance too, and asking what they can provide!. Most should be happy to accommodate you if you do!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I guess you can try and avoid any thing animal, if that's possible!. Or you can not eat there and wait until after to eat!. It's about being discipline!. I lived with some Mexican family for a while and refuse meat and visited with Cuban family and also refused meat!. Not a problem for me!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

1!. suggest another place to eat!.!.!. nothing wrong with that!.

2!. eat before / after!.!.!. just have somethign to drink beforehand

3!. ask waiter if they can make you anything simple that doesn't have animal products Www@FoodAQ@Com

Time to take a sickie!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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