Why is it that people who are concerned about animal welfare?!

Question: Why is it that people who are concerned about animal welfare!?
think it's okay to eat eggs!. The poultry industry is the worst for animal cruelty!. I'm not a vegetarian, but I do know about farming methods!. A laying chicken, yes a very young bird spends most of it's life in a cage it can't turn round in!. Before they reach adulthood they are worn out, yet people come on here telling us they don't want to eat meat because of animal cruelty, but dairy produce & eggs are okay!.
Many people have beliefs about what is right and what is wrong and I will never say to them they are wrong, even though my opinion differs from theirs, but if you are really concerned about animal welfare then do some research into the subjectWww@FoodAQ@Com

I eat eggs and meat and drink milk and yet I am very concerned about animal welfare!. Many farmers are concerned about animal welfare!. Many farm support people are concerned about animal welfare!. In a matter of speaking the whole animal agriculture industry revolves around animal welfare, especially dairy!.
Animal Welfare is not the same as Animal Rights!.
If you don't know the difference then don't talk about what you don't know about!. There are reasons why things are done the way they are!. Have you ever bothered to find out why!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

The same reason people against fur and animal abuse think it is okay to eat meat and dairy!. Some may be brainwashed in society and media thinking it is okay, but most just do not understand/is ignorant!. Before becoming vegan I was a vegetarian, not really understanding animal suffering and rights, once i learned i became vegan!. While I do understand there are slightly 'ethical' ways to get eggs and dairy such as d!.i!.y or your friends have animals on a farm type thing, but this is not the way most people do not get their eggs or dairy from!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

That is precisely why I avoid ALL animal products!. I think many ovo-lacto vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike either don't know what goes on to dairy and egg animals or they don't care!.

I wish more people would do more research and either source their animal products to small, local farms where they can take a tour or to eschew all meat, dairy, and eggs altogether!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

The thing is that the egg industry is not a uniform entity!. Some egg farmers treat their animals better than others!. The overly commercialized farms are likely to treat their stock inhumanely, but it's not a requirement!. Eating eggs is okay, you just have to get the eggs from a farm with a conscience!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think that they think it's easier to eat eggs, instead of making their own veggie burger patties, they go out to buy some and guess what they contain eggs which is used as a binding agent in most things!.

I hav'nt eaten an egg for years when I came to the states I was shocked that there are eggs in most vegetarian products even in some bread crumbs !.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I couldn't agree with you more!. That is why I do NOT consume dairy or eggs!. also, every egg laying chicken ends her life in a slaughterhouse, so what life is being saved!?

EDIT: However, I have good friends who live on a farm and they have very happy chickens!. If I liked eggs, which I don't, I would eat theirs!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

because many of us buy our eggs from local suppliers who do not use the farming methods you have described!.
one user of this site even keeps his own chickens to ensure their good treatment!.

i'm a vegetarian and only purchase eggs laid by vegetarian fed, cage free hens that are sourced locally!.

eating eggs doesn't mean that you don't care!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Good question!. I have a friend who pretends to be worried about that same issue, but, when I ask her about her leather shoes/purse/belt etc!.!.!.she tends to back off!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i'm concerned about animal welfare and i have to say that i dont eat eggs!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Because they are not very informed!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You can buy from a local farmer or you can buy Certified Humane/Organic dairy products!. I'm not saying that all "Certified Humane and Organic" are what they say they are but at least it's a step in the right direction!.
You are right when you say poultry is the cruelest industry, there are no humane standards for how the people that work at these places handle chickens!. (not that it would matter, Cow's and Pigs are treated pretty awful too)
But my question to everyone that knows the truth about the treatment of animals is!.!. How can you still eat Meat or Dairy products!? Doesn't it bother you!?
Well if it doesn't bother you, you should be ashamed of yourself!.


your correct!. i think it's just a matter of "no one is perfect"!.!.!.!. it's better to not eat meat and promote vegetarianism than to say "oh you eat eggs!? might as well just eat a steak too then and forget the whole things" obviously that won't help anything!.!.!. i know by my being a vegetarian i've prompted a good number of other people to reduce their meat intake quite a bit! i'm happy for that!. it's every little bit that counts!. also people need to make their own adjustments about what they are willing to do and sacrifice!.!.!. depending on your family, lifestyle, finances, and location it can be harder or easier to be vegetarian or vegan!.

i've been a vegetarian almost 15 years and it is hard (in some ways)!.!.!. being a vegan would be even harder!.!.!. i've taken steps towards it!.!.!. but i'm ok with where i am right now!.!.!.!.

i dont' think it's helpful for vegetarians and vegans to be against each other!.!.!. it doens't help!.!.!. i do know your view though!.!.!. i agree!.!.!.!. i don't like when people harp about a "vegetarian" (i know pescotarian but most people dont' know that term yet) who eats fish yet the person doing the harping eats dairy and eggs!.!.!. i think the dairy industry contributes to a lot more animal suffering than does the fish industry (if suffering is your reason)!.!.!. so throwing stones doesn't really help!.!.!.

if your vegan, no leather or anything like that, then i have mucho respect for you and what your doing!.!.!. but we should support people who aren't 100% there too!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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