If you were a vegetarian, and you were starving to death...?!

Question: If you were a vegetarian, and you were starving to death!.!.!.!?
and found food but it was nothing but meat, would you eat it!? What about if you were walking along somewhere and was starving and saw a cow!. Would you kill it and eat it!?Www@FoodAQ@Com


Not this lame question again!. Playing the meater's favorite game of gotcha, are you!?

First of all, if I were starving, I probably would not have the strength and energy to slaughter a cow, butcher him, and cook his flesh!. Assuming I even had the weapons necessary to do so!. Because humans don't have the claws and teeth necessary to tear an anaimal apart, in case you haven't noticed!. Second, assuming I saw a living animal, there would have to be some plant food around that I could eat, as others have pointed out!. Third, I don't see myself doing anything that will put me in a position of near starvation, so asking the question is utterly blinking pointless!. So please stop asking it, meater trolls!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think this question illuminates a point about modern vegetarianism!.

Yes, in case of human survival (feeding your kids), you can make the moral case that it's ok to kill the cow to survive!.

However, modern humans in most of the world no longer need to kill animals to survive!. We have the choice of eliminating that suffering from the world!.

In other words: eating animals for absolute survival may be justified, but eating animals because it's easy or "tastes good" is not justified!.

note: Many vegetarians may not agree that it's ok to kill an animal nomatter what!. But I think that the logic I used appeals to even mainstream meateaters if they really thought about it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

But I'm not starving!.

"humans are omnivores"

That means we can choose what we eat, so we can make the ethical choice!.

"we are supposed to eat animals!."

Who says!? Besides, if we are obliged to do everything that is natural to us, we should start killing and raping each other, because that's in our history as a species!.

"it may be wrong the way some of them are treated but that's besides the point!."

How is it beside the point!?

"anything else is just kinda unhealthy!."

Do you have any reasoning for this!? Millions of vegans worldwide, not just vegetarians, are living proof of how healthy it can be!. There are even vegan athletes and bodybuilders!.

"that's why most vegetarians are scary skinny!.!."

How many vegetarians have you met!? Clearly not very many if you hold this stupid stereotype!.


No, we're omnivores, like we've already discussed, meaning we can choose what we eat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If I was actually going to die, I'm sure that I'd do whatever I'd have to do to survive!. Starving people are known to eat each other to survive so why would I die instead of killing a cow!?

Just because I'm vegan that doesn't mean I'm stupid and don't care about my family enough to survive!.

It's more than likely that I'll never be stranded without food and if I did, I doubt that there wouldn't be any edible plants around!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well, a cow can't live without vegetation!. All I have to do is find where the cow obtains its food, and I'll be good!.

And why would food (that is only meat) suddenly appear out of no where while I'm stranded on an island (or wherever)!.

But of course, cannibalism is always an option!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If the cow is alive, there has to be plant-based food around somewhere because cows are herbivores!. I'd chill with the cow and find some grains, yo!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I am a vegetarian!.!.!. but if theres a cow, than there must be food there FOR a cow, and i would probably eat that before i would kill the cow!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I guess I would eat the meat to live!. I don't think I could ever kill a cow myself to eat it!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well if I saw a cow I would ask him what was he eating and could I have some!Www@FoodAQ@Com

nope!. id rather die then have a poor helpless animal die!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No and no!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

um no!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I would be true to my word so!. noWww@FoodAQ@Com

never am i going to do thatWww@FoodAQ@Com

Wow !.!. u were really bored wernt u!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

what kind of a question is this!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

they should!.!. idk i think being a vegetarian is the worst idea ever!. humans are omnivores, that's why we have the type of teeth that we have!. we are supposed to eat animals!. it may be wrong the way some of them are treated but that's besides the point!. we're supposed to eat meat!. anything else is just kinda unhealthy!. that's why most vegetarians are scary skinny!.!. WE ARE NOT HERBIVORES!. omnivores doesn't mean we have the choice, it means we eat both!. didn't you learn anything about the different kinds of teeth!?

"Finally, you need to look at nutritional requirements!. There are some
B-complex vitamins that are available only by eating other animals!. The
human body requires this nutrient, but does not synthesize it the way some
other animals do!. Therefore, if humans truly ate no animal foods, and had
no artificial vitamin supplements, they would sicken and die!. In nature,
there are no true "human vegetarians!."" source belowWww@FoodAQ@Com

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