Why can't meat-eaters, vegetarians, and vegans treat each other with respect?!

Question: Why can't meat-eaters, vegetarians, and vegans treat each other with respect!?
I see it all the time on the message boards!. Vegetarians will be attacking meat-eaters for eating meat, vegans will be attacking meat-eaters and sometimes they'll accuse vegetarians of not actually caring about the animals!. A lot of times, when vegetarians or vegans ask a question about meat-eaters attacking them, all meat-eaters have to say is "well it's the same way with vegetarians attacking us!." This never solves the problem, and they are attacking the vegetarian asking the question too, or at least it seems that way!. Meat-eaters often answer vegetarian questions complaining about how obnoxious vegetarians are!. Vegetarians are guilty of the same thing!. I don't understand why people can't just be open-minded about the choices other people make, and accept that they can't change other people's minds for them!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

I fully agree with you, this is why I rarely come in here anymore!. I cannot stand how everyone treats each other in here!. Everybody has a right to an opinion but nobody has the right to judge!.
I am a vegetarian who is engaged to a meat eater!.

Yes, we do care about wild animals, but there is nothing we can do to stop them from being hurt for grains and vegetables!. And really, us not eating meat helps that because most of the crop goes to animals that are for human consumption to eat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

but would you agree that people have the right to do whatever they want if it includes beating the wife after work!? kicking the cat/dog!? slapping around the kids til they are black and blue!? I think not!. no one would give anyone those rights!. so why is it any different in how meat eaters financially support atrocities in factory farming!? there is little difference between someone giving money to al qaeda to kill american soldiers than it is to give money to a factory farm to do what they do to the animals involved!. atleast the soldiers have a fighting chance!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

What your seeing are called 'Flame Wars'!. Some people, who have nothing better to do, post questions like "Why do people kill animals," hoping to get a fight going!. It's best to ignore these type questions, or report them, instead of adding to the fight!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

It is that way with all phases of life because too many people have the need to feel superior regardless to how silly it is!. It goes to prove that if there were no races there would still be racism by another name!. Life is just too short for ignorance!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Agreed!. I'm a Meat Eater but i respect everyone right to eat the way they wish!. I think people hating one another b/c of their eating habits is pathetic & petty!. They are more important things in this world to be angry about!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It really don't matter what people eat (or don't)!. I for one don't care for meat but I also hunt, fish and cook meat of all kinds for my family with no problem!.!.I just prefer to eat veggies and fruit!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes we are!.
But everyone must be WELL INFORMED about the TRUTH about the collateral DAMAGE from his irresponsible ACT towards others!.!.!. like smoking and meat eating!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

As always, respect cannot be given!. It's earned!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

food is one thing familiar to all people, and everyone thinks they are the ultimate expert on it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

because ther all a** holes!.
any one like that is!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Good question!
I have used this site for information, my son is vegan, and the rest of the family are meat eaters!. We fully and completely support and RESPECT his choices, and he does the same for us!.
It really is just a lack of respect for the difference in people and their own personal choices!. There is no reason for the hating, I think that the people who make the rude disrespectful comments just have nothing better to do!. My son calls them "soap box vegan/vegitarians"
We hunt and eat our game, we rarely buy meat from the store because as a meat-eater I agree with some of the views that vegetarians have, We also grow our own vegetables and get our eggs from a an organic farmer!.
At family gatherings we grill our meat and also have vegan dishes for my son and his friends, we are all able to co-exist without a problem, because we have respect for each other!.
After his nephew shot his first deer, my vegan son was there to congratulate him, he chooses not to hunt himself anymore, but he has enough respect to understand that not everyone must share the same beliefs that he does!.
Its all about respect and its a shame that people just dont get it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well, that is a good question!.

I am a vegan, and my husband is not, he eats meat and stuff!.!.so we can co-exist, and even love!.!.!.

He, my husband, is a Christian, and he believes, according to the Bible, that animals were 'created' for people!. The reason they are around is so that we can eat them, etc!. I respect him and his religion!.
I, on the other hand, am Buddhist, I respect all life the same, people and animals!. I don't kill bugs (I set them free)!. And my hubby respects me!. We may not agree on religion or what to eat but we do respect each other!.

I don't like the fact that most people eat animals, but people are entitled to their own choices and beliefs!. What I really dislike is when meat-eaters are entirely disrespectful about eating meat, laughing, awful advertising depicting a round pig smiling selling ribs!.!.!.stuff like that really bothers me!. People that see live animals and say!.!.!.mmm that looks delicious!. That is just really disrespectful to animals and those who love animals!.

Although I would like to see (many) more people choose vegan and vegetarian lifestyles I cannot force them, and I have to respect them in their decision!.

By the way see the movie "Year of the Dog"Www@FoodAQ@Com

I don't give a toss what people do with their lives, I only care about animal cruelty!. Just please don't be hypocritical and say you care about animals and then go and contribute to their cruelty by eating meat!. Just be honest to yourself and others!.

I have no intention of trying to stop people eating what they want but every intention of trying to stop animal cruelty!.

I respect their choice to eat meat but I do not respect them personally, that is my choice!.

This is supposed to be a vegetarian and vegan category so why do the meat eaters bother to post here if not to try and incite the vegetarians/vegans!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I realized it happens in real life too!. I respect everyone for there choices, and i know a lot of people that flip out on me, bring me down, and saying stuff like did you see that commercial (where Wendy's says the meat-a tarian) Don't you hate them, you will hate anyone that does that!. And i won't hate them, i hate it when people tell me that!. I am a vegetarian!. And i accept if u eat meat, people even asked if it will be alright if they can eat it in front of me!. I am not gonna stop you!. Yea i turned like 2 people into vegetarians!. but i never said a thing, they just thought it was so thoughtful of me!. Just accept each others opinions!. I mean really!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's because everyone has an opinion and a lot of people are strong willed!. Meat eaters make fun of vegetarians because they feel they need to defend their reasons for eating meat!. Vegetarians wish meat-eaters could see it from their prospective!. Vegans really do make more sacrifices than vegetarians for the sake of animals!. They cut all the cruel products out instead of just some!.

If everyone kept quiet about their own beliefs there were would be way less vegetarians!. I never knew what animals had to go through for the sake of people eating them and consuming their eggs and milk!. Now that I know my life is better!. I feel great too!. If no one had voiced their thoughts and told me the truth I would still be eating whatever and not even thinking about the consequences of my actions!.

Sorry vegetarians!. I can tell what I said made you mad by how many thumbs down I got!. It's true though!. You can lie to yourself, but in the end you are still causing animals to suffer by consuming dairy and eggs!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I could care less what people choose their diet to be!. But I won't tolerate the idiot vegetarians in here (only some) that seem to be holier than thou when it comes to morality and such!. It's the biggest hypocrisy ever!. The Fall harvest is about to begin!. How many vegetarians are going to be out and about in farm fields making sure fawns, raccoons, geese, turkeys, etc!. aren't being run over by combines!? You know, since they DO care about animals and all!.!.!. (riggggght)Www@FoodAQ@Com

I 100% agree with Codger!.

And no, don't pick out Codger, he's telling the absolute truth, you'll say you love animals but you don't realize, there's a ton of animals getting chopped up under the combine that cuts your precious wheat!.

Good game, hypocrite!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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