What Do Vegetarians Eat?!

Question: What Do Vegetarians Eat!?
Do Vegetarians eat Fish!. Do they also eat eggs, Cheese, Milk ect, or do only Vegans not eat dairy!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Vegetarians do not eat fish, People often confuse vegetarians with pescetarians!. Pescetarians are people who don't eat any type of animal except fish!. Vegans are people who don't eat anything that comes fro animals!.

Vegetarians- Do not eat any type of meat/animal!.
Pescetarians- Do not eat any type of animal except for fish!.
Vegans- Do not eat any type of meat/animal, animal byproduct, anything including animal byproducts!.!.( Milk, eggs, cheese!.!.!.etc!.)
Fruititarian- Have same restrictions as Vegans plus only eat ROTTEN fruit!.

Congratulations on becoming vegetarian!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Vegetarians do not eat dead animals!. This absolutely includes fish and other sea creatures!. No flesh at all!.

Vegetarians may opt to include foods from living animals, like eggs and dairy products!. In the US, most people who identify themselves as vegetarian are lacto-ovo-vegetarian, meaning they eat both (lacto- refers to milk, ovo- to eggs!.) In India, most vegetarians are lacto-vegetarians, meaning no eggs!. One may opt not to eat either dairy or eggs and still not be vegan!.

Veganism, by definition, extends beyond diet to lifestyle!. Vegans don't eat, use, wear, purchase or otherwise consume anything of animal origin whatsoever, to the extent that that's possible!.

Pescetarian is the term for a person who would otherwise be a vegetarian, but does eat fish/seafood!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Vegetarians that eat fish are "pescetarian"!. http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Pescetarian!.!.!.

As far as I know most vegetarians also eat eggs and dairy; however, according to wikipedia, they're actually called "Ovo-lacto vegetarians" (http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Ovo-lacto_v!.!.!. According to wikipedia, those that exclude milk but not eggs are called "ovo vegetarians (http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Ovo_vegetar!.!.!. and those that exclude eggs but not milk are called "lacto vegetarians" (http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Lacto_veget!.!.!.

And no, I don't know this off the top of my head, I used Google, lolWww@FoodAQ@Com

Short answer: Food!.

More complicated answer: Vegetarians eat fruit, vegetables, grains, beans, nuts, dairy products, and eggs!. They do not eat the flesh of any animal, and this includes fish and other sea creatures!. I don't know why people are STILL so confused!. There is no such thing as "a vegetarian who eats fish!." Pescatarian refers to someone who eats no flesh but fish, and someone's gotta get on the Merriam-Webster folks about this!.

Vegans avoid all animal products, including dairy, eggs, honey; and non-food items, such as silk, wool, leather, and fur!. That's a little more complex than what you asked!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you are a vegetarian, you could be doing it for a couple different reasons!.

Either you believe that it is the healthier route to take, in which case eating dairy & fish is acceptable & usually prefferable, or you are a "semi animal rights activist" meaning you dont have a moral problem with eating fish, milk, etc!. but refrain from eating chicken, beef, pork, & other "major animals"!.

If you are a vegan, which most likely you are not so much for health reasons, but because you are an animal rights activist, in which case you are against eating dairy, eggs, fish, & obviously meat as well as being against wearing leather, fur, or any other animal products!.

In either case, if you do not eat meat, some typical foods you may eat are soy based products, drink soy milk, tofu, lots of veggies, pastas, other starches, nuts, grains, regular food for the most part!. There are "meat like" foods such as chickenLESS nuggets (really good), which are based on soy, etc!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

True Vegitarians don't eat fish and they don't eat any animal products like chicken!. People who don't eat meat, chicken or pork products, but still eat seafood are called Peskitarians!. (forgive spelling if incorrect) I was one for 45 days and I couldn't believe the weight loss!. I did replace meats with meat and chicken replacements that darn near tasted as good, if not better than the real thing!. There are products at the store and some restaurants have it!.

People who don't eat meats, cheese or eggs or any animal products are called Vegans!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No, true vegetarians don't eat any meat, including fish!. Vegans eat no meat or animal by-products & don't wear animal skin either!.

You will find names for sub-categories of vegetarians in the following link!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Salads, fruits, skim milk, non-fat foods with mostly vitamins and protein!. Broiled food as well!. White rice, cheese, potassium which bannas serve very great on!. Some ok raw foods!. Almost anything just not made from animals, fat, and high sugars!.

Ungrilled or cooked sea food is a recomondation!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Vegetarians eat everything but meat!. Anything that was alive and moving, they don't eat it!.

Vegans eat everything but meat and animal by-products, which includes any sort of dairy, bee's honey, gelatin, and anything with eggs!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Most vegetarians eat cheese!. Some cheese aren't strictly vegetarian though!. Some brands are!.

Basically, a vegetarian doesn't eat anything that comes from a dead animal!.

A vegan doesn't eat anything that comes from an animal living or dead!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Vegetarians eat anything but dead animals (including fish) and slaughter by products!. Many do use dairy and eggs but choose cheeses and other dairy that do not have slaughter by products in them like gelatin and animal rennet!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

vegans don't eat anything that comes from or was part of an animal and some vegetarians eat fish and eggs, but most don't!. And vegetarians do eat dairyWww@FoodAQ@Com

Hiya!.!.!.!.!.vegans don't eat anything that comes from or was part of an animal and some vegetarians eat fish and eggs, And vegetarians do eat dairy!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.


vegans do not eat any animal products, vegetarians usually eat cheese, eggs etc
!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

only vegans dont eat dairy products/eggs!.!.!. some vegetarians eat fishWww@FoodAQ@Com

Some vegetarians east fish but I don't know WHERE that logic comes from!.
Most don't though!.

They can eat cheese, milk etc!. It's the Vegans who can't!.

My friend is a vergetarian and she eats Chicken, Fish, and lots of veggies!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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