What can I eat. I don't like to kill anything?!
If I went vegetarian maybe the diet is not good enough!. And then how about killing plants, maybe they feel things as well!. Got a bit bothered about cleaning the sink after 22 days as I am killing all the bacteria!.
Do I have the right to kill any living thing!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Do I have the right to kill any living thing!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
I can't help but get the feeling that you are trying to make a point instead of asking a genuine question!. If that's the case, then you need no answer from me!. If you are truly curious I have some advice for you!. Life feeds on life; this is true!. Anyone that has ever explored their backyard can come to that conclusion!. However, altruism does have its place in the world!. For example, I do not eat meat because I am disgusted by the way that food animals are treated in the industry!. I use my lifestyle as a living protest!. Should I be stranded or otherwise unable to feed myself or others around me, I would hunt and kill!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Thanks for the video!.!. good incentive for cleaning my sink!
The crucial difference between animals and plants/bacteria is that animals are sentient beings capable of feeling happiness, joy, sorrow, and a desire to live!.
Bacteria, plants, and rocks don't have anything similar to a nervous system!. They don't show any behavior which would indicate that they possess consciousness!. They are not capable of experiencing pain, suffering, or a desire to live!.!.!.!. they are not capable of feeling anything whatsoever!.
I doubt that this is a serious question!. In case it is, vegetarians eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and grains!. There are also lots of good-tasting faux meats available these days!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
The crucial difference between animals and plants/bacteria is that animals are sentient beings capable of feeling happiness, joy, sorrow, and a desire to live!.
Bacteria, plants, and rocks don't have anything similar to a nervous system!. They don't show any behavior which would indicate that they possess consciousness!. They are not capable of experiencing pain, suffering, or a desire to live!.!.!.!. they are not capable of feeling anything whatsoever!.
I doubt that this is a serious question!. In case it is, vegetarians eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and grains!. There are also lots of good-tasting faux meats available these days!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
You sound like a troll!.
If you’re not, then take note that microorganisms and things like that aren’t conscious beings, they aren’t aware of their own existence!.
Animals are, they value their own lives and fear their own demise!. They have their own purposes for living, they aren’t there for our breakfast, our lab experiments, our belt, shoes or hamburger, our entertainment or our hunting pleasure!. The animals of the world exist for their own reasons!. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for whites or women for men!. This is animal rights!.
As far as we can tell, plants aren’t sentient, they’re not aware of their own being so don’t have rights like animals do!. Bacteria is a no-brainer!.
Even if plants are actually sentient, then by being vegan, you’re ‘killing’ around 16 times less of them, as it takes 16lb of grain to produce 1lb of meat!.
And if they were proved to be sentient, I’d go fruitatarian!. But how is that going to happen globally if people don’t stop exploiting living beings we KNOW FOR SURE are sentient!?!
Vegetarianism is a start, but I don’t think it is good enough!. Animals in the egg and milk industry are exploited and suffer just the same!. It is infinitesimally less difficult to be vegan than it is for those farm animals to continue enduring abuse and eventual murder!.
Only by being vegan are you not exploiting and causing suffering to animals, this is the progression that should be aimed for!. Let us think of plants another day!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
If you’re not, then take note that microorganisms and things like that aren’t conscious beings, they aren’t aware of their own existence!.
Animals are, they value their own lives and fear their own demise!. They have their own purposes for living, they aren’t there for our breakfast, our lab experiments, our belt, shoes or hamburger, our entertainment or our hunting pleasure!. The animals of the world exist for their own reasons!. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for whites or women for men!. This is animal rights!.
As far as we can tell, plants aren’t sentient, they’re not aware of their own being so don’t have rights like animals do!. Bacteria is a no-brainer!.
Even if plants are actually sentient, then by being vegan, you’re ‘killing’ around 16 times less of them, as it takes 16lb of grain to produce 1lb of meat!.
And if they were proved to be sentient, I’d go fruitatarian!. But how is that going to happen globally if people don’t stop exploiting living beings we KNOW FOR SURE are sentient!?!
Vegetarianism is a start, but I don’t think it is good enough!. Animals in the egg and milk industry are exploited and suffer just the same!. It is infinitesimally less difficult to be vegan than it is for those farm animals to continue enduring abuse and eventual murder!.
Only by being vegan are you not exploiting and causing suffering to animals, this is the progression that should be aimed for!. Let us think of plants another day!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Mostly everything we wear, eat, smoke, drink, was once alive in some way or another!. If you are worried about killing everything, then maybe you should just take vitamins and drink shakes instead of eating or drinking real food and drink!.
I don't know, that is the weirdest thing I have heard all day to be honest!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
I don't know, that is the weirdest thing I have heard all day to be honest!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
You can eat nuts and things that fall off the plant or tree!.
The lovely thing about being human is that we have all kinds of choices!. Yours may not be the healthiest of diets, but you have the freedom to choose it!.
People give their lives for their principles every single day!.
Good luck and God bless with living up to your own standards!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
The lovely thing about being human is that we have all kinds of choices!. Yours may not be the healthiest of diets, but you have the freedom to choose it!.
People give their lives for their principles every single day!.
Good luck and God bless with living up to your own standards!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
THIS IS AMERICA, HAVE A DAMN STEAK OR TWO! I'm just playing, but don't get all crazy you kill thousands of brain cells everyday and they have life!. Its almost physically impossible to not kill anything!. Do you take showers!? I hope you do, you kill bacteria then too, same when you brush your teeth!. Come on relax, and vegan isn't always the best way to go!.!.!. a lot of them end up dieing in the future from some sort or related form of malnourishment!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
food chain:
bird of prey - small bird - insect - plant
each of those kills the thing below it in order to live
did you know you kill one-cell organisms by walking across grass!?
seriously, if you're that fussed, you're going to starve!. that, or some infection will get you - the bacteria aren't fussed!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
bird of prey - small bird - insect - plant
each of those kills the thing below it in order to live
did you know you kill one-cell organisms by walking across grass!?
seriously, if you're that fussed, you're going to starve!. that, or some infection will get you - the bacteria aren't fussed!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
You are making yourself part of the universe as you join in the food chain!.!.!.but!.!.!.
You could look at Buddists' diet on the internet, particularly the Jains who wear mouth guards and sweep the floors before they walk so that they will not accidently kill insects!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
You could look at Buddists' diet on the internet, particularly the Jains who wear mouth guards and sweep the floors before they walk so that they will not accidently kill insects!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
I am veggie too and you can have an amazing diet as long as you are smart about it!. also if you don't kill anything that all you are left with is fruit that has fallen from a tree already and seeds, which is a really bad diet!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Why wouldn't you have a right to kill living things!? Keep on mind that the other living things also eat each other to survive!. So as long as you only kill to survive yourself you aren't any worse than other animals!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
A life is a life, regardless of whether it's sentient or not!. Killing an animal, a plant, or bacteria are all the same, you took a life!. To live, you must kill, that is the way it is!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
If you starve yourself to death, you won't have to worry anymore and if you let yourself die in the woods, imagine all trillions of bacteria you could give life to!!!!!!!! =D
OMG, think of all the happy scavengers and insects!!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com
OMG, think of all the happy scavengers and insects!!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com
In that case, you can drink water, and eat fruits and nuts!.
I wonder if being a troll is like being high all the time!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I wonder if being a troll is like being high all the time!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
So you've never heard a lettuce scream when it's pulled out of the ground, or seen a banana shudder when you peel off its skin!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Get a f*****g grip!! If you like the taste of something then eat it!! If you dont then dont eat it! Stop being such a freak asking stupid questions!!Www@FoodAQ@Com
burgers YOU don't have to kill it the butcher will do it
Maybe you need counseling!.
If I lock you up in a room for a day or two without food, you might eat a cow alive!Www@FoodAQ@Com
If I lock you up in a room for a day or two without food, you might eat a cow alive!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Quit being such a pussy and kill everyoneWww@FoodAQ@Com
have a carrotWww@FoodAQ@Com
i think you should go to live in Tibet,High up you know!.grouchoWww@FoodAQ@Com
u cud eat bread cereal and milk mac and cheese fettichiny alfredo rice potatoes yogurt tortillas ice cream cookies nachoes chips cheetos nuts chocolate pies like chocolate or pecan!. well thats all i can think of!Www@FoodAQ@Com