I have a question about going vegetarian?!
This is a bit nasty, I know, but I am just wondering if this is normal and I do not know anyone that is vegetarian to ask!. Is it normal that once you change your diet that you have, well, "loose stool!?" I apologize for being so gross, but I am starting to get concerned, as since I have made the change, I have had stomach issues of this type (about two days now)!. THANKS SO MUCH!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Make sure you eat legumes and grains mixed along with your vegetables and that will eventually keep you regular!. Yes!. What you're going through is normal!. Your digestive system has to adjust to the increase in fiber!. Being a new vegetarian is like trial by fire !. It's almost impossible to get it perfect but gets easier with time!. Hang in there!.
P!.S!. At least four servings of whole grain a day and three of some type of legume!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
P!.S!. At least four servings of whole grain a day and three of some type of legume!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Well i didnt notice a change and ive been vegetarian for over a year now and vegan for a month!.
if you have a drastic change in eating patterns then that might be why
eg!. if you ate alot of meat every day and then just completely cut it out!. or if you now eat alot of fibre and things like that!.
if you have a drastic change in eating patterns then that might be why
eg!. if you ate alot of meat every day and then just completely cut it out!. or if you now eat alot of fibre and things like that!.
Your stomach is just getting used to the change of your eating habit!. Everybody stomach is different just give it time, later on you will see the difference in your health!. My advice is just stick with your new Diet and give it a chance!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
A large change in fiber intake in any diet can cause loose stools!. Are you sure they are really loose!? As a vegetarian you will notice they tend to be more loose, but still healthy, actually optimal!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Any change in your diet could account for such!.
If it continues to be a problem for an extended period of time - I would consult your doctor!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
If it continues to be a problem for an extended period of time - I would consult your doctor!.Www@FoodAQ@Com