Im a vegetarian and i want to become a vegan.....?!

Question: Im a vegetarian and i want to become a vegan!.!.!.!.!.!?
what cant i eat
what can i eat

i dont want stupid people telling me to eat meatWww@FoodAQ@Com

A VEGAN (pronounced like "begin", VEE-gin ) (some say veg like beg) is basically someone who shuns all animal products, from their diet, their clothes, and even other items they use!.
While some choose being vegan for health reasons and environmental reasons, most choose it because they don't believe in causing any pain to any creature, particularly since it is so unnecessary, and/or they believe we just should let all animals live their own natural lives, without our interfering!.

The main difference between a vegan and a vegetarian is that a lot of vegetarians still use dairy and egg products and aren't as strict in their lifestyles!. Some people are vegetarians for supposed health reason, and/or environmental protection reasons, while some are for anti cruelty/animal rights!. Although cutting down on any animal product will be better for ones health, the environment, and reduce some cruelty, to be truely best for ones health, the planets health, and to reduce animal cruelty to a minimum, one must be a vegan!.
BUT, it is important to note that ANY steps a person can take, to reduce their consumption of animal products is a good thing, and hopefully lead to more!.!.!.

check this site out


It is rather a strange question, as most people take this step for moral reasons and therefore know what it is that they don't want to eat!. If it were for health reasons, they'd just cut back on fatty foods!.

Vegans eat and use no animal products at all!. Honey and wool are optional - some vegans use them, some don't!.

Vegans get their protein from combining pulses and cereals (e!.g!. chick pea curry and rice or beans on toast), also from nuts and soya products!. Obviously they eat veg and fruit too!.

You will need to take a vitamin B12 supplement, as it is not in the natural vegan diet!. It is important for your health, so don't think about skipping it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

A good book to get is the 'Animal Free Shopper', available from the Vegan Society's website!. It lists lots of products that are ok for Vegans!. Sainsburys has also starting marking some of it's products as vegan, which is very handy! Unfortunately a LOT of food contains egg or milk, so you have to be very careful when buying stuff!. There are a few Lynda Mccartney products (like her sausages, sausage rolls and country pies) that are vegan!. Unfortunately no Quorn product is :-(!.
Holland and Barrett also do a fair few things in their chilled section which are nice - I recommend Fry's hot dog sausages - they are yummy!
I have yet to find a vegan cheese that I actually like, although there are a few different varities out there!.
Alpro Soya do some lovely yoghurts and their Soya milk is nice too!.
For chocolate and cakes, have a look in the 'free from' section in supermarkets!. It's normally wheat free too, but some of the stuff is nice!. You can also eat dark chocolate, Green and Black's organic is nice!.
If you can't manage to cut everything out, try to cut down as much as possible!. I am vegetarian, but eat as much vegan as I can!.!.!. it is very difficult to eat out in a cafe or restaurant as all veggie sandwiches etc are either cheese or egg!.!.!.
Good luck! :-)Www@FoodAQ@Com

I am 35 years old, and have been a vegan since I was 13!.
Vegans do not eat any animal products and/or animal based prod whatsoever!. That said there are many choices for you to make wonderful and tasty healthy meals!!

All fruit/ableceptable!.!.!.all dairy free pastas, beans grains legumes and rices are wonderful choices!.

you can thicken all soupes and sauses with agar agar a seaweed based thickening agent(high in protien) and for creamy additions add soy milks in plain and many tasty flavours,just add the afore mentioned agar agar and some spices and voila! an amazing cream sauce!!

Tofu can be used for dips and cheese replacements simlpy add to blender or food processor add what ever flavourings you wish and stir in chives mint whatever the possibilities are endless!

You will be thin happy have more energy than you ever dreamed and all your friends will envy your amazing complextion!!!!!!

experiment and have a great time!!

P!.S!. if you require more protien just stirr in some bean based protien powder to you orange juice delicious!!!

Best wishes, Victoria!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

why not buy your own chickens

and if your have a property - a dairy cow

they make wonderfull pets

i was born adn raied on a farm - so i grew up if i wanted meat i had to pluck it myself

so i consider myself vegetarian - if not vegan

i definatly do not eat mean

and i do not eat commericially produced animal product for the welfare of the animals

i beleive everyone should have to expereince living on self contained farm - because it relaly changes your views on everything

because of how i was raised i learnt that there are better ways to eat than to harm animals and i have no desire to eat meat at all

and by having my own chickens or cattle i can still make cakes or have an egg because i look after them as my pets and i make sure they are not being harmed

its definately worth it


First step is to totally stop consume egg/milk-this one is easy!.
Next step is to stop consume daily product-this is more difficult!.

Than you need to take vitamin B12 enriched food or take B12 supplements!.
You might also need bio-calcium supplemets!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Vegans don't eat anything derived from animals!. Not only meat, but no dairy products or eggs!. You can get dairy substitutes made from soya milk!.

Most people get their daily calcium intake from dairy products, so calcium deficiency can be a problem!. Almonds are a good source or take supplements - they're cheap and widely available!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

im a veggie and have often thought about being a vegan but think i would struggle too!!i would miss cheese too!not sure if you like tofu!?i love tofu!.!.can make so much witht that!.!.im addicted to a cheese sauce at the moment and its dairy free from tesco or any store!.!.add soy milk to it and add it to millet(great cooked then lightly fried)and crumbled tofu and then stuff peppers with this mixture and oven bake for a short while!.!.i had that this week!.!.it was lovely!!
you can have pasta with vegan pesto sauce!.!.there is a lot out there but its just telling yourself you can do it!i was vegan when i was younger for a couple of yesrs but as i was a kid i relied on parents to cook!!I REMEMBER WE HAD SOYA CHNUNKS A LOT!.!.THATS NICE WITH GRAVY!.!.OOH sorry gone to capital letters!! ; )
good luck with it!.!.i have dairy free milk and margarine anyway!.!.gradually make small changes xxWww@FoodAQ@Com


Soy Milk
Rice Milk
Almond Milk

Some tough things to give up:

No chocolate (it has dairy)!.
No caramel (dairy)
No pizza (unless you eat it with no cheese)
No yogurt

Why do you want to become vegan if you don't even know what it is or entails!? You have to eat nothing but earth and leaves I'm afraid - UNLUCKY!!

Cin2win - Cows are one of the biggest contributors to green house gases!. Methane is also a far more effective green house gas!.
Animals eat animals its a natural process (far more natural then only eating lettuce) deal with it, stop pretending you're whiter than white!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


eat fish Www@FoodAQ@Com

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