Is there a meat factory that does not abuse it's animals?!
After realizing the sheer routine torture animals go through in the average meat factory, I'm now looking for a brand of meat that really does take decent care of the animals before Execution Day!. Any proof of this care would also be greatly appreciated!!!
Here's a link to a video about the ways the animals are treated!. Truly terrifying!. I can take a lot of horror, but this was too much!.
Thank you in advance for all and any answers,
Here's a link to a video about the ways the animals are treated!. Truly terrifying!. I can take a lot of horror, but this was too much!.
Thank you in advance for all and any answers,
Yes and no!. You'll be hard-pressed to find a factory farm that gives animals a natural and happy life!. That being said, there certainly are farms out there that are environmentally-friendly and dedicated to giving their animals a good life!. Look for "pasture-raised," which means that the animals were actually allowed outside to graze, find roughage, scratch for bugs, etc!. If you go for game, too, you'll wind up with animals that lived outside in a natural environment!.
As for the transport and slaughter, you'll need to do more research!. Some farmers do their best to make the experience the least unpleasant as possible (such as insisting that their load of animals goes into the slaughterhouse first, so they don't have to wait on trucks all day being hot and afraid)!. Some farms will slaughter on-site, eliminating the need for a slaughterhouse and transportation!.
It sounds like you care more about the animal's quality of life than the fact that it winds up dead (I'm like that too), so you can probably safely eat some meat!.
Check out Whole Foods as a source of meat!. You can find their own personal standards on the website!. If you run a web search on "pasture-raised" or "naturally-raised" and "organic" and whatever kind of meat you want plus "farm" you should find a few!. Their websites usually give you a pretty clear indication of their practices!.
Check out Wild Idea Buffalo!. The owner restored acres and acres of natural prairie grassland in order to raise buffalo!. Basically, they run around on there until they get old enough and big enough to be eaten!. Besides fences, the only structure on there is a short run for tagging them (which I don't entirely agree with, but I think they need to do it for legal reasons)!. When it's time to get a buffalo, they bring an inspector out in the field with them and shoot the buffalo there!.
Basically, the buffalo spend their entire lives on the prairie, doing normal buffalo things!. No antibiotics or hormones used!. If a buffalo gets sick, they let it die!. They're fully dedicated to a natural and harmonious business!.
As for the transport and slaughter, you'll need to do more research!. Some farmers do their best to make the experience the least unpleasant as possible (such as insisting that their load of animals goes into the slaughterhouse first, so they don't have to wait on trucks all day being hot and afraid)!. Some farms will slaughter on-site, eliminating the need for a slaughterhouse and transportation!.
It sounds like you care more about the animal's quality of life than the fact that it winds up dead (I'm like that too), so you can probably safely eat some meat!.
Check out Whole Foods as a source of meat!. You can find their own personal standards on the website!. If you run a web search on "pasture-raised" or "naturally-raised" and "organic" and whatever kind of meat you want plus "farm" you should find a few!. Their websites usually give you a pretty clear indication of their practices!.
Check out Wild Idea Buffalo!. The owner restored acres and acres of natural prairie grassland in order to raise buffalo!. Basically, they run around on there until they get old enough and big enough to be eaten!. Besides fences, the only structure on there is a short run for tagging them (which I don't entirely agree with, but I think they need to do it for legal reasons)!. When it's time to get a buffalo, they bring an inspector out in the field with them and shoot the buffalo there!.
Basically, the buffalo spend their entire lives on the prairie, doing normal buffalo things!. No antibiotics or hormones used!. If a buffalo gets sick, they let it die!. They're fully dedicated to a natural and harmonious business!.
There are no farm animals raised for food that are treated fairly!. It would be too expensive to treat them in the way they deserve to be treated!. It's all about money and farmers do things as cheaply as they can, often not taking the animals well-being into consideration!.
The animals are fed well so they will be worth money, but they also pumped full of hormones and antibiotics so they will grow bigger than normal and not get sick from the squalid conditions!.
Factory farms are the worst, though other kinds of farms are not very much different!.
The animals are fed well so they will be worth money, but they also pumped full of hormones and antibiotics so they will grow bigger than normal and not get sick from the squalid conditions!.
Factory farms are the worst, though other kinds of farms are not very much different!.
I really don't think that it is possible to find a slaughterhouse that doesn't abuse it's animals!. Even if they are treated well up until "execution day"!.!.!. they are still killed and having their throats sliced and bleeding to death, that, my friend, is still inhumane!.
Unfortunately, it can never happen because as somebody else pointed out, keeping an ill animal will not pay out in the end, and will not be good quality meat!. For the amount of animals that are kept to grow beside one another and not be able to move around, they have to torture them (in different ways for different animals) but it will always be the same!.
it's very unfortunate actually!.!.!. sorry to inform you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Unfortunately, it can never happen because as somebody else pointed out, keeping an ill animal will not pay out in the end, and will not be good quality meat!. For the amount of animals that are kept to grow beside one another and not be able to move around, they have to torture them (in different ways for different animals) but it will always be the same!.
it's very unfortunate actually!.!.!. sorry to inform you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
They're all killed before they are even adults!. Really, they are all children!. Innocent and defenceless!. It is never 'humane' or 'compassionate' to end another's life or to otherwise cause that life misery for food, entertainment, hunting or experiments!.
In answer to your question, no meat factory does not abuse its animals!. also, no egg or milk factory does not abuse it's animals!. By denying an animal of it's rights, you are abusing it!.
I'm glad you're thinking about the animals, but please consider becoming vegan!. Even if that means baby steps including gradually less meat each week and the various stages of vegetarianism!. Animals always suffer when we exploit them for our own wants, they will only be freed from slavery when we stop using them!.
I hope this helps,
In answer to your question, no meat factory does not abuse its animals!. also, no egg or milk factory does not abuse it's animals!. By denying an animal of it's rights, you are abusing it!.
I'm glad you're thinking about the animals, but please consider becoming vegan!. Even if that means baby steps including gradually less meat each week and the various stages of vegetarianism!. Animals always suffer when we exploit them for our own wants, they will only be freed from slavery when we stop using them!.
I hope this helps,
Most farmers do not torture animals!. A tortured and sick animal is thin, of poor quality and generally will not fetch a good price at market!. So it does not pay (literally) to keep sick, tortures animals!. The "torture" occurs during transport, handling, before and during the slaughter process itself!.
Cows, pigs are usually treated well until "Execution Day" as you call it!. Chickens, because of the sheer numbers involved, are treated less than ideal!. A single sick cow will cost the farmer dearly!. A few chickens won't!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Cows, pigs are usually treated well until "Execution Day" as you call it!. Chickens, because of the sheer numbers involved, are treated less than ideal!. A single sick cow will cost the farmer dearly!. A few chickens won't!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
There is no cruelty free meat!. Meat means murder!. There are several levels of cruelty of course, but the fact remains the animal must be slaughtered somehow to become a product!. We don't need animal flesh to live!. If the people of the world became vegan/vegetarian, the impact on the environment would be significant and we would be able to feed the starving nations, as animal protein is highly inefficient and requires more energy and resources to produce less food!. So, not only is meat cruel to the victimized animals, but it is also cruel to the starving people of the world who could be fed if a plant-based agricultural system was adopted!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
how can there ever be a meat industry that doesn't abuse animals!? Their main purpose is to slice up all the animals and market them!. if you really feel that guilty, just go vegetarian!. it isn't hard at all!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Cars, typewriters, and radios come from factories!.
Meat comes from farms and slaughterhouses!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Meat comes from farms and slaughterhouses!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
killing is abuse!. my parents raise free range cows, they eventually die!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I don't think there is!. No matter how the animals are treated during their "life", when they are killed it is most likely very scary and painfull for the animals!. And have you seen those semi trucks carrying the animals!? That has to be horrifying for them to go through!. I have seen those trucks, I work near a truck stop!. One night there was one of those trucks filling up and I could hear cows kind of mooing, but these weren't moos, they were more like moans!. Very hard to describe how they sounded, but it made me feel depressed!. Especially knowing that they were so close to me that I could free them, but couldn't!.
If you really want to continue eating meat, I suggest cutting down your intake, buying organic (even though it may still be cruel it may not be as bad for the animals), and don't eat meat at fast food places!. Every little bit helps the animals!. also try some fake meats, the fake chicken patties are delicious and my very much a meat eater fiance LOVES the fake corn dogs!. The video you saw is horrifying, I have seen some of it but had to stop!. It will haunt me forever!.
Good luck:)Www@FoodAQ@Com
If you really want to continue eating meat, I suggest cutting down your intake, buying organic (even though it may still be cruel it may not be as bad for the animals), and don't eat meat at fast food places!. Every little bit helps the animals!. also try some fake meats, the fake chicken patties are delicious and my very much a meat eater fiance LOVES the fake corn dogs!. The video you saw is horrifying, I have seen some of it but had to stop!. It will haunt me forever!.
Good luck:)Www@FoodAQ@Com