What are things one should pay special attention to when following a vegetarian diet? ?!
My teeth ache :-) It sounds funny but I thought it might be due to vitamin deficiency!. What things do you need to pay special attention to when following a vegetarian diet!? Are there additional vitamins I should take!? Www@FoodAQ@Com
you should watch your vitamin B12 and iron, and make sure you get enough protein (not a vitamin, but still important!)!. if you eat dairy you should be good for calcium, but if not you need that from other sources!.
if you follow a good diet you shouldn't "need" vitamin supplements, but a good multivitamin never hurts!.
a deficiency of other vitamins isn't necessarily due to being vegetarian, there are lots of meat-eaters that don't get their required nutrients!. so just eat a balanced diet, take a vitamin if you want, and you should be good!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
if you follow a good diet you shouldn't "need" vitamin supplements, but a good multivitamin never hurts!.
a deficiency of other vitamins isn't necessarily due to being vegetarian, there are lots of meat-eaters that don't get their required nutrients!. so just eat a balanced diet, take a vitamin if you want, and you should be good!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Yes, B12, iron, calcium and niacin!. Go to the health food store -- most of them carry multivitamin tablets that are specially formulated for vegetarians, and have minerals and vitamins a vegetarian needs to stay healthy!. You will also need to pay attention to your protein intake!. Beans and lentils are high in protein, as is soy!.
Another idea -- are you suddenly chewing more vegetables than normal!? That might be why your teeth ache!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Another idea -- are you suddenly chewing more vegetables than normal!? That might be why your teeth ache!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
If you are a vegetarian or a vegan, than you will want to pay special attention to the food ingredients such as "chicken fat", "gelatin" because it has bones, hooves and hides in it!. You will want to pay attention to "Rennet"!. That is all that I can think of at the moment!. My parents are vegetarians, so if you have any more questions just ask via email!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Watch your carb intake and make sure you are incorporating enough fiber & protein into your diet (i!.e!. whole grain rice/pasta in moderation, legumes, and nuts)!. Soy crumbles, veggies burgers, & chocolate soy milk are god sends!. Bulk up on your vitamins, explore your produce department, & pick up some veggie cookbooks!. Who needs meat! Www@FoodAQ@Com
be sure to avoid gelatin in the ingredients in any products!. Many times it is not a vegetable source, rather a porcine (pork) or bovine (cow) source!. also be careful of "enzymes"!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Actually no, not because you are vegetarian!. But perhaps your body just requires more of a certain vitamin!. Check with your dentist or doctor!.!.!. they'll be able to let you know exactly what you are needing more of! :)Www@FoodAQ@Com
assuming you still eat dairy regularly!.!.!. vitamin b12 and iron are definitely things you should pay attention to!. :)
less common deficiencies are vitamin D (if you don't get enough sun) and zinc!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
less common deficiencies are vitamin D (if you don't get enough sun) and zinc!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
If you're serious about losing weight you MUST try Acai Berry! I first heard about on Oprah, and I ordered a 14-day FREE trial from this site!. I've already lost some weight and I've got tons more energy!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
You should pay attention to the same things as any other diet!. Eat balanced!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
holly is right!.
you will need to take b12Www@FoodAQ@Com
you will need to take b12Www@FoodAQ@Com