Any vegans out there that used to eat dairy? How did you quit it? I really love egss?!

Question: Any vegans out there that used to eat dairy!? How did you quit it!? I really love egss!?
and went off the wagon today and feel really bad about it!. Eating meat makes me sick (mentally) but eggs just don't bother me for some reason!. How did you kick them or was it easy for you!? Www@FoodAQ@Com

Reading about factory farming conditions for egg-laying hens and watching investigative videos really helped me to stop eating eggs!. Egg-laying hens have it the worst in terms of intensive confinement -- they're unable to even flap their wings and they are denied everything that is natural to them!. Just one egg represents over 24 hours of suffering in a battery cage!.

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From a health standpoint, eggs are loaded with cholesterol -- about 213 milligrams for an average-sized egg!. 70% of the calories in eggs are from fat, and a big portion of that fat is saturated!.

Tofu scramble is a good alternative to scrambled eggs!. Here's a recipe: http://www!.chooseveg!.com/display_recipe!.!.!.!.

I hope this helps with motivation!. Don't feel so badly about falling off the wagon; it happens to most (if not all) vegans at some point!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well I didn't like eggs in the first place but I still ate things with eggs in them like cake, cookies, etc!. It really wasn't that difficult to me because i'm naturally that kind of person who can drop things!. Guess that made it easy for me!. And also the fact that I found how many substitutes there were for things I may miss like ice cream and such, it's really a win win situation for me! I can be cruelty free and still have the things I use to love to eat!Www@FoodAQ@Com

eggs are unborn baby chicks and also part of a chickens mentrual cycle do u really want to eat that!? and eating eggs is disqusting to me i mean poor baby chickies never gotta chance to live and hatch they r so fluffy and theyr chirping is adorable!. bsides eggs taste bad and are unhealthy my advice is to just stop and hav some willpower thats the only way to stik to somthingWww@FoodAQ@Com

Well that just means you are a vegetarian!.
I'm a vegan, & if you truly just want to all together become a vegan, then you will use willpower my friend!. I know it's not easy, but just know there are others with some of the same problems!. Just keep working at it!.
Try substituting it fro something else!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

I was never that fond of eggs!. I kinda miss cheese, but there's decent soy cheeses for making sauces, putting on veggieburgers, for grilled cheese sandwiches, pizza, etc!.

There's egg replacers for baking, and you can use soft tofu to make "tofu scramble", which is quite like scrambled eggs!.

First I switched to vegetarian eggs!.!.!.eggs that are organicall fed and stuff!. They weren't very tasty!.!.!.so I got sick of them and just decided not to eat eggs, You can also try other foods you like that are vegan and taste good to forget about eggs!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

think about ur cholesterol!. mine was high!. and when i stopped the animal products!. (all the meat was messin with my head! i couldn't eat it) boom!. shoots down!.

it's all in ur mind!. you just have to stay strong mentallyWww@FoodAQ@Com

Eggs aren't a dairy product those come from chickens not cows, but if you want to kick eggs give avocados a whirl they have around the same fat/protein content plus i think they are tastierWww@FoodAQ@Com



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