What is the difference between Vegan and vegitarian?!
vegetarian- no meat [sometimes people eat chicken or fish!.!.!.i guess they don't count!.!.!.!?!.!.!.]
vegan-no meat AND no animal products i!.e!. no milk, cheese, eggs, yogurt, ice cream!.!.!.you get the picture!.
good luck?Www@FoodAQ@Com
vegan-no meat AND no animal products i!.e!. no milk, cheese, eggs, yogurt, ice cream!.!.!.you get the picture!.
good luck?Www@FoodAQ@Com
A vegan does not consume or purchase any animals products!.!.!. that includes honey, fur, leather, meat, milk, yogurt, eggs, fish, and anything that has to do with an animal!.
A vegetarian simply just does not consume meat!. However, there are different intensities, for example some may eat fish or white meats, but technically, vegetarians don't eat meat at all!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
A vegetarian simply just does not consume meat!. However, there are different intensities, for example some may eat fish or white meats, but technically, vegetarians don't eat meat at all!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
A vegetarian doesn't eat meat!.
a Vegan doesn't eat any product that comes from an animal!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
a Vegan doesn't eat any product that comes from an animal!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
vegetarians dont east meat
vegans dont eat anything that has animals products from it
milk, cheese, clothing with animal skins, silk from silk wormsWww@FoodAQ@Com
vegans dont eat anything that has animals products from it
milk, cheese, clothing with animal skins, silk from silk wormsWww@FoodAQ@Com