Question for vegans....?!

Question: Question for vegans!.!.!.!.!?
Why do you choose to be vegans!? Just so you know im not trying to be mean or anything because im a vegetarian myself thinking of becoming vegan but i was wondering is there a reason why you won't eat dairy products!? Like is there any harm to the animals to get milk and eggs!? Thankyou Www@FoodAQ@Com

dairy cows live short and painful lives!. they are periodically artificially inseminated and their babies are taken as soon as they're born!. Female calves start the cycle of being a dairy cow and male calves are raised for veal!. Veal calves are stuck in tiny cages where they almost never see the light of day, and they never develop strong bones and muscles because they are kept on very short leashes their whole lives!. A lot of times dairy cows have big painful sores on their udders from the machines that milk them!. They live half as long as their supposed to, then when they die the spent dairy cows are sold for meat!.
Egg laying hens probably have the worst lives of all!. They have their beaks seared off by a hot blade, and their wings clipped at a young age, so they don't peck at each other!. They are stuffed in tiny cages with their own and several other chickens feces ,with barely enough room to lay down!. They live without doing normal chicken-like things like dust bathing, running, or seeing the sun!. They are fed barely enough to survive because they are more fertile when starved!. When the chicks hatch sometimes male chicks are thrown in a food grinder, live, and fed back to the hens!.
So eating eggs and milk products promotes the veal and beef industry, and the poultry industry!.
I am not making any of this up!. This is really what happens, and I find it disgusting, which is why I am vegan!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Vegans choose their lifestyle for either humanitarian/ethical treatment of animals &/or because they believe any/all animal products aren't good for you!. Those who do it from the principle of all animal products being a poor food choice would abstain from that perspective!. As far as ethical treatment of animals, yes, animals are going to produce milk and eggs regardless of whether people consume them or not!. While you would have to ask a "purist" vegan their take on it, they may object to the caged environment the animals are in to harvest milk, eggs, etc!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

well, most milk come from abused cows, who were given artificial insemination so that they can produce more milk, they are drugged, and other horrible things, eggs well that should be obvious they are chicks, but they dont get that chance!. Hope this helps you to become a vegan! ^_^Www@FoodAQ@Com

Cows don't give milk until they are impregnated- just like people!. It's breast milk- for calves!. If the resulting calf is male he is sold for veal!.

In egg-laying operations chicks are sexed when they are a day or two old!. The females are kept, and the male chicks are tossed into plastic bags and left to suffocate, or thrown (alive) into grinders!.

If you really want to know, the following may help you understand!.

there are different kinds of vegitarians, some who eat dairy n some who dont!. some ppl have different beliefs

Well since the eggs were intended to be babies and the milk was intended to help baby cows grow, that would be wrong!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

There is no harm done to animals for milk I am sure of that because they are still alive and you dont hurt themWww@FoodAQ@Com

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