I'm a vegetarian and i don't eat eggs, are vegetarians supposed 2 eat eggs?!
No, vegetarians aren't supposed to eat eggs!. Some eat them, and some don't!.!.!.!. it's a personal choice!. Vegans don't eat any animal products!.
The egg industry is extremely cruel, so avoiding eggs is a good thing!. http://www!.chooseveg!.com/eggs!.aspWww@FoodAQ@Com
The egg industry is extremely cruel, so avoiding eggs is a good thing!. http://www!.chooseveg!.com/eggs!.aspWww@FoodAQ@Com
No, vegetarians are not "supposed to" eat eggs!. They may, however, if they choose!.
Each vegetarian makes his or her own call on foods from living animals, like milk and eggs!. In the US, most vegetarians are lacto-ovo-vegetarian, meaning they eat both (lacto- refers to milk, ovo- refers to eggs!.) In India, however, most vegetarians are lacto-vegetarians, meaning they do not eat eggs!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Each vegetarian makes his or her own call on foods from living animals, like milk and eggs!. In the US, most vegetarians are lacto-ovo-vegetarian, meaning they eat both (lacto- refers to milk, ovo- refers to eggs!.) In India, however, most vegetarians are lacto-vegetarians, meaning they do not eat eggs!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Vegetarian can be lacto-ovo (milk & egg products ok) or vegan (no milk or egg products) or vegan (ethical rather than health, no honey, no leather-wearing, etc!.)
So what are your reasons for being a vegetarian!? Because it's the healthiest way to live!? Eggs have good stuff, but you can get it better elsewhere!. They have plenty of bad, too!. I'm a "health" vegan - eat some honey, and wear some leather, but don't eat meat, milk or eggs!. It's worth it! :-)Www@FoodAQ@Com
So what are your reasons for being a vegetarian!? Because it's the healthiest way to live!? Eggs have good stuff, but you can get it better elsewhere!. They have plenty of bad, too!. I'm a "health" vegan - eat some honey, and wear some leather, but don't eat meat, milk or eggs!. It's worth it! :-)Www@FoodAQ@Com
Don't not eat eggs or do eat eggs just because it says so!.
I'm a vegetarian and I eat eggs!. But only FREE RANGE eggs!.
This means that the birds are permitted to roam freely within the farmyard and only kept in sheds or hen houses at night!. They are not cooped up all the time!.
I just don't eat meat, as an animal was killed for that meat!. And its not fair!.
I'm a vegetarian and I eat eggs!. But only FREE RANGE eggs!.
This means that the birds are permitted to roam freely within the farmyard and only kept in sheds or hen houses at night!. They are not cooped up all the time!.
I just don't eat meat, as an animal was killed for that meat!. And its not fair!.
There's no rule that you must or must not eat eggs!. However, eggs and dairy are part of a vegetarian diet known as ovo lacto!. If you were a true Vegan then you would not consume any animal derived products including dairy and eggs!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
you don't have to, but eggs are infetile and not considered meat so it would be considered a vegetarian food!. However getting eggs from your own chickens or a friend who owns them is the best way to get eggs!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
There is no rule about eggs!. It's a personal choice!. Vegetarians, however do not eat animal flesh or slaughter by productsWww@FoodAQ@Com
if you want but vegetarians are not supposed to eat meat
but check that website out and you can see what you can eatWww@FoodAQ@Com
but check that website out and you can see what you can eatWww@FoodAQ@Com
Why label yourself!?
If you like eggs eat them - if you dont like them or have a moral problem with eating them then don't!.
If you like eggs eat them - if you dont like them or have a moral problem with eating them then don't!.
U don't have to but u r allowed to eat eggs!. Vegans r not even allowed to eat eggsWww@FoodAQ@Com
Some do some don't!. It is your own choice!. But a true and real vegetarian won't eat eggs!. Hope I helped!.Www@FoodAQ@Com