Meat eater dating a vegan?!
I'm a meat eater!.!.I eat meat like it's going out of style!. But the guy i'm currently with is vegan!.!.!.no eggs, milk, meat!. He won't even eat Ramon Noodles!. Is this going to affect our relationship!? I mean, can a meat eater date a vegan, or the other way around!? When we first started talking, he said, "I'm vegan!.!.do you have a problem with that!?" I didn't!. I said, "I eat meat!.!.do you have a problem with that!?" and he said, "well!.!.!. *long pause*!.!.!.i don't have a problem with it as long as you don't try to get me to eat meat!." Of course, I would never do that, but he recently mentioned that he'd like it if i didn't eat meat!. What do I do!? Stop eating meat for him, even though I love it!?
Has anyone else ever had this problem!?
Thanks in advance!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Has anyone else ever had this problem!?
Thanks in advance!Www@FoodAQ@Com
I'm not a vegetarian, but one of my best friends is, and has been experimenting with vegan!. What I would do is find out why your guy is against eating meat, then offer a couple of compromises!. One compromise I would offer is trying some vegan dishes!. Who knows, you may even like some of them!.
Another compromise that I would offer is eating higher quality meat, especially if you tend to eat a lot of fast food!. Many animals are treated very inhumanely, which is a reason why people start going vegan!. However, if you can purchase meat where you can find out how the animals were treated, and what they were fed in the process, then that may put your guy's mind a bit more at ease!.
My overall feeling about eating meat is that many people NEED meat to all of their nutrional needs!. Many of our ancestors simply would have not survived without eating meat of some type, as well as using the animals for clothing and shelter!. So if you REALLY want some meat, then by all means, have some because your blood type and ancestry may actually require it!. One way to experiment with how much your body demands meet is to go several days without eating any!. After a few days, if you find that your body is going NUTS without the meat, then go ahead and have some!. I know that for me, if I go for more than a few days without meat of some kind, I start craving it like mad and my body doesn't seem to function as well!. So, to me, that's my clue that I actually need meat on a regular basis to fulfill my dietary needs!.
Good luck!
Another compromise that I would offer is eating higher quality meat, especially if you tend to eat a lot of fast food!. Many animals are treated very inhumanely, which is a reason why people start going vegan!. However, if you can purchase meat where you can find out how the animals were treated, and what they were fed in the process, then that may put your guy's mind a bit more at ease!.
My overall feeling about eating meat is that many people NEED meat to all of their nutrional needs!. Many of our ancestors simply would have not survived without eating meat of some type, as well as using the animals for clothing and shelter!. So if you REALLY want some meat, then by all means, have some because your blood type and ancestry may actually require it!. One way to experiment with how much your body demands meet is to go several days without eating any!. After a few days, if you find that your body is going NUTS without the meat, then go ahead and have some!. I know that for me, if I go for more than a few days without meat of some kind, I start craving it like mad and my body doesn't seem to function as well!. So, to me, that's my clue that I actually need meat on a regular basis to fulfill my dietary needs!.
Good luck!
He's being a hypocrite, it's not ok for you to try and get him to eat meat but it's ok for him to tell you not to!? That's crap! You need to tell him that if he wants you to not push meat on him then he can't push his views on you either!. It can certainly work out but only if both of you are willingly to accept the other person as they are!. Don't change who you are for him, you'll end up resenting him for it later!.
I myself am not a big meat eater, my boyfriend is pretty much almost meat-only and it's fine!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I myself am not a big meat eater, my boyfriend is pretty much almost meat-only and it's fine!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
i am a vegan and i dont think i would ever make someone else be one for me just because we were dating!. then they wouldnt be doing it for a good enough reason!. i think as long as you both respect each other's decisions everything should be ok!. maybe, if you could stand it, you could try to stop eating meat, or at least cut it down a bit!. do some research or ask him to show you why he chose to be vegan!. if he threatens to break up with you because you wont stop eating meat- hes kind of a jerk!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Let's say this goes to the next level and you live together!. Will you be able to handle preparing a meat dish and a vegan meal every meal!? This was a problem for a couple I know and they have split up (but that may not have been the primary reason)!.
It depends on how controlling each of you is!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
It depends on how controlling each of you is!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
It may or may not cause a problem in the long term!. But both of you already said it won't really matter all that much so for now leave it at that!. No point in worrying about a situation that has not come up yet!. Anticipating it might just cause anxiety that will bring up the subject at the most awkward inopportune time!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Young lady, you should mention to the gentlemen the part where he said "i don't have a problem with it as long as you don't try to get me to eat meat!." and tell him that goes both ways!.
Still, it's up to you!. Maybe ask him what he's willing to sacrifice for YOU!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Still, it's up to you!. Maybe ask him what he's willing to sacrifice for YOU!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
If it's just a dietary choice with him it will probably be ok!. But if he starts to make it political and tries to get you to switch, things likely won't work out!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I've been married for 40 years and in all of that time my wife has voted differently to me in an election!. We both have different views and we've lived with it!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
i'm not vegan but im vegetarian!. My boyfriend is a meat eater!. He eats meat a lot becasue he does a lot of sports and thinks he needs all that protein!. Him eating meat doesnt affect our relationship, i mean everyone has different views in life!. which also means dating a meat eater may be different for people but for me it doesnt bother me to much!. if he were to turn vegetarian i would be really happy though but its their choice!. also he trys to not eat meat infront of me but i tell him its alrite, if eating meat rle bothers him just try not to have it infront of him, hope this helped =)Www@FoodAQ@Com
I am a former chef and a lacto-ovo vegetarian, I did the change over for health reasons, and what you and the first girl have to decide, is he worth the issues and is morality a factor in the relationship, most women hate football and other sports, but tolerate there husbands/boyfriend to watch these sports!.
I know moral values are important, but like alcohol, tobacco and soft drug use, is it something you cannot overlook or ignore, and with you being the carnivore and your BF a vegan well would you be prepare if so to make him vegan only meal, you can still date and go to a restaurant with vegan only foods and have a nice meal, meatless for one night!.
I guess what it comes down to for you and the other young lady is are you willing to compromise, if not then maybe it is not for you, I am 51 and never married, mainly because I look like King Kong's twin brother (6"+ and 290-300 lbs), most women only wanted either money or advice from me, so make a decision before you become to involved, he may be the one and you let him get away, for what , Food!?!?!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I know moral values are important, but like alcohol, tobacco and soft drug use, is it something you cannot overlook or ignore, and with you being the carnivore and your BF a vegan well would you be prepare if so to make him vegan only meal, you can still date and go to a restaurant with vegan only foods and have a nice meal, meatless for one night!.
I guess what it comes down to for you and the other young lady is are you willing to compromise, if not then maybe it is not for you, I am 51 and never married, mainly because I look like King Kong's twin brother (6"+ and 290-300 lbs), most women only wanted either money or advice from me, so make a decision before you become to involved, he may be the one and you let him get away, for what , Food!?!?!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
No, I dont think you should change something to enjoy just for your boyfriend!. Unless you truly want to that is!.
I am a vegetarian and my fiance eats meat!. How we balance is, we dont buy meat in the house except veryyyy rarely, and he mostly just eats meat when we go out to eat or at family members houses!. That way, he doesnt give up something he enjoys and neither do I!.
As or him saying he'd like it if you stopped eating meat!. Of course he would, but the fact that he isnt pushing you to stop means that he is sensitive to your feelings and doesnt want you to change just for him!.
Every vegetarian would like to see the people they love stop eating meat!.
Hope this helps! =)Www@FoodAQ@Com
I am a vegetarian and my fiance eats meat!. How we balance is, we dont buy meat in the house except veryyyy rarely, and he mostly just eats meat when we go out to eat or at family members houses!. That way, he doesnt give up something he enjoys and neither do I!.
As or him saying he'd like it if you stopped eating meat!. Of course he would, but the fact that he isnt pushing you to stop means that he is sensitive to your feelings and doesnt want you to change just for him!.
Every vegetarian would like to see the people they love stop eating meat!.
Hope this helps! =)Www@FoodAQ@Com
You should never change who you are and what you love just to make someone else happy!. Your guy has made his choice and you respect it, so he should respect your choice as well!. There's no reason for a dietary lifestyle to have to affect a relationship!. When you go to a restaurant, you can order a steak or a burger and he can eat from the salad bar!. There's plenty of ways to compromise on meals for both vegans/omnivores!. A person who truly cares about you will accept you and your choices even if doesn't necessarily agree with them, and if he can't, you don't need him!. So keep eating what you want and if he pushes the issue about wanting you to stop eating meat, tell him you respect his choice and you'd like the same from him!. It's fine for him to be veg if he wants to be but he shouldn't try to convert you to be one if you don't want to be, just like he wouldn't want you to try to convert him!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I'm a vegetarian and personally, I can't see marrying a meat eater!. I can't spend the rest of my life with someone who doesn't share my morals!. Not all vegs are like that though!.
Why don't you try to not eat meat!? I was a huge meat eater and now I'm a full vegetarian, slowly going vegan!. Ask him to help you out, I'm sure he'd be delighted!. They make so many fab fake meat products now, and because of the health benefits and ethical benefits from going veg there is no real reason not to!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Why don't you try to not eat meat!? I was a huge meat eater and now I'm a full vegetarian, slowly going vegan!. Ask him to help you out, I'm sure he'd be delighted!. They make so many fab fake meat products now, and because of the health benefits and ethical benefits from going veg there is no real reason not to!.Www@FoodAQ@Com