15 year old vegetarian?!
k ill start off by saying in 5th grade i think i was 11 and i started become a vegetarian im in 9th grade now [[15]] i have asthma bad and i am sooooo effing tired alllll the time and my mom yells at me im like addicted to pepsi and i get sick if i dont have it i think i have chrones disease or w!.e and i do eat kinda good i have brockoli !.!.salads!.!.!.im about al little over 120 and idk if being a veg makes me tired and i sleep alot idk what to doWww@FoodAQ@Com
i say you need to eat healthier foods =] maybe you'll even drop a couple more pounds ;]Www@FoodAQ@Com
Either google 'vegetarian diet and nutrition' or get yourself a good book on the subject so you cam make sure you are getting a good balanced diet!. There is more to vegetarianism than simply giving up meat!. If you are vegan and dont eat dairy it is even more important to get a good knowledge on the subject and you will need some mineral supplements!.
if you drink a lot of cola you should start cutting down as it is not good for you and will make you feel worse!. if you feel ill when you stop now its because you are addicted to the sugar and caffeine in it!.
If you are still tired after ensuring your diet is good you should see your doctor!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
if you drink a lot of cola you should start cutting down as it is not good for you and will make you feel worse!. if you feel ill when you stop now its because you are addicted to the sugar and caffeine in it!.
If you are still tired after ensuring your diet is good you should see your doctor!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Sweetie, you need to talk this all over with your doctor!. Having poorly controlled asthma can make you tired all the time!.
You need to cut out the Pepsi, it sounds like your addicted to caffeine, not cool when you mix it with asthma medication!.
Your reaction to drinking milk sounds like a dairy allergy!. Your doctor can test you for this and other alergies!.
You need to cut out the Pepsi, it sounds like your addicted to caffeine, not cool when you mix it with asthma medication!.
Your reaction to drinking milk sounds like a dairy allergy!. Your doctor can test you for this and other alergies!.
You probably need to get some protein and iron into your diet!. Eating healthy doesn't always make you healthy if you're not getting enough of one thing!. Drop the pepsi - or at least don't drink as much of it!. Too much caffeine makes you even more tired after your body is used to it!. Try going to a health food store and asking about supplements if you don't know what kind of foods to eat to add this to your diet!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
As a vegetarian do you eat alot of soy products!? Over-consumption of soy (soy milk, veggie burgers) causes you to get a thyroid problem!. Look up symptoms of thyroid disease to see if you have any!. I just recently tried cutting soy out of my diet and it's hard when i'm a vegetarian too!. And all that pepsi is not good for you!. You might have a high sugar level and that's the reason why you're so tired!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
being a vegetarian usually gives people more energy since non-meat foods are easier for our bodies to digest!.
If you think that being a vegetarian is affecting your health in a bad way, try taking a week or two off, and see if you feel better!.
Try laying off the Pepsi for a while!. I really love Coke, but my parents spaz about me have more than a few drinks a week!. When they offer you Pepsi, say no thank you, i'll have water/juice/milk!. Then they'll think you might be over liking it so much, that they won't mind it when you do have some the next time!.
If you think that being a vegetarian is affecting your health in a bad way, try taking a week or two off, and see if you feel better!.
Try laying off the Pepsi for a while!. I really love Coke, but my parents spaz about me have more than a few drinks a week!. When they offer you Pepsi, say no thank you, i'll have water/juice/milk!. Then they'll think you might be over liking it so much, that they won't mind it when you do have some the next time!.
ok so
when you become a vegatarian you need to look up lots of stuff
like stuff that you get in mat is like protien
and protien gives you lots of energy
so probably you need more protien without eating meat
things with protein in it are like -
peanuts(peanut butter too), eggs, beans, nuts, etc
there are other nutrients that you need to get when you dont eat meat and you should probably google it or research it to find out what other nutrients you might be missing
this might be a good site to look stuff up on
i hope i helped
when you become a vegatarian you need to look up lots of stuff
like stuff that you get in mat is like protien
and protien gives you lots of energy
so probably you need more protien without eating meat
things with protein in it are like -
peanuts(peanut butter too), eggs, beans, nuts, etc
there are other nutrients that you need to get when you dont eat meat and you should probably google it or research it to find out what other nutrients you might be missing
this might be a good site to look stuff up on
i hope i helped
It sounds as though you are suffering from more than one deficiency disease!. If you neglect your body during your present growth phase, you will pay for it for the rest of your life!.
Since you are not good at choosing a balanced diet, your best bet is to eat meat, simply because getting a balanced diet is much easier and more automatic when you include meat and plant foods both!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Since you are not good at choosing a balanced diet, your best bet is to eat meat, simply because getting a balanced diet is much easier and more automatic when you include meat and plant foods both!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
You need to eat a balanced diet!. Your probably not getting all your needed essential nutrients!. Take Iron tablets!. This will restore you and keep you healthy!. as you are a vegetarian!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
not eating properly can make you really sick!. just look up some basic vegetarian food guides online, and check out this one as an example: http://www!.tryveg!.com/cfi/toc/
good luck, and make sure you're eating what you NEED to eat!Www@FoodAQ@Com
good luck, and make sure you're eating what you NEED to eat!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Punctuation!. Basic grammar!. Spelling!. Learn them, love them!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
eat some food with iron in it!.!.I feel like that might help!. also try foods with protein!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
ummm!.!.!. what!?
step 1!. Pay attention in your grammar class!.
step 2!. Re-ask your "question!."Www@FoodAQ@Com
step 1!. Pay attention in your grammar class!.
step 2!. Re-ask your "question!."Www@FoodAQ@Com
Stop drinking soda is my suggestion!. I drink soy milk, green tea, rice milk!.
Good Luck!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Good Luck!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Drink less Pepsi if you can!.Kills calcium in dairy products and in green vegetables!. Eat lots of lentils, any coloured beans,,soya beans dark green vegetables , soya meat and dairy products especially yoghurt ( that is if you take milk) and eggs (that is if you eat eggs )and fish ( that is if you eat fish)!. Eat whole bread!. Take a good vitamin supplement containing B12!. Lentils and soya cheese (tofu) generally does the trick!. And lots of yoghurt!. Otherwise you will be lacking proteins and B12!.And you will be tired all the time!.
If you are not allergic to nuts ,eat lots of nuts of all kinds ( walnuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts, almonds etc) and dried fruit (apricots, figs, raisins) etc!. You'll get enough iron and protein and energy!.
If you can't drink milk, you may still eat cheese ang yoghurt in most cases because most people are allergic to sugar of milk (lactose) but not to milk itself and lactose changes into sth!. else while becoming yoghurt or cheese!.
IF you eat enough beans, lentils,eggs, yoghurt,nuts,fruit, there is no problems in not eating any meat or chicken or fish!. Just don't skip lunch or eat broccolis and pepsi, instead , eat salad, fruit, nuts, raisins, and plain yoghurt for example!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
If you are not allergic to nuts ,eat lots of nuts of all kinds ( walnuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts, almonds etc) and dried fruit (apricots, figs, raisins) etc!. You'll get enough iron and protein and energy!.
If you can't drink milk, you may still eat cheese ang yoghurt in most cases because most people are allergic to sugar of milk (lactose) but not to milk itself and lactose changes into sth!. else while becoming yoghurt or cheese!.
IF you eat enough beans, lentils,eggs, yoghurt,nuts,fruit, there is no problems in not eating any meat or chicken or fish!. Just don't skip lunch or eat broccolis and pepsi, instead , eat salad, fruit, nuts, raisins, and plain yoghurt for example!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
it sounds liek ur not getting all the nutrition u need!. do u eat dairy products!? try having whole grain bread and motzerella grill cheese, its a complete protiene, and if ur not suplimenting ur diet with soy, u need it!. if u are eatign lots of soy/tofu/soymilk and u still feel like that, then i sugest u cut down on ur soy consumption an try to get more dairy ? Www@FoodAQ@Com
First of all, pepsi is bad, so you should try to stop drinking that!. I don't know much about Chrones disease, but I know if inhibits normal growth, like you get your period at 17 years old and stuff!. I don't think you eat enough calories, personally, which is why you may feel so tired because you're running on empty!. Sleeping a lot is good, but don't oversleep because they can make you tired during the day!. Try to get up early and eat a good breakfast and I don't think you'll feel so tired!. Being a vegetarian should actually make you more active because you're fueling your body with good things, instead of meat and stuff that weigh you down!. I also don't think you eat enough protein!. You should put some soy beans (edamame) in your salad or eat eggs or something!. Eating broccoli is good because that's probably the most vitamin rich vegetable!. Every morning, I take a multivitamin, a fish oil pill, calcium, B12, and flax seeds!. I find that it makes my skin healthier and regulates digestion, while having an intake of the vitamins I can't always eat during the day!. It's not always a good idea to supplement eating actual protein with vitamins though, but it's better than not eating them at all!.
Okay, so food ideas!. Veggie subs from subway, edamame, tofu, pita and hummus, vegetable stir fry with rice, beans, lots of veggies, fruit!. Try to expand your diet and try new things, like tofu!. I know a lot of people don't like it, but it doesn't hurt to try!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Okay, so food ideas!. Veggie subs from subway, edamame, tofu, pita and hummus, vegetable stir fry with rice, beans, lots of veggies, fruit!. Try to expand your diet and try new things, like tofu!. I know a lot of people don't like it, but it doesn't hurt to try!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Wow a 15 year old vegetarian!.!.you have like 80 years ahead of not eating meat!.!.!.SUCKS TO BE YOU!.Www@FoodAQ@Com