How to explain why your a vegetarian?!
G'day G'day!.
I was hoping to grab some insight or advice off other vegetarian/vegans!.
I've been vegetarian a long time, but I still stumble on my words when people ask me why!. To be honest I didn't do it simply because of animal slaughter, its just something I've felt is right, it just seems to come natural to me, I cant even explain it in words!
So when people ask I don't want to go into all this emotional detail!. Should I just say "its who I am"
also, alot of people assume I'm doing it to lose weight, as I suffered from an eating disorder in the past!. But that is completely behind me now and it barely even crosses my mind, infact taking up vegetarianism help me rise above it!.
So can anyone shed some light on the situation!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
I was hoping to grab some insight or advice off other vegetarian/vegans!.
I've been vegetarian a long time, but I still stumble on my words when people ask me why!. To be honest I didn't do it simply because of animal slaughter, its just something I've felt is right, it just seems to come natural to me, I cant even explain it in words!
So when people ask I don't want to go into all this emotional detail!. Should I just say "its who I am"
also, alot of people assume I'm doing it to lose weight, as I suffered from an eating disorder in the past!. But that is completely behind me now and it barely even crosses my mind, infact taking up vegetarianism help me rise above it!.
So can anyone shed some light on the situation!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Tell them exactly what you just told us!. People will always be interested and ask questions!. Just tell them it's who you are and that meat doesn't appeal to you!. Who are they to judge!? They eat dead animals!Www@FoodAQ@Com
You've just answered your own question, hun!. (;
"It's who I am": That explains everything!. Being a vegetarian is a personal choice, and people become vegetarian for tons of different reasons!. It's who you are and that's all it is!. You think being a vegetarian just feels like the good thing to do, and that's all it is!.
So, next time someone asks you why, just tell them it's who you are!. It just felt right to you!.
Good luck,
"It's who I am": That explains everything!. Being a vegetarian is a personal choice, and people become vegetarian for tons of different reasons!. It's who you are and that's all it is!. You think being a vegetarian just feels like the good thing to do, and that's all it is!.
So, next time someone asks you why, just tell them it's who you are!. It just felt right to you!.
Good luck,
When my vegetarian friends ask me why I'm a meat eater I just tell them I was brought up that way!. During my earlier years we had a world war!. Nobody thought anything other than getting what they could to eat!. When you are starving you'll eat anything!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Why do not u say to people that there r so many plants from which u can get grains, cereals, pulses nd all!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.then why to make the animals die!.!.!.!.!.for only serving our eating purpose!.!.!.!.!.why we are going to down our moral!.!.!.!.!.!.whether we have become so much hungry that we have to make die other animals!.!.!.!.!.why so!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
just say "It's a life choice!."
like it's their choice to eat meat!.no one could argue with thatWww@FoodAQ@Com
like it's their choice to eat meat!.no one could argue with thatWww@FoodAQ@Com
i need not explain!.!. they get a bee up their anus about me being a vegetarian!.!. well too bad for them!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
me too!. i tell them i love animals n i dont eat anything that had a face!Www@FoodAQ@Com
When people ask me, I will answer: "for healthy reason"Www@FoodAQ@Com
well I'm not a vegetarian but i am friends with one!. shes doesn't like the slaughter too!. She said to me " can you imagine what the animals last minutes would be just before they get killed!? and your eating it! that animal had a mum, a dad and possibly a brother or a sister!. It was proberly running in the feilds without a care in the world when a hunter shot it or someone grabbed it and took it to the slaughter house" but if you dont want to get in all that detail just say " look im a vegetarian and i dont believe curlity to animals!. I'm not going to question why you are a christian, muslim, jewish etc etc"Www@FoodAQ@Com