How bout them vegetarians?!

Question: How bout them vegetarians!?
to all you vegetarians or vegans, why did you make the choice to not eat meat and/or animal products!?
I personally believe that we were created to be omnivores, which you can tell from our teeth, the way our scissor(or however you spell it) teeth were made for riping meat, and our molars for plants, so would it not be natural to eat meat!? I think its a part of nature to eat meat!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

First of all, I agree with you that humans were created as omnivores and that it is natural to eat meat!. I am a vegan, but I honestly do not care if people choose to eat meat, it doesn't bother me!. What bothers me is the cruelty that goes on when raising and slaughtering animals for food!. And this is why I don't eat meat, because I don't like knowing that some animals are living through hell just so we can eat them in the end!. I would like it if we could raise animals for food and slaughter them in a humane way, but since that's definetly not going to happen anytime soon, I choose to avoid the whole thing entirely!. And that is why I don't eat meat!.

I don't eat dairy and eggs for different reasons!. I don't eat eggs for the same reason I don't eat meat, because the laying hens are abused and raised inhumanely!. I don't eat dairy because I believe that, unlike meat, we were never supposed to consume another creature's milk and we are not supposed to have milk as adults!. If you look at all the other animals in the animal kingdom, they only drink milk when they are babies!. I also don't like milk because it is a direct supporter of the veal industry!. The mother cows are impregnated in order to produce milk, but when their babies are born, they are sent to veal farms!. This is because the milk is not for them, it is for us!. But that in my opinion is quite absurd because the milk was designed for the baby calf and most certainly belongs to the calf, but the calf is taken away and doesn't get to have it!.

Alright sorry for the little rant there, I just really hate the dairy industry!.!.!.haha!. Well I'm pretty much done, I just have to make a little note on the teeth thing you were talking about earlier!. I wouldn't rely on people's teeth to tell us what kind of food we are supposed to eat!. There are many animals that have huge massive teeth, but are vegetarians!. Take the Gorilla or the Hippo for instance!. But like I said earlier, I do believe that we were meant to eat meat, but I wouldn't rely on our teeth to show us that!.

Well hope I helped and good luck!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

We are all entitled to our personal opinions and beliefs!. I believe that we are omnivores in the sense that if needed we can eat meat(such as during a famine), but it is otherwise unhealthy for us to consume it on a regular basis!. Consuming vast amounts of meat has been linked to cancer, high cholesterol, etc!.

I also believe that even if it was the case that it were natural to consume meat regularly, it is certainly not natural the way meat is produced by humans!. The cruelty and unhealthy nature of factory farmed animals is enough to keep me away from consuming meat!.

it is my personal belief that every creature has the right to live and killing something unnecessarily(simply b/c I like the taste), it not justification enough!. I do not look down on people that eat meat, as we all have our own beliefs and standards on what is acceptable!. I simple live by my own moral convictions, and that involves respecting all life, even the animals!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Actually, humans have longer digestive tracts similar to the ones in herbivores!. also, if we were truly able to eat meat, we'd be able to eat it raw, which we cannot!.

Do you want to know who sponsers the studies that show people are supposed to eat meat, humans are meant to be omnivores!? All the big meat companies!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I very much believe that we were not created to eat meat!. When Adam and Eve were in the garden of Eden, there was no sin in the world!. So living things did not kill or eat other living things!. also, compare your teeth to your pet dog's or a lion's or any other omnivore!. Then compare it to a gorilla's or a cow's!.
Of course, when sin came into the world and the flood happened, the Lord allowed us to eat meat!.
But I, personally am mostly vegetarian:
1: Because I have a heritage of high cholesterol (and that is found only in animal products)
2!. I was raised that way
3!. I'm not completely against eating meat, it's good in moderation, but I think the standard American diet consists of far too much of it (not to mention a bad quality)
-That's my take!. I hope it answers your question :) Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well, I don't believe we were created, I believe we evolved!.

And yes we evolved as omnivores!. Which means we can survive well on a plant-based diet if we need or choose to!.

And as we (in some parts of the world anyway) no longer need to eat meat to survive, some of us choose not to!. Others make a different decision!. Simple really, don't know what the problem is!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It may be, BUT! its also a part of nature to go out and HUNT what you EAT!. I simply don't agree with the way they treat the animals!. its inhumane!. if it was fair, as in hunting!. maybe it would be a different story!. but these animals don't even have a chance :( and we don't need meat!. there are other sources of protein and nutrients!. also, i think when ppl think that way they are simply trying to explain the unknown, and make themselves feel better at the same time!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

I dont believe in the suffrage of animals!. Big or small!. Besides you can get all the nutrients you need by eating vegetarian!. Why just last week I was feeling hungry and went and layed down in the cow pasture next door!. Everywhere I rolled around there was grass and dandelions!. All I had to do was pick it and eat it!. An extra bonus was that cows use the field so I get some of their nutrients without having to hurt them in any way!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If we were naturally made to eat meat, we would be able to eat it raw!. My dumb *** boyfriend did it once (ate raw meat) and had to go to the emergency room later on!. Since then, he's been a vegetarian!.

I personally felt it wrong to eat living things!. People who aren't vegetarians haven't seen the videos i've seen!. Go to www!.peta2!.com and watch some of them!.

What if this was happening to YOUR mom or dad!? Or someone you care about!? And everyone cares about someone!. People should "Meat their Meat"Www@FoodAQ@Com

i've been a vegitarian for almost a year!. oh my god, i just realized it's been almost a year!. yeah, anyway, i'm a vegitarian because just like the thought of eating a once living thing, disgusts me!. and i've seen what they do to the animals!. it's really depressing!. here watch this video: http://www!.youtube!.com/watch!?v=VIjanhKqV!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

For the comment that said there was a time when there was no sin in the world, I bet there was still a temptation as Adam found out!. Eating meat has never been a sin or the 5 loaves and two fishes wouldn't have happened!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Prefer veges mostly!.
Meat sticks in your teeth and takes more digestion!.
Energy level more stable and higher on veges!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i think so too, sometimes i think i'm just a carnivore because i LOVE MEAT!! I like veggies but there is comparison to MEAT!Www@FoodAQ@Com

to the people who say "if we were meant to eat meat we would eat it raw" some people do eat raw meat but if they eat cooked food they get sick!. it depends on what you normally eatWww@FoodAQ@Com

i just wanted to see if i could do it, more of a self-discipline thingWww@FoodAQ@Com

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