Did I sleep through a Biology class and miss something? ?!
I'm a bit perplexed as to why there are so many questions asking things along this line:
"Can vegetarians eat seafood!?"
Now, math and science were never my forte, but I am pretty sure that it has been ruled that fish are animals and not swimming plantlife!.
Look, I personally don't care one way or another if a person chooses to eat or not to eat a certain way, but is it really that confusing to determine that a fish is a living animal!? Its cool if you only want to give up certain meats, but do you really not know if fish are living sentient creatures!? I think there are WAY too many "varieties" of vegetarians!. Either you eat meat or you don't!. Now theres all these lacto-ovo-hibbidy dibbity terms and i think its overkill!. I just say vegetarian myself!. Maybe a vegan someday, but I'm still kickin the dirty dairy habit!. =)
If you *do* think that eating only fish qualifies you as a vegetarian, and not a pescatarian, I'm interested in knowing how that works!. Honestly, i am not being a smartass!.!.!. i really am curious!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
"Can vegetarians eat seafood!?"
Now, math and science were never my forte, but I am pretty sure that it has been ruled that fish are animals and not swimming plantlife!.
Look, I personally don't care one way or another if a person chooses to eat or not to eat a certain way, but is it really that confusing to determine that a fish is a living animal!? Its cool if you only want to give up certain meats, but do you really not know if fish are living sentient creatures!? I think there are WAY too many "varieties" of vegetarians!. Either you eat meat or you don't!. Now theres all these lacto-ovo-hibbidy dibbity terms and i think its overkill!. I just say vegetarian myself!. Maybe a vegan someday, but I'm still kickin the dirty dairy habit!. =)
If you *do* think that eating only fish qualifies you as a vegetarian, and not a pescatarian, I'm interested in knowing how that works!. Honestly, i am not being a smartass!.!.!. i really am curious!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
I come from the line of thinking;
Either you are a vegetarian or you are not!.
Fish is flesh, it is a different type of meat, it is still meat!.
If you eat fish you are not a vegetarian!.
Why give yourself a fancy name like pesco something or other!.
Just say I eat fish and drop the labels!. Jeez when I lived and worked in London at a health shop everybody was something, 20 years ago the words vegan and vegetarian were the only words to exist, now you need a dictionary to interpret what one can or cant have!.
Just my views!
Add; To Ash below; That's hilarious, I remember someone telling me they were vegetarian but they ate chicken and fish or they were vegetarian but occasionally ate meat, Lol!
Go figure!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Either you are a vegetarian or you are not!.
Fish is flesh, it is a different type of meat, it is still meat!.
If you eat fish you are not a vegetarian!.
Why give yourself a fancy name like pesco something or other!.
Just say I eat fish and drop the labels!. Jeez when I lived and worked in London at a health shop everybody was something, 20 years ago the words vegan and vegetarian were the only words to exist, now you need a dictionary to interpret what one can or cant have!.
Just my views!
Add; To Ash below; That's hilarious, I remember someone telling me they were vegetarian but they ate chicken and fish or they were vegetarian but occasionally ate meat, Lol!
Go figure!Www@FoodAQ@Com
i work at a hotel and do big weddings and we often have customers who are vegetarian and just eat 1 meat like pork or something, its weird!. i also had one person who claimed they were vegetarian when they ate all meat except cow!. it really annoys me as they laugh about it and dont actually realise that i am vegetarian!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Naah!.!.!. don't worry about it!.!.!. people call themselves all sorts of names all the time!.!. does not really matter!.!.!. They ask because they don't know so I just politely answer them with the usual "yes they CAN eat " fish because people are omnivores but as vegetarians they CHOOSE not to because fish are still animals!.!."Www@FoodAQ@Com
Havn't you heard!? Fish are the new carrots!.
Just kidding!.
I just tend to go with the flow, if someone claims they are vegetarian, but they eat fish then I'll just let them think that!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Just kidding!.
I just tend to go with the flow, if someone claims they are vegetarian, but they eat fish then I'll just let them think that!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
I'm a meatatarian!.
It's a personal choice!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
It's a personal choice!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I get mad when I saw I am a vegetarian, and then they say, O so you can have this chicken right!?
It annoys me
It annoys me
I too have noticed the same question on here everyday!.!.!.!.
Its just like me asking if I'm a vegan, when I eat honey!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Its just like me asking if I'm a vegan, when I eat honey!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
this debate makes me wonder why i ever log on to the net!.!.!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
The more you know:
Pescetarianism is a dietary choice, in which a person, known as a pescetarian, eats any combination of vegetables, fruit, nuts, beans and fish or invertebrate seafood, but will not eat mammals or birds!. Some animal products like eggs and dairy may or may not be part of a pescetarian diet plan!.
Terms like "pesco-vegetarianism" are sometimes used to describe pescetarianism, to emphasize that pescetarians eat vegetables, fruit, and grains as well as fish!. However, this term is controversial and less used, in part because it implies that pescetarianism is a type of vegetarianism, and some vegetarian groups do not want to be aligned with fish eaters!. The Vegetarian Society, which initiated popular use of the term vegetarian as early as 1847, does not consider pescetarianism a valid vegetarian diet!.[1] The definitions of "vegetarian" in authoritative, mainstream dictionaries vary!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Pescetarianism is a dietary choice, in which a person, known as a pescetarian, eats any combination of vegetables, fruit, nuts, beans and fish or invertebrate seafood, but will not eat mammals or birds!. Some animal products like eggs and dairy may or may not be part of a pescetarian diet plan!.
Terms like "pesco-vegetarianism" are sometimes used to describe pescetarianism, to emphasize that pescetarians eat vegetables, fruit, and grains as well as fish!. However, this term is controversial and less used, in part because it implies that pescetarianism is a type of vegetarianism, and some vegetarian groups do not want to be aligned with fish eaters!. The Vegetarian Society, which initiated popular use of the term vegetarian as early as 1847, does not consider pescetarianism a valid vegetarian diet!.[1] The definitions of "vegetarian" in authoritative, mainstream dictionaries vary!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I don't understand it!.
I know some people say "what difference does it make!?" but it does matter if you are a vegetarian (the real kind that doesn't eat animals)!.
If my wife and I go to a restaurant we aren't familiar with, we say we're "vegetarian, no meat, poultry, no fish, no meat broth!." We might as well just skip the word "vegetarian" because we don't know if people will know what we mean!.
If "no smoking" means no smoking, why can't "vegetarian" mean vegetarian!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
I know some people say "what difference does it make!?" but it does matter if you are a vegetarian (the real kind that doesn't eat animals)!.
If my wife and I go to a restaurant we aren't familiar with, we say we're "vegetarian, no meat, poultry, no fish, no meat broth!." We might as well just skip the word "vegetarian" because we don't know if people will know what we mean!.
If "no smoking" means no smoking, why can't "vegetarian" mean vegetarian!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Ive wondered the same thing!.!.!.I dabbled in "veggie" while I was in high school, but never could live with it
it was to hard to do for me
can I eat eggs!? no its a chickens abortion!.!.!.NO!!
well, what about drinking milk!? nope a cow was choked so you could drink that torture juice
well, what can I eat!?
You see that tomato plant over there!?
you can have the dirt its planted in!.!.!.
oh =\
So I converted back!.
ADD: Im going to ask "Can vegetarians eat seafood!?" in P&S to see what I get!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
it was to hard to do for me
can I eat eggs!? no its a chickens abortion!.!.!.NO!!
well, what about drinking milk!? nope a cow was choked so you could drink that torture juice
well, what can I eat!?
You see that tomato plant over there!?
you can have the dirt its planted in!.!.!.
oh =\
So I converted back!.
ADD: Im going to ask "Can vegetarians eat seafood!?" in P&S to see what I get!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
that's why people create those "fancy labels"!.
i'm a pescetarian, and I call myself that because i cant say i eat any meat (i dont eat chicken, turkey, cow, pig, lamb, and so on), just from one group (and not even all, just some kinds) that is sometimes not included with the meat group itself!.
this fancy label allows people to understand that my diet would be entirely vegetarian if it werent for the fish, which i eat occasionally!.
and while those labels may sound annoying, it just makes it easier when letting people know, instead of saying i eat this and this but not this and that, although sometimes i eat this, etc, when it can be summarized in one word (although sometimes you would have to explain yourself, but whatever)
and it may be easy for you to call yourself plainly vegetarian if you eat any dairy product, it might not be easy for someone who, say, doesn't eat eggs, because you know they might have to do some answering when someone says 'dont vegetarians eat eggs!?', and so on!.
labels are important to explain your lifestyle, whether its personal taste, diet, or sexuality, because we have so many, many options and not everything is the same and can't be explained through a handful of words!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
i'm a pescetarian, and I call myself that because i cant say i eat any meat (i dont eat chicken, turkey, cow, pig, lamb, and so on), just from one group (and not even all, just some kinds) that is sometimes not included with the meat group itself!.
this fancy label allows people to understand that my diet would be entirely vegetarian if it werent for the fish, which i eat occasionally!.
and while those labels may sound annoying, it just makes it easier when letting people know, instead of saying i eat this and this but not this and that, although sometimes i eat this, etc, when it can be summarized in one word (although sometimes you would have to explain yourself, but whatever)
and it may be easy for you to call yourself plainly vegetarian if you eat any dairy product, it might not be easy for someone who, say, doesn't eat eggs, because you know they might have to do some answering when someone says 'dont vegetarians eat eggs!?', and so on!.
labels are important to explain your lifestyle, whether its personal taste, diet, or sexuality, because we have so many, many options and not everything is the same and can't be explained through a handful of words!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I consider myself a vegetarian and I eat fish occasionally!. Not often at all, but maybe twice a year I'll have salmon if I'm at a restaurant or having dinner at someone's home!. I guess I still consider myself a vegetarian since my usual diet is 100% veggie!. Seafood is not a regular part of my diet at all, and fish never makes it onto my shopping list, so if someone asks, it's much easier to say I'm vegetarian than to say I'm a salmatarian or something!. Salmon's my only exception, I never really liked seafood before I was a vegetarian except for salmon!. It's not that I think it's a vegetable or think I'm getting around a loophole, I just make an exception every once in a while for a food that is still healthy and lean and I really enjoy the taste of!. And I guess this is a lame excuse, but fish I have a hard time feeling sorry for!. Cute little animals you feel bad for - fish not so much!. I guess they have emotion, but it's a lot harder to see it!.
I think a lot of people who are thinking of going vegetarian for weight loss or health improvements wonder whether they can still eat fish because it has so many health benefits and it's not fattening in the same way red meats or even chicken is!. And those who feel bad for the animals might be like me and find fish harder to sob over!. So obviously they aren't quite vegetarians, but they have a closer to vegetarian diet!. What I really think is funny is when people say they're vegetarian except for chicken and fish!. Why not just say that you don't eat red meat!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
I think a lot of people who are thinking of going vegetarian for weight loss or health improvements wonder whether they can still eat fish because it has so many health benefits and it's not fattening in the same way red meats or even chicken is!. And those who feel bad for the animals might be like me and find fish harder to sob over!. So obviously they aren't quite vegetarians, but they have a closer to vegetarian diet!. What I really think is funny is when people say they're vegetarian except for chicken and fish!. Why not just say that you don't eat red meat!?Www@FoodAQ@Com