Why do people have such a bad attitude towards Veganism?!

Question: Why do people have such a bad attitude towards Veganism!?
I am a vegan and its almost as if I have to hide it from some people!.!.!.like i have some political agenda i'm trying to push on them just because I choose not to eat animal products!.

Why are some people so negative about Vegetarianism and Veganism!? Shouldn't we be praised for making sacrifices that better the earth!? I just don't get it!. Please be honest!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

People in America tend to be judgemental!. In other countries vegans and vegetarians are not judged!. It is a fear of the unknown in America!.

I like this country just as much as anyone else but remember when that whole incident when the French refused to participate in the Iraq war and we renamed stuff Freedom Fries and freedom toast!. We judged their opinion (and only now do some ppl agree that this war was unnecessary)!.

As for the person who said that children cannot be healthy on a vegan/vegetarian diet pls do some research!. I come from a country where a majority of the population is vegetarian and we are healthy!. Even my family members here in America are veggie (born and raised) and they are more fit then some of these obese meat eating kids!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Why so they need to know!?

The more that it is mentioned around people that aren't interested, the less appealing it becomes!. If they already find it totally unappealing, they will start to care for you less and less instead!.

I am not vegan for praise!. Veganism is the opposition to exploitation of animals and there is no praise involved!.

I've never had a negative reaction to my choice to be vegan!. Most people don't understand why I would want to be let alone what veganism really is!. If many people have been rude to you because you're vegan, I would have to assume that you are doing something wrong!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i think because being vegan is such a commitment, a lot of vegans are extremely militant or act openly superior to non-vegans!. i'm definitely not vegan, but i have a lot of vegan friends!. not all vegans are like that but i think it's a really unpleasant attitude, and gives vegans a bad name!. also, more mainstream people who do not encounter vegans often probably think they're "weird" or "hippies" or something ridiculous like that!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Most people hear horror stories about vegans, the ones who wear their veganism like a hat, and make people feel bad for eating flesh!.

They're wrong, I've never met a single veg*n like that!. I'm vegetarian, and I certainly don't push anything on anyone!. I hate people who think that we do!. It's stereotyping and it's WRONG!.

It's like racism or sexism IMO, oh I know a mexican man who is very rude, therefore, all mexicans must be rude!. I know a vegan who is pushy and tries to get me to go vegan, therefore, all vegans must be like that!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well, I don't expect to be praised!. Many people are totally unaware of the environmental damage caused by intensive animal agriculture, so they don't make that connection when veganism is mentioned!.

Except for online, which is a different universe altogether, I have really never encountered much negativity, either as a vegetarian or as a vegan!. I suspect that some people who react badly feel like your choice is an indictment of their own, whether you present it that way or not!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

im veggie and i think some people are negative about it because of their own conscience (dont know if thats spelt right) - its like a defence mechanism - you not eating meat just highlights to them that they do and some people are uncomfortable with having to actually think about it!.

i dont agree with the argument that its 'natural' - whats natural about the way animals are reared and killed nowadays!? i undertsand that it is natural for other animals to eat meat as they have no way of knowing an alternative - we on the other hand have the intelligence and skills nowadays to obtain food from sources which do not involve killing animals!.

You should not be ashamed of being a vegan!. You should be proud!. I don't agree with veganism or vegetarianism because I don't think it is natural but I respect vegans and vegetarians because its their own choice!. You should be praised for making sacrifice!. Be proud of who you are and continue your belief in veganism!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i dont think people have negative attitudes towards it so to speak, it just makes it very difficult and annoying to constantly defend eating meat!.!.!.!.!.you non meat eating people can be very rude and accusatory!.
alot of vegans are very "in your face " about it!.!.!.
it shouldnt be,
i dont judge people who choose not to eat animal products but i am judged because i do!.!.!.!.
keep an eye on all my thumbs down and i will have proved my point!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's defensive - people don't want to be preached to and they assume that's what you're going to do!. I'm vegetarian, not vegan, but I see it on the face of everyone I tell I don't eat meat - "Oh, no here it comes!." I try not to preach, but if I think they may be interested I'll explain my choices in a positive way!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

i am a vegetarian and my family supports me on it except its kinda hard 4 my mom to make two pots of food evry nite since im the only vegetarian in my familyy!.!.!.[my dad kinda but he eats fish so yeahh] but i think its a RLLY positive thing cus i wanna stop animal cruelty:]<3Www@FoodAQ@Com

The are intimidated most of the time!. So instead of being mature about, the resort to immature hazing!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well, if you are a true vegan than you know there is a huge difference between the two ways of life!. Vegetarianism is a lot more common sense in terms of food choices and whenever it is derided by people, it most often is being confused with veganism!. Veganism does have a political agenda/philosophy behind it!. Vegans also tend to be highly motivated to "educate" the people around them about "making sacrifices that better the earth" and sometimes, sadly, they foist these health choices on their children!. This, however, is really bad for children as humans have evolved as omnivores and need the nutrition for growth and maturity when we are children that is provided by meat (not necessarily red, could be fish, eggs, dairy, etc!.)!. You take these away from a child and you will draw ire from any well educated person!.

Let me put it this way, Vegetarianism is like normal Islam!. Veganism is more like extreme Islamism (the kind that terrorists do)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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