I've been a vegetarian for over 4 yrs now and last night I ate a few pieces of chicken?!

Question: I've been a vegetarian for over 4 yrs now and last night I ate a few pieces of chicken!?
Dunno what got into me!.!.!. Where I work there were making chicken stir fry and for some off reason, I went crazy and snuck off a got a few pieces of chicken and actually ate them!.!. i don't know what the hell I was thinking bc I haven't had an urge like that since I started!. Then eventually I got sense knocked back into me and I felt really bad!.!. Has anyone gone through this!?!? Serious responses please!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

it's natural to crave meat,don't beat yourself up!.

there are some really yummy vegan "meats" available-i used "chicken" in soup tonight!.

just get back on track,no need for guilt!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

That hasn't happened to me, I have been a vegetarian for like 7 years, and I always took prescription drugs and asprin, etc!. And found out recently that the pills are made with stearate (stearic acid) and that is an animal by-product (something made from the killing of animals-cows specifically)!. I had no idea, just ignorant, I should have known!. I felt awful!. Cried and was all distraught!. I had been thinking/trying to become a vegan for like half a year!. That was the day I became a Vegan!. So that I know that I am not contributing to the harm done to animals!.
(Maybe) You just need to revisit why you became a vegetarian, of what importance is it to you, then and now!?

!.!.!.and please don't go (back) to the dark side!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I've had the dreams a couple times but they aren't good dreams!.

The longer I've gone without the less I think of meat being food!. I've been so much more satisfied with food since going veg!. Exploring new ways with the veg food I'm familiar with as well as all new veg foods has been fun and exciting too!. Finding fruits and veggies that grow locally at farmers markets has been amazing too so I imagine with all those I've not felt deprived, in fact never more nourished!.

Sounds like you're dealing with remorse so I'd suggest making a donation to Farm Sanctuary where you can sponsor a rescued chicken for a month (or longer) to help make amends and soothe the guilt you might be feeling:

Or you can help the farm get a needed tractor (for the animal care) and double your donation with the matching fund:

For now, get back on the horse!.!.!. so to speak!. Welcome back!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

There are reasons for people destined for a particular lifestyle!. For some, it is absolute determination towards intellectual and ethical reasons!. For others maybe on health!. Environmentalists mostly being vegans for world & environmental concern!. Hence, what is your REASON in the first place to become veg*n!.

I never say you had increased the "death pool"!. If you consumed the butchered flesh "unknowingly", then just forget it and carry on!.
If you done consciously, then you should know what is right, and why is wrong!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i havent ACTUALLY done that, but i have had dreams, that i cheated and ate salmon!. just for no reason just cause it was there, and i felt HORRIBLE after and cried and was so depressed!. that scares me enough to never want to have salmon, i was so relieved it was just a dream!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm not a vegetarian so I wouldn't know how guilty I would feel!. But I would tell you not to worry about it too much!. Human's are naturally meat eaters, so its only natural that you would get meat cravings once in a while unless you genetically change yourself somehow!. Being vegetarian is a mental choice, but nature can sometimes be stronger than the mind!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i guess it can happen, you are only human!. i think it was because of craving the taste!.!.!. then you felt guilty about going against your ethic principles and eating an animal!.!.!.
you seem to still wish to be veggie though!.!.!. i think you should just get over this experience, after all before becoming veggie you did eat chicken, so that would mean to feel guilty over your whole past!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You craved meat because it is natural!. Humans are meat eaters and have been since even before modern humans appeared!. It is immoral to deny your true nature!.

P!.S!. Yes, meat eating is natural for humans and has been for over 2 million years!. Humans are very well adapted for hunting using just intelligence and endurance!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I was a lacto-ovo veg!. for 7 years, then 1 day I got an overwhelming urge 4 a cheeseburger - thought I would get sick but it actually tasted good ! EDIT: U people who say it's "natural" to eat meat R just simply IGNORANT ! Is it "natural" to smoke cigarettes too !?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Have you tried the Chinese wheat gluten!? There are several different preparations to resemble chicken, duck and other meats!. Available in Asian markets everywhere!. There are other glutens that resemble bologna!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's because your human and we are meant to eat meat if we were not we wouldn't have incisor teeth we would have all molars like tasty cows!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Tasted pretty good, huh!?
You sound like a priest who has just violated his vows of chastity!Www@FoodAQ@Com

YES ive been through that
im just wondering did you feel REALLY sick
cause i did soooo much!!!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

shame on you *splashes with holy water*Www@FoodAQ@Com

I just ate a whole baked chicken breast it was delicious, welcome back in the club!. It's good that you're going through rehab, bad you had a relapse and quit though!. For those who think it is natural to eat fruits, would you eat someone else's baby food to starve their baby or starve a pregnant woman!? I think not, but that is exactly what you are doing when you eat the fruits!. well it is closer to the truth than those who believe humans can't digest meat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Thank you for eating meat!. Did it taste good!? cause i just ate a hamburger wait 2 hamburgers!. It tasted soooo good!.


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