I'm losing my motivation for being a vegetarian?!
I think the reason i'm not eating meat now is cuz i all of a sudden eat it i will get sick!.!.!. help!? Help with motivation ideas or give me advice on getting off!?!?!?
Thanks i love ya!!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Thanks i love ya!!Www@FoodAQ@Com
sometimes i feel that way too coz heaps of people always ask me why im vegetarian and it gets really annoying and i feel like just quiting and being normal like most other people but i just cant coz i just seems gross to me now and i would seriously be sick if i ate it! i can hardly stand the smell anymore!. Go to the PETA website and watch some of their videos they are soo sad and it really make u wanna do something about it!. I watched one where they were taking the fur off animals while they were still alive it was soooo cruel an it made me cry =(
jus dont give up =) Www@FoodAQ@Com
jus dont give up =) Www@FoodAQ@Com
With the growing awareness of the importance of healthy food, many people are also becoming vegetarian because it matches the kind of low fat, high fibre diet recommended by dieticians and doctors!. Concern about the environment is another factor as people become more aware of the effect raising animals for their meat is having on the environment!. Or you may be concerned about wasting world food resources by using land to raise animals for meat instead of growing crops that can feed more people directly!.
A well-balanced vegetarian diet provides all the nutrients you need for good health!. In the case of protein, it's not only found in meat!. It's also present in adequate quantities in dairy products, eggs and nuts, as well as in combinations of foods such as pulses and grains!. In fact it would be very difficult to design a vegetarian diet that doesn't include enough protein!.
Eat Every Day on a Vegetarian Diet!.
3 or 4 servings of cereals/grains or potatoes
4 or 5 servings of fruit and vegetables
2 or 3 servings of pulses, nuts & seeds
2 servings of milk, cheese, eggs or soya products
A small amount of vegetable oil and margarine or butter!.
Some yeast extract such as Marmite, fortified with vitamin B12!.
Be Vegetarian to become Healthy!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I'm veg too!. I have been for nearly 10 years!. However, over the past year, I've been adding some seafood back into my diet!. Mostly because I grew up going to the beach, fishing, crabbing, etc!. and I couldn't bear not teaching my daughter all of the things I had learned growing up!.
My main reason for becoming vegetarian was that I did not want to kill or have others kill animals for my consumption!. However, if I was willing to catch, kill, clean, and prepare the meat or seafood, I would not have a problem with it!. Such is the case with me adding seafood back to my diet!. Chickens, cows, pigs, and such, not so much!.
First, I would suggest that you re-examine why you became vegetarian in the first place!. Once you do that, you should be able to decide if it really is the path that you should follow!. Re-read some of the books that gave you motivation when you first started!. It might help renew your commitment to the veg lifestyle!. If you decide to start adding meat of all kinds back to your diet, you shouldn't have a problem with getting sick!. That is just something that people tell you so you won't want to start eating it again!. If you eat eggs and milk products, your body is already used to processing all of the things that it would with other animal products!. Just start slow!. The biggest thing that might make you not feel well would be eating highly processed meats, like lunch meats or other products with lots of preservatives!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
My main reason for becoming vegetarian was that I did not want to kill or have others kill animals for my consumption!. However, if I was willing to catch, kill, clean, and prepare the meat or seafood, I would not have a problem with it!. Such is the case with me adding seafood back to my diet!. Chickens, cows, pigs, and such, not so much!.
First, I would suggest that you re-examine why you became vegetarian in the first place!. Once you do that, you should be able to decide if it really is the path that you should follow!. Re-read some of the books that gave you motivation when you first started!. It might help renew your commitment to the veg lifestyle!. If you decide to start adding meat of all kinds back to your diet, you shouldn't have a problem with getting sick!. That is just something that people tell you so you won't want to start eating it again!. If you eat eggs and milk products, your body is already used to processing all of the things that it would with other animal products!. Just start slow!. The biggest thing that might make you not feel well would be eating highly processed meats, like lunch meats or other products with lots of preservatives!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I felt the same as you for a while!. I was really a vegetarian out of habit, and I even tried eating chicken again to see if I liked it!. The chicken I tasted did not make me sick, but I also wasn't a fan of the taste or texture, so there wasn't much motivation to eat meat and I continued as a vegetarian!. For most of my time as a vegetarian I haven't given it much thought, and my diet has been heavy on dairy!.
Then about a month ago, I started reading up on the health benefits of being a vegan, and that caused me to start a new leaf in my dietary adventures!. I wasn't passionate about being a vegetarian, and I wouldn't even say I'm passionate about being a vegan, but I have reassessed my reasons for it and gotten new motivation!. I can now give you reasons for why I have chosen to eat this way and why I know that it's a good decision for a plethora of reasons!. I also feel so much better already; my energy has gone way up and I don't need nearly as much sleep as I used to to feel rested!.
So my advice to you, if you do wish to continue as a vegetarian, is to do some reading and research!. Honestly being a vegetarian is just SO much better for your health, so if you're already a vegetarian why go back to eating meat!? It's also wonderful for the environment, and it's an ethical choice!. If everyone who said that they were "green" became a vegetarian, then they would really be doing something positive!. Farming meat is just so wasteful and environmentally destructive - why feed into that (no pun intended) if you don't have to!? Www@FoodAQ@Com
Then about a month ago, I started reading up on the health benefits of being a vegan, and that caused me to start a new leaf in my dietary adventures!. I wasn't passionate about being a vegetarian, and I wouldn't even say I'm passionate about being a vegan, but I have reassessed my reasons for it and gotten new motivation!. I can now give you reasons for why I have chosen to eat this way and why I know that it's a good decision for a plethora of reasons!. I also feel so much better already; my energy has gone way up and I don't need nearly as much sleep as I used to to feel rested!.
So my advice to you, if you do wish to continue as a vegetarian, is to do some reading and research!. Honestly being a vegetarian is just SO much better for your health, so if you're already a vegetarian why go back to eating meat!? It's also wonderful for the environment, and it's an ethical choice!. If everyone who said that they were "green" became a vegetarian, then they would really be doing something positive!. Farming meat is just so wasteful and environmentally destructive - why feed into that (no pun intended) if you don't have to!? Www@FoodAQ@Com
What were your motivations for going vegetarian in the first place!? Why do you think you're losing your motivation!?
You might want to check out "Living Among Meat Eaters" by Carol J!. Adams if you have people in your life giving you grief about your vegetarianism!.
A good book on veganism--all aspects of animal exploitation--that's not too harsh is "Thanking the Monkey" by Karen Dawn!.
Find pro-veg books to remind you why you made your decision!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
You might want to check out "Living Among Meat Eaters" by Carol J!. Adams if you have people in your life giving you grief about your vegetarianism!.
A good book on veganism--all aspects of animal exploitation--that's not too harsh is "Thanking the Monkey" by Karen Dawn!.
Find pro-veg books to remind you why you made your decision!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
are u trying to stay vegetarian, or eat meat again!? if u want 2 still be a vegetarian,
1!. you could buy a little chicken!.!.!. and you'll will gert to like it and wiont be able to eat meT EVER AGAIN!.
2!. Find some really tasty recipes made from vegetables, nuts, etc!. So u don't rely on meat
3!. Go to some vegetarian organisation groups, with a bunch of other vegetarians, so u can do it together!
also: Watch out in icecream / milk products such as cheese for "Rennit" or "Enzymes", or "gelatine" These are all cow based products!!! In some cheeses, it says enzymes!. Unless it clearly states NON ANIMAL ENZYMES / RENNIT do not purchase!
Well, best of luck!Www@FoodAQ@Com
1!. you could buy a little chicken!.!.!. and you'll will gert to like it and wiont be able to eat meT EVER AGAIN!.
2!. Find some really tasty recipes made from vegetables, nuts, etc!. So u don't rely on meat
3!. Go to some vegetarian organisation groups, with a bunch of other vegetarians, so u can do it together!
also: Watch out in icecream / milk products such as cheese for "Rennit" or "Enzymes", or "gelatine" These are all cow based products!!! In some cheeses, it says enzymes!. Unless it clearly states NON ANIMAL ENZYMES / RENNIT do not purchase!
Well, best of luck!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Check out the PETA site and factory animal farming for motivation!.
If you want to eat meat, you could check into how to get free range, humanely raised meats!.
Vegetarian Times is the resource that not only helped me go veg, but also introduced me to the world of healthy living I knew nothing about from my extrememly unhealthy family!. A friend gave me all her magazines when she realized she was never going veggie!. You might also like Vegweb!.com for inspirations and ideas!.
If you want to eat meat, you could check into how to get free range, humanely raised meats!.
Vegetarian Times is the resource that not only helped me go veg, but also introduced me to the world of healthy living I knew nothing about from my extrememly unhealthy family!. A friend gave me all her magazines when she realized she was never going veggie!. You might also like Vegweb!.com for inspirations and ideas!.
Well just think of how one small piece of meat can contaminate you and maybe even kill you!. Take how many people died from the listeria from the maple leaf company!. also just think that the meat you eat once had a face and feelings and a family!. Animals are beings too so you just have to think of them as individuals who mean something in the world!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
how long have you been vegetarian for, i have been for 17 years and i tried meat once and did get sick but honestly if you can get along fine without it ask yourself whats the point in needing to go back to it!? it is very expensive and can be bad for you in some ways so really the way i look at it when my friends bug me is like why what am i missing out on if ive been fine for so long without it i obviously dont need itWww@FoodAQ@Com
Being a vegetarian requires TOTAL commitment b/c it takes a LOT of work to make sure you are properly nourished!.
I recommend that you go Vegan until you decide what diet you should choose!. That means adding eggs and dairy products to your vegetarian menu!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
I recommend that you go Vegan until you decide what diet you should choose!. That means adding eggs and dairy products to your vegetarian menu!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
This should remind you at least!.!.!.!.!.
just imagine the animals grtting killed or imagine yourself being the animal or something like that!.
it always works!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
it always works!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I think you should to start slowly integrate yourself into eating meat by eating fish then chicken then leaner red meats!. Just eat your way up to the meatiest of meats!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Just keep the amount down, best for you anyway!. The human digestive tract is made quite well for handling small quantities of meat, you'll be fine!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Just imagine the souls of the animals screaming as you ingest them!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
If you slowly work meat back into your diet you will be able to eat it without getting sick!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
than just eat anything
get a life!.!.!.experience life!.!.!. including paper and other stuff
get a life!.!.!.experience life!.!.!. including paper and other stuff
that sucks!. maybe u should stop going near meat!.!.!. or not thinking about it as much!.!. if u use ur 5 senses on it!. ull crave it more!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
that's because you're probally tired of going to bed hungry every night!
eat more seafood if you don't like meat, but want to stay vegetarian!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
eat more seafood if you don't like meat, but want to stay vegetarian!.Www@FoodAQ@Com