Can vegetarian eat egg..?!
Can vegetarians eat eggs!?
this girl i know keeps bothering me about it!. she says that eggs are practically a chicken and is alive!. and that im not a real vegetarian for eating eggs!.
what!.the fck!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
this girl i know keeps bothering me about it!. she says that eggs are practically a chicken and is alive!. and that im not a real vegetarian for eating eggs!.
what!.the fck!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Vegetarians can eat Eggs, Fish, Milk and Dairy products!.
VEGANS eat nothing that comes from an animal and cannot eat any of the listed items!.
Inform your friend that commercial eggs (Bought in a store) are ALWAYS infertile and therefore not alive!.
If you buy eggs from a local store, chances are they may be and just haven't formed anything yet!.
So, your friend is wrong!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
VEGANS eat nothing that comes from an animal and cannot eat any of the listed items!.
Inform your friend that commercial eggs (Bought in a store) are ALWAYS infertile and therefore not alive!.
If you buy eggs from a local store, chances are they may be and just haven't formed anything yet!.
So, your friend is wrong!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Yes!. Definition of vegetarian is someone who don't eat dead animals (meat and fish, etc!.!.)!. Eggs are not death animals!. So for a vegetarian point of view its OK!.
For vegan its different!. Vegan is the next step!. Usually people become vegetarian first, because it is more easy to see the torture of the animals we kill for eat!. For eggs this is more indirect!. The suffering is certainly same or worst, but people usually take more time to realize this!. And some people will stay vegetarian for their all life, because they consider that stopping eating meat is enough!. If everybody will be vegetarian, the production of eggs and dairy products will be very expensive and probably give up!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
For vegan its different!. Vegan is the next step!. Usually people become vegetarian first, because it is more easy to see the torture of the animals we kill for eat!. For eggs this is more indirect!. The suffering is certainly same or worst, but people usually take more time to realize this!. And some people will stay vegetarian for their all life, because they consider that stopping eating meat is enough!. If everybody will be vegetarian, the production of eggs and dairy products will be very expensive and probably give up!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Yes, veggies can eat eggs, vegans don't
There are different kinds:
ovo-lacto-vegetarian - eats eggs, drinks milk
ovo-vegetarian - doesn't drink milk but eats eggs
lacto-vegetarian - doesn't eat eggs but drinks milk
and the vegans - avoid any kind of animal product
I don't know what I am!. I don't eat eggs, don't drink milk but do eat honey, lol!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
There are different kinds:
ovo-lacto-vegetarian - eats eggs, drinks milk
ovo-vegetarian - doesn't drink milk but eats eggs
lacto-vegetarian - doesn't eat eggs but drinks milk
and the vegans - avoid any kind of animal product
I don't know what I am!. I don't eat eggs, don't drink milk but do eat honey, lol!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Some of us eat free-range eggs, but not battery!.
The Vegetarian Society Uk will put its seal of approval on foods that contain Free-range eggs!.
Effective!? Hellmans mayo is now free-range, hee hee!
But this pesky young woman - is she veggie!? If not, she's trying to wind you up, as some carnivores do!.
Tell her her conscience is squawking!Www@FoodAQ@Com
The Vegetarian Society Uk will put its seal of approval on foods that contain Free-range eggs!.
Effective!? Hellmans mayo is now free-range, hee hee!
But this pesky young woman - is she veggie!? If not, she's trying to wind you up, as some carnivores do!.
Tell her her conscience is squawking!Www@FoodAQ@Com
of course you can!.
this girl is retarded!.
eggs are not considered meat!.
yea they're in the protein section but so are beans!.
don't listen to her!.
vegetarians eat eggs, cheese and drink milk!. (some even eat fish)
and vegans have nothing to do with ANY animal!.
you're still a vegetarian!.
she's so retarded!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
this girl is retarded!.
eggs are not considered meat!.
yea they're in the protein section but so are beans!.
don't listen to her!.
vegetarians eat eggs, cheese and drink milk!. (some even eat fish)
and vegans have nothing to do with ANY animal!.
you're still a vegetarian!.
she's so retarded!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
That depends, an egg is an animal by product!. If fertilized the egg turns turns into a chicken!. Vegans don't eat eggs, but some vegetarians do!. BTW, the only difference between brown and white eggs is the color of the chicken that lays it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Yes!. That girl is really idiotic, accusing you of being a meat eater when she hasn't even done the proper research into it!. If she had, she would have found that people only eat unfertilised eggs, eggs that never had and never would be alive!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
it is up to your own vision on things here!. of course you can eat eggs and be vegetarian!. it's vegans who don't eat eggs, and they are very strict!. but vegetarian just means not eating any meat!. you're just fine!.
you can also drink milk!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
you can also drink milk!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
vegans don't eat any animal products, meat, milk eggs etc vegi's don't eat meat!. that girl is mis-informed
eggs from supermarkets are un fertilised, meaning no chick!. it's pretty much the chickens period!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
eggs from supermarkets are un fertilised, meaning no chick!. it's pretty much the chickens period!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Its ok for you to eat eggs, its all in your prefrence, VEGANS are the type of vegetarians that dont eat eggs!.!.!.if u feel its a animal product and wish not to eat then then dont, if u think its ok its fine too!.!.!.!.!.!.
GOOD LUCK!! :)Www@FoodAQ@Com
GOOD LUCK!! :)Www@FoodAQ@Com
Of course you can eat eggs!. I am not a vegetarian and I know that just from hearing from others!. Just like drinking milk, I think!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
You can eat eggs, you would just be an ovo-vegetarian!. Don't let that heckler bother you!. By any chance, does she have broad shoulders!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
some do n some don't some dont eat things wit the ingredient with eggs n it but most likely they doWww@FoodAQ@Com
Well, Lacto-Ovo vegetarians and Ovo-vegetarians can eat eggs, but Lacto-vegetarians do not!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Yes, vegetarians can eat eggs!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
that girl is wrong you can be a vegetarian and eat eggsWww@FoodAQ@Com
That girl is stupid!. I am a vegetarian and I eat eggs!. Eggs do not have chicken!. White eggs dont!. So relax!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
you can eat eggs is not a living!Www@FoodAQ@Com
does an egg have meat in it!? -_-Www@FoodAQ@Com
Yes :)Www@FoodAQ@Com
stupid ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''!.!.!. NOWww@FoodAQ@Com