Why do people hate vegetarians?!

Question: Why do people hate vegetarians!?
I am a vegetarian!.
But a lot of people seem to not like me because of it!.
I think it's stupid!.
Whether someone eats meat or not shouldn't make a difference on whether you like them or not!.
So people, do you HATE us or do you LIKE us!?
Be as mean as you want, as long as it's honest!.
((P!.s your opinion won't change the fact that I'm a vegetarian!))Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm a vegetarian, too!. I think it's because they think we're crazy peta people or something which isn't always the case!. I just don't want to eat meat!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

I find a lot of times, when I'm eating with a vegetarian at the table, they start explaining to me why it's wrong to eat meat!. Some have even gone to the point of describing the inner workings of a slaughterhouse while I'm cutting up my steak!.

I don't dislike all vegetarians!. But at the same time, while I chose to eat meat I respect their decision not to!. I'd like to be extended the same kindness in return, especially while eating!.

If I have the choice of eating with or without a vegetarian at a table with me, I'd chose not to dine with them!. They can be extremely verbal about their choices, and that just doesn't seem to be enough for them!. They also want other people to join them on their quest!. They want to transform the world, stand on their chairs, and shame anybody within earshot who is eating meat!.

All while I'm only trying to eat!. So I don't dislike vegetarians!. But I sometimes dislike their behavior!. :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

I, personally, do not hate vegetarians (I have often considered becoming one myself), but the thing that annoys me, and most other carnivores I know, is when a vegetarian will judge you for eating meat!. The worst is when they will intentionally mention a disturbing fact about meat production while you are eating meat!. No one wants to hear about animal cruelty whilst enjoying a steak!.

As long as you do not act inappropriate towards meat eaters, I do not mind your beliefs!. I applaud you, in fact!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

There are people who have preconcieved notions of what vegetarians are and how they tend to be!. Many might think that vegetarians are all pushy, preachy, or hippies!. I think a lot of this has to do not with personal experience but by the media and how we are portrayed in television, movies, and on the news!. Whenever you hear about vegetarians, it's usually negative and people will take that information in and hold onto that until they are proved wrong!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

First thing, I don't hate vegetarians!.
What I do hate is when people think their lifestyle is a one-size-fits-all deal and they need to convert everyone to be like that, whether it's religion, political views, or culinary ideas!.
There are some vegetarians who think it's their duty to make everyone else vegetarians and anyone who doesn't follow suit are icky monsters!. It's those few jerks who tend to make the rest of you look bad!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Maybe it's because of the part of the country you live in, but I have never run into people who show hatred toward vegetarians!. I come from a family who raises/raised beef cattle and hogs (I still eat meat), and I married a lacto vegetarian!. Typically speaking, a conservative Midwestern farming family shouldn't accept that, but they are very welcoming to him and have actually altered typically family dishes so he can eat them as well!. I think you might have just had a few bad experiences with ignorant people!. As long as you tell them why you are doing it - whether for animal rights or nutritional reasons - they should understand!. If not, turn the other cheek and let them live their lives like a horse with blinders on!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I don't like many vegetarians because they are in my face about eating meat!. As long as you're not preaching to me, I don't have any problem with them!. Many people are vegetarians for the wrong reasons (animal loving instead of nutritional benefits), and remind me of PETA-heads who try to pass wacky laws about the personhood of pets!.

I LOVE vegetarians because they decrease demand for meat, driving the price down for those of us who like the taste of it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

at first people would say stuff to me like i'm unhealthy or whatever and i would let it bother me but now i come back at them with something

"being a vegan is bad for your health"
"smoking and drinking all the time is bad for you health"

use whatever flaw they have in their nutrition and fitness plans and pick on it

case and point (fat girl tells me that it's unhealthy, i come back with "at least i'm not gonna die of a heart attack when i'm 30!.")Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well I am a vegetarian too!. Honestly, i don't like the way many vegetarians act about it!. A lot are very uppity and think they are better than everyone else!. A lot make other people feel bad for eating meat!. Becoming a vegetarian is a personal choice and I wish that more vegetarians would realize this and stop giving people like me a bad name!. Hope that gave you some insight!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

lol i know i don't under Stand that either even though im not a vegetarian !.!.but why do people seem to care what others do so much now days !. like seriously grow up and worry about your self nobody should hate anyone because of their belief or religion or even opinions!. so i don't know why immature people would hate other people because of what they think!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

because there haters and thats what haters do!

im a vegitarian and i dont think people hate me
im the only vegitarinan in my family and when i first became one my mom made me pomise that i wouldnt get all preachy on my family or start telling my little cousins horrible storys about what happens to the animals
she said that i could choose this lifestyle and its my choice and that its fine that i made this choice but she said she wasnt gonna have me forcing my beliefs on anybody in my family
and i dont do that
i know people who say they dont like vegitarians who try to force there beliefs on other people
but i have never met a person who strait up said they hate all vegetarians
if people dont like you maybe you should look into other reasons why !?!?!?
because that is the most stupidest thing i have ever heard of if the sole reason why people dont like you is because your a vegetarian
that is seriosly stupid
im a vegitarian and i dont hate meat eaters and i dont think most vegetarians hate them either
( =

i don't hate anyone for something silly like that!. the people i know that are vegetarian i can take or leave, just as people, i mean!.

i do find it annoying for someone to say, "i'm a vegetarian!. i don't eat meat but i eat fish"!. WTF!? since when is fish not meat!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

I have no problem with vegetarians in general!. However, I do have a problem with those vegetarians who are trying to get me to become a vegetarian myself!. If I don't tell you to eat meat, then don't tell me to avoid it!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

I don't hate veggies!.!.!.!. I have loads of mates who don't eat meat!.

I don't like people that pretend to throw up whenever you eating meat in front of them :|Www@FoodAQ@Com

Insecurity!. Low self esteem!. Intolerance!. Got nothing better to do!.

Take your pick!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Maybe they're jealous that you can control your urge to eat meat!.
I'm not a vegetarian i love meat! But it is fattening :(

I dont hate vegetarian's tho!.!.!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

um they shouldn't care, because I eat vegs all the time in my school, and no one really hates me!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

i could care less on who u r! i would care if u r mean and rude though!
im really happy that there r still people in this world who stick 4evr on what they trully believe in!

hope i helped and goodluck!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I don't hate you!. It is just another way to eat!. I think you all are cool!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

as long as you leave me a baked potato for my steak, i say live and let liveWww@FoodAQ@Com

So people, do you HATE us or do you LIKE us!?

i don't judge people based upon what they eat, either way!.

BUT, if i had to assume, and could only pick one of the above answers, well, i'm sorry, but i would have to go with hate!.

i just think that many vegans and vegetarians are quite delusional about their cause and i also hate how you try to force what they believe upon other people!. They also are extremely close minded about anything and everything unless it has to do with saving the rainforest or hurting the meat industry or something like that!.

the only vegetarians i support are the ones who do it because of health, and religious reasons, the stupid ones, who do it because they think killing animals is cruel are just retarded!. animals face much worse conditions in the wild than what any farmer would subject them to!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

There are different levels of vegetarians!.!.

Are you the kind that eats no dairy or fish as well as meat !?!?

I don't "hate" these people!.!. I do however think they are extremely narrow minded,, and depriving themselves of essential nutritious!.!.

I guess I cant really answer your question,, because I treat everyone the same!.!.

Well - the answer to your question!.!. There will probably always be people like that!.!. You have to just figure a way to be diplomatic,, let it roll off your back,, and move on!.!. If it bothers you - they win!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

vegetarians arnt as healthy as people who eat meat!. u need the iron from the cows!. the protein from the chicken!. u wont get any of that from eatin broccoli or vegies!. vegetables dont even taste good anyways!. unless u put flavor in them!.!.its almost impossible to eat a salad without the ranch!. if were to try a meat!. try fish!. there tons of them in the worldWww@FoodAQ@Com

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