I refuse to eat KFC, and my parents and big brother constantly make fun of me?!
My best friend is vegetarian, so she sent me to peta2!.com !. i watched a couple of the videos on there about KFC, and i was appalled!. so i now don't eat KFC!.
unfortunately, my family is totally unsupportive, and constantly makes fun of me, making up all this crap and saying i shouldnt believe everything on the internet!. i KNOW this, but peta2 has videos that are TRUE!.
what should i do to stop them making fun of my decision to not eat KFC!?
btw, KFC is really cruel to all their animals, even more so then other fast food outlets!. which is why i still eat maccas, just not KFC!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
unfortunately, my family is totally unsupportive, and constantly makes fun of me, making up all this crap and saying i shouldnt believe everything on the internet!. i KNOW this, but peta2 has videos that are TRUE!.
what should i do to stop them making fun of my decision to not eat KFC!?
btw, KFC is really cruel to all their animals, even more so then other fast food outlets!. which is why i still eat maccas, just not KFC!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
If watching that stopped you, go watch other videos!. I can promise you that there more videos out there regarding animal cruelty that could drastically change some of your other viewpoints!. PETA has more than one fast food chains on their list, McDonald's is one of them!. If what you saw bothered you, then evidently you a caring enough person to at least go vegetarian!. Don't know what your family would do to that, but you shouldn't care what they think!.
PLEASE do not listen to Atheist!. What she said sounds ridiculous and untrue, because it is!. The "PETA Kills Animals" campaign is basically designed to scare people away from supporting PETA by slapping around disgustingly false accusations regarding things that would never be done by PETA!. Trust me when I say that if it was proven true, the news would be much more widespread (you never saw it on the news) and PETA would likely be cut off and shut down by now!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
PLEASE do not listen to Atheist!. What she said sounds ridiculous and untrue, because it is!. The "PETA Kills Animals" campaign is basically designed to scare people away from supporting PETA by slapping around disgustingly false accusations regarding things that would never be done by PETA!. Trust me when I say that if it was proven true, the news would be much more widespread (you never saw it on the news) and PETA would likely be cut off and shut down by now!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
i had the same story you did , and guess what i still eat no KFC and my parents got used to it and gave up on making fun , and i agree 100% with you , it's just that i don't eat maccas nor kfc because i can survive without the meat but the animals that get slaughtered don't ,(im not bhudda or the religion that forces you to be vegetarian or vegan , i choose to be)Www@FoodAQ@Com
Think all of these places served the wrong things!. I have noticed over the years the Kentucky Fried has really gone down hill!. Take apart a piece of their chicken and you will see layers of fat and that is not counting the coating that has tons of fats also and not the good kind of fat either!. They use to make the very best slaw around but even that is not as good as it was!. Guess everyone is out to safe a buck and if we continue to buy this junk that is exactly what we shall keep getting!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
KFC is actually profiled because they are have more direct connection with their food supply than most other fast food chains!. If you haven't read or seen Fast Food Nation yet you probably should!. Still there is nothing wrong with standing for something, just expect to be harassed, that won't change even when the people around you are different!. Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Either eat KFC once in a while
or you can explain the thing to your parents
if you're gonna explain to your parents, the best way is to make a presentation!. possibly a powerpoint!.
just keep in mind
KFC is healthier than McDonalds, Burger King, and Dairy Queen
why not go to wendysWww@FoodAQ@Com
or you can explain the thing to your parents
if you're gonna explain to your parents, the best way is to make a presentation!. possibly a powerpoint!.
just keep in mind
KFC is healthier than McDonalds, Burger King, and Dairy Queen
why not go to wendysWww@FoodAQ@Com
my ideas arent consistent with those of vegetarians, i say if its meat its good to eat, cannibalism excluded, but i gotta respect when someone sticks by their beliefs even in the face of persecution!. good on ya!. i used to work at KFC so i see everything that goes on i definitely would never eat anything frm thereWww@FoodAQ@Com
It's just not KFC; it is all companies that breed animals for human consumption!. So, if you feel strongly about it, stick to your beliefs!. You think Purdue or Tyson are any kinder to chickens!? But I do have to say that you just picking out KFC is rather humorous!. If you hate fried chicken that's one thing!. KFC isn't any more cruel than others!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Gee, your family must be total gourmets, they are laughing at you cause you wont eat takeaway food full of fat!. I have no idea why you are worried about what they have to say!.
If they want to eat ****, let them!. And laugh in their ignorant faces!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
If they want to eat ****, let them!. And laugh in their ignorant faces!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I suppose they are not as sensitive about what happens to animals or they just find the taste so good there's nothing that can convince them to give up eating from KFC!. But they should just leave you alone, everyone is entitled to stick to their own beliefs!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
lol just eat it!.!. humans are NATURALLY OMNIVORES!.!. eating meat wont hurt you!.!. and all you vegans and veggitarians who eat plants!.!. they are still life!.!. even if they have no nervous system or anything like that!.!. its still a live living creature!.!. according to you guys!.!. dosen't any thing thats alive deserve to live!.!. seriously get a lifeWww@FoodAQ@Com
that, and most, of peta's shock videos are known to have been staged, THEY mutilate animals like that to grab attention!. peta kills over 90% of the animals that they take in!. do not let them fool you, peta is a money making scheme!. do not support them!Www@FoodAQ@Com
i know it sounds stupid and you have probably tried but just ignore them
this is an independent choice that you have made and your parents should be proud of you
Glad to help!
Here to make the world a better place :)
Andrea xxxWww@FoodAQ@Com
this is an independent choice that you have made and your parents should be proud of you
Glad to help!
Here to make the world a better place :)
Andrea xxxWww@FoodAQ@Com
Kentucky Fried Cruelty - I'm a non-KFC supporter to and i get payed out by my friends, believe me!
Stay strong and stand for what you believe in!! You will be blessed in the long run!.
You ARE doing the right thing!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Stay strong and stand for what you believe in!! You will be blessed in the long run!.
You ARE doing the right thing!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Stand up for yourself!. Make them realize that they should support you in every single choice you make!. They would want you to be there for them wouldn't they!? Just tell them how you feel!.
its all part of the family get together experience, enjoy your parents' and big brother's company while you can!. you're gonna miss it when it gone!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Just remember you are doing the right and ethical thing and your family is being ignorant and listening to their taste buds rather than brain!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
You are right not to eat KFC they're animal rights are awful! McDonald's are bad too, burger-king too, most fast food places of awful animal rights!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
okay, well, you not eating at kfc does not do anything to help the death of animals used for slaughter if you do not go all the way vegetarianWww@FoodAQ@Com
They're awfully defensive of their decision to eat at a crappy fast food company!. Maybe you could remind them of that the next time they make fun of you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
for the one millionth time!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.KFC does not raise or butcher chickens!.!.!.!.!.they buy them from Tyson Foods!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.blaming KFC for something Tyson does shows how misinformed people areWww@FoodAQ@Com
do what you like and don't let them stop you!. you could also just show them the videoWww@FoodAQ@Com
do what you want to do and don't let anyone stop you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
You still eat McDonalds!? Just not KFC!? They're both dead animals!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
It's all the same seriously, its jsut that KFC is much more greasy than MaccasWww@FoodAQ@Com
who cares what they think!. if you don't want to eat it then you don't have to!. ignore themWww@FoodAQ@Com
If YOU think its true, then who cares what they say just ignore themWww@FoodAQ@Com
punch 'em square in the face!. don't eat KFC (killing friendly chickens)Www@FoodAQ@Com
just ignore them, tell them to go f themelvesWww@FoodAQ@Com
In my opinion, if most urban meat eaters were to visit an industrial broiler house, to see how the birds are raised, and could see the birds being ‘harvested’ and then being ‘processed’ in a poultry processing plant, they would not be impressed and some, perhaps many of them would swear off eating chicken and perhaps all meat!.It just the same happened to you!. Let them watch again the MEET YOUR MEAT!. Indeed there are "worst" footage available in youtube!. Download it into your mobile and share with others!. These are the "life saving" tools for most veg*n advocators!.
Stupid Things Omnivores Say
Omnivores : If you love animals so much, why don't you have sex with them!?
Vegan : Do you love your mother!? You can't draw line while you're loving while others eating the same animal!.
Omnivores : Meat's a man's food!. Only women become vegetarians!.
Vegan : Slavery, Sexism and many other Discrimination had over!. Well, good to know that I'm a women now!.
Question : Chickens are stupid
Vegan : Feeble-minded men are capable of much rough labor!. Mentally defective, stupid children and Jew were used in forced labour in the past!.
Birds have cognitive capabilities equinalent to those of mammals, even primates!.
Vegan : My arm hurts!.
Omnivore : See, that's from not eating meat!
Question : Only atheists are vegetarians!. You can't be a religion and a vegetarian!.
Vegan : Saint Basil the Great was, that's strange!
Question : If you don't believe in God, why do you care what suffers!?
Vegan : Ask Peter Singer and the Utilitarians!.
Question : I never eat living animals, all the animals I eat are dead!.
Vegan : Do you think it committed a suicide!?
Question : Vegans, doesn't that mean you can't!.!.!.you know, have oral sex!?
Vegan : Of course you can!-p
Omnivores : You shouln't go vegan!. It's almost impossible to get enough protein!.
Vegan : Ask Steve Holt, bodybuider, life-long vegetarian!.
Omnivores : Cows milk was made for human!. What & Why else do they make milk!?
Vegan : Any ideas now!?
Omnivores : Cows deserve to die because they say: moo!
Vegan : Wow, what a brilliant ethical argument!.!.!.
Omnivores : My baby needs milk for body and brain!.
Vegan : Then it does for dog, horse, giraffe, and I opined strange women's milk is the best!
Omnivores : I would be a vegetarian but I love chicken too much!.
Vegan : If you call this "love"!.!.!.
Omvivores : You gotta kill them otherwise they die!.
Vegan : YOU will die too, but that doesn't give me right to kill you and eat you!.
Omnivores : If you're a vegetrian for the rest of your life then you'll live a very sad life!.
Vegan : Yes, very sad!. Anything makes others less happy is bad :-D
Omnivores : Look, I made you some tofu!. Just be sure to take some chicked with it, too!.
Vegan : Why!? Vegetarian food rocks!!!
Omnivores : Animals are my friends too, and in my family cattle farm!.!.!.
Vegan : But I don't eat you, my dear friend!
Omnivores : Heart attacks!.!.!. God's revenge for NOT eating His little animal friends!.
Vegans : Then, you should able to choose at any speed and rate that you like!.
Omnivores : If my God didn't mean for us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made meat taste so good!.
Vegan : Then, eat that without cooking, without any spieces and then we'll talk!.
Omnivores : What about boneless chicken!? Will you eat that!? (Quite a innocent question!)
Vegan : Huh! No idea how to respond!. Really!#@^#%!
Stupid Things Omnivores Say
Omnivores : If you love animals so much, why don't you have sex with them!?
Vegan : Do you love your mother!? You can't draw line while you're loving while others eating the same animal!.
Omnivores : Meat's a man's food!. Only women become vegetarians!.
Vegan : Slavery, Sexism and many other Discrimination had over!. Well, good to know that I'm a women now!.
Question : Chickens are stupid
Vegan : Feeble-minded men are capable of much rough labor!. Mentally defective, stupid children and Jew were used in forced labour in the past!.
Birds have cognitive capabilities equinalent to those of mammals, even primates!.
Vegan : My arm hurts!.
Omnivore : See, that's from not eating meat!
Question : Only atheists are vegetarians!. You can't be a religion and a vegetarian!.
Vegan : Saint Basil the Great was, that's strange!
Question : If you don't believe in God, why do you care what suffers!?
Vegan : Ask Peter Singer and the Utilitarians!.
Question : I never eat living animals, all the animals I eat are dead!.
Vegan : Do you think it committed a suicide!?
Question : Vegans, doesn't that mean you can't!.!.!.you know, have oral sex!?
Vegan : Of course you can!-p
Omnivores : You shouln't go vegan!. It's almost impossible to get enough protein!.
Vegan : Ask Steve Holt, bodybuider, life-long vegetarian!.
Omnivores : Cows milk was made for human!. What & Why else do they make milk!?
Vegan : Any ideas now!?
Omnivores : Cows deserve to die because they say: moo!
Vegan : Wow, what a brilliant ethical argument!.!.!.
Omnivores : My baby needs milk for body and brain!.
Vegan : Then it does for dog, horse, giraffe, and I opined strange women's milk is the best!
Omnivores : I would be a vegetarian but I love chicken too much!.
Vegan : If you call this "love"!.!.!.
Omvivores : You gotta kill them otherwise they die!.
Vegan : YOU will die too, but that doesn't give me right to kill you and eat you!.
Omnivores : If you're a vegetrian for the rest of your life then you'll live a very sad life!.
Vegan : Yes, very sad!. Anything makes others less happy is bad :-D
Omnivores : Look, I made you some tofu!. Just be sure to take some chicked with it, too!.
Vegan : Why!? Vegetarian food rocks!!!
Omnivores : Animals are my friends too, and in my family cattle farm!.!.!.
Vegan : But I don't eat you, my dear friend!
Omnivores : Heart attacks!.!.!. God's revenge for NOT eating His little animal friends!.
Vegans : Then, you should able to choose at any speed and rate that you like!.
Omnivores : If my God didn't mean for us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made meat taste so good!.
Vegan : Then, eat that without cooking, without any spieces and then we'll talk!.
Omnivores : What about boneless chicken!? Will you eat that!? (Quite a innocent question!)
Vegan : Huh! No idea how to respond!. Really!#@^#%!
Although I fully support your decision to choose a healthier lifestyle, I feel it's only right if I inform you of PETA's misdoings as well!.
They kill 90% of the animals that come into their care!. They euthanized puppies and left their corpses in black trash bags in a dumpster behind a building!.
Their leader is fully against people having "pure bred" babies and thinks every woman should be sterilize against this!.
They purchased freezers to "deal" with some animals!.
I can't even continue on, the list is endless!.
I fully support your right to a vegetarian lifestyle, but do know that some of the things you're going to see from PETA are greatly flawed and biased!. Many have been doctored up to be much worse than they really are!.
So, before you associate yourself with these criminals, do some more research on them, and you'd be better off associating yourself with a local ASPCA or pound!.
Best wishes! =) Www@FoodAQ@Com
They kill 90% of the animals that come into their care!. They euthanized puppies and left their corpses in black trash bags in a dumpster behind a building!.
Their leader is fully against people having "pure bred" babies and thinks every woman should be sterilize against this!.
They purchased freezers to "deal" with some animals!.
I can't even continue on, the list is endless!.
I fully support your right to a vegetarian lifestyle, but do know that some of the things you're going to see from PETA are greatly flawed and biased!. Many have been doctored up to be much worse than they really are!.
So, before you associate yourself with these criminals, do some more research on them, and you'd be better off associating yourself with a local ASPCA or pound!.
Best wishes! =) Www@FoodAQ@Com
I don't understand this, I really don't!. No matter how nicely or cruelly you are treating an animal who's fate is to be turned into food!.!.!.!.!.!.!. you're eventually going to kill it!. Does it really matter how that is done!? If you don't want to eat meat because "it's mean to kill animals" remember people have been eating animals since the beginning of time!. These animals are bred to be slaughtered to feed us!. Meat is good for us, we need it!. Ultimately whether you torture the thing before you kill it or you just shoot it in the face, it's still going to turn into food, so I don't really see how it matters!. And if it's being treated so horribly, don't your think the animal is better off dead!?
Although I think it's retarded that your family is making fun of you for not eating KFC - whether it's for moral reason or simply because you just don't feel like eating a bowl of grease and fat!.!.!.!.!. who freaking cares!? That's pretty juvenile to give you a hard time for choosing not to eat at a specific restaurant!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Although I think it's retarded that your family is making fun of you for not eating KFC - whether it's for moral reason or simply because you just don't feel like eating a bowl of grease and fat!.!.!.!.!. who freaking cares!? That's pretty juvenile to give you a hard time for choosing not to eat at a specific restaurant!.Www@FoodAQ@Com