Why did you go vegetarian and how difficult was it?!
I wanted to be vegetarian when I was 8, after I found out about factory farming and animal rights issues, but my parents wouldn't let me at the time!.
When I went to college last fall, I had eliminated red meat from my diet (especially after a summer working at McDonalds), and over the school year I stopped eating all other meat and fish!. I've been a vegetarian for about six months!. I don't know if I'll ever go completely vegan, since so far I haven't found a good substitute for eggs and cheese!.
It really wasn't that hard, since my college is very good with vegetarian food, and at home I buy my own food and cook for myself!. Eating out is sometimes a pain, and sometimes my family forgets that I'm vegetarian, but I think it's a better choice!.
My biggest reason now is for environmental sustainability, since it is very energy-intensive to produce meat and farms are horrible polluters, and the rate we are fishing is highly unsafe!. The second reason is animal issues- they have a central nervous system and can feel pain, and it just isn't right to abuse them in the way the farming and meat production industries do!. My third reason is for health- lower cholesterol, lower risk of cancer and heart disease, less chance of being overweight or obese, and better health overall!.
I think it was a good choice and I'm not planning to go back to eating meat again!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
When I went to college last fall, I had eliminated red meat from my diet (especially after a summer working at McDonalds), and over the school year I stopped eating all other meat and fish!. I've been a vegetarian for about six months!. I don't know if I'll ever go completely vegan, since so far I haven't found a good substitute for eggs and cheese!.
It really wasn't that hard, since my college is very good with vegetarian food, and at home I buy my own food and cook for myself!. Eating out is sometimes a pain, and sometimes my family forgets that I'm vegetarian, but I think it's a better choice!.
My biggest reason now is for environmental sustainability, since it is very energy-intensive to produce meat and farms are horrible polluters, and the rate we are fishing is highly unsafe!. The second reason is animal issues- they have a central nervous system and can feel pain, and it just isn't right to abuse them in the way the farming and meat production industries do!. My third reason is for health- lower cholesterol, lower risk of cancer and heart disease, less chance of being overweight or obese, and better health overall!.
I think it was a good choice and I'm not planning to go back to eating meat again!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I went vegetarian for many reasons!. I tell most people it was for ethical reasons, and they seem not to understand what I meant, and not dive into a deeper, more heated argument about why being vegetarian is a bad thing!. The main reason I went vegetarian was because of my tastes!. I never liked the taste of meat!. A food is only as good as its sauce!. This really applies to meat!. However, if I tell this reason to the average person, they usually laugh at me and call me crazy for not liking the taste of dead animals!. I abhor how people seem to overlook the facts that are disturbing when doing something that brings pleasure to them!. I started becoming interested in vegetarianism when people forcing me to eat meat started to irritate me to extremes!. I did a little research and was pretty much hard set on becoming a vegetarian!. I started counting up the days I didn't eat meat for dinner and found that it's been quite a while and called myself vegetarian!.
Although I wasn't really aware of the health benefits of becoming a vegetarian, after my research I was very pleasently suprised by these!. It really urged on my conversion!.
Right now it's only been a bit over 3 months since I converted, and I feel great!. I love the fact that nobody tries to shove the flesh down my throat!. I feel like a weight has been taken off my back!.
I don't think it is that difficult, even if you frequently eat out!. Worst case you might have to order a salad!. Sometimes it's challenging with things like cheese, which are not vegetarian unless marked as so!. I have to be careful when eating cheese when eating out!. And I have to watch out for gelatin and animal fats being used in foods!. If you don't eat out that much, these problems aren't that daunting!.
If you are considering going vegetarian, I strongly support you, and I wish you all the best!.
Although I wasn't really aware of the health benefits of becoming a vegetarian, after my research I was very pleasently suprised by these!. It really urged on my conversion!.
Right now it's only been a bit over 3 months since I converted, and I feel great!. I love the fact that nobody tries to shove the flesh down my throat!. I feel like a weight has been taken off my back!.
I don't think it is that difficult, even if you frequently eat out!. Worst case you might have to order a salad!. Sometimes it's challenging with things like cheese, which are not vegetarian unless marked as so!. I have to be careful when eating cheese when eating out!. And I have to watch out for gelatin and animal fats being used in foods!. If you don't eat out that much, these problems aren't that daunting!.
If you are considering going vegetarian, I strongly support you, and I wish you all the best!.
i became a vegitarian mostly because of the animals
but also because i honestly just cant stand the taste and texture of meat or the ickky feeling it would give me inside after eating it
and it was only difficult for the first few months after that i never thought about going back
as a kid i had to eat all the food on my plate including meat and i was not aloud to get up untill i finished it
my mom let me become a vegitarian when i was 13 but she told me i had to fix my own food if i wasnt going to eat what she made
the toughest part is being the only vegitarian in my family ( =Www@FoodAQ@Com
but also because i honestly just cant stand the taste and texture of meat or the ickky feeling it would give me inside after eating it
and it was only difficult for the first few months after that i never thought about going back
as a kid i had to eat all the food on my plate including meat and i was not aloud to get up untill i finished it
my mom let me become a vegitarian when i was 13 but she told me i had to fix my own food if i wasnt going to eat what she made
the toughest part is being the only vegitarian in my family ( =Www@FoodAQ@Com
I went vegetarian because I am an animal lover!. It was hard at first because I didn't know what to eat but the changes in my health have made it worth it!. It is hard to listen to people berate you for your beliefs but as long as you know exactly why you are vegetarian then you will do fine!. I have been veggie for 8 months and I hate the taste of meat now, you get over the addiction after awhile!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I only eat what I have the ability in me to harvest/gather!. I know I could never kill anything that’s capable of conscious thought or feeling pain, therefore I limit my killing to that of plants and not animals!.
When I cared for chickens I was never able to let them go for a day without receiving some sort of treat and letting them have free run of a few acres – therefore I don’t support the practice of factory farming, even the “cage free” marketing mentality!.
I always felt bad about having to pull the eggs, but understood it from a health (for the hens that is)/population standpoint!. I couldn’t eat the eggs knowing where they came from and what their purpose was!. Considering I had plenty of food in my pantry, I never really felt it urgent enough to resort to eating their eggs so I would leave them out for the wild Ravens or feed them to the dogs!.
I never thought is natural to drink milk from the start and after being exposed to the plight of the dairy cow, I cut it out of my diet entirely!. This also means anything derived from milk – butter, cheese, cream and most store bought baked goods!.
From the beginning when I started working in wildlife rehab, I felt like a hypocrite for rescuing animals one minute and then turning around to eat their commercial counterparts the next!. That’s how I started and it’s progressed from there!.
It really didn't take a whole lot of effort considering my stance on animal rights and welfare to begin with!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
When I cared for chickens I was never able to let them go for a day without receiving some sort of treat and letting them have free run of a few acres – therefore I don’t support the practice of factory farming, even the “cage free” marketing mentality!.
I always felt bad about having to pull the eggs, but understood it from a health (for the hens that is)/population standpoint!. I couldn’t eat the eggs knowing where they came from and what their purpose was!. Considering I had plenty of food in my pantry, I never really felt it urgent enough to resort to eating their eggs so I would leave them out for the wild Ravens or feed them to the dogs!.
I never thought is natural to drink milk from the start and after being exposed to the plight of the dairy cow, I cut it out of my diet entirely!. This also means anything derived from milk – butter, cheese, cream and most store bought baked goods!.
From the beginning when I started working in wildlife rehab, I felt like a hypocrite for rescuing animals one minute and then turning around to eat their commercial counterparts the next!. That’s how I started and it’s progressed from there!.
It really didn't take a whole lot of effort considering my stance on animal rights and welfare to begin with!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I went vegetarian and then vegan because my doctor told me to!.
Something to do with clogging of the arteries from all the hidden fat in meat!. I used to have diarrhoea from the toxins in meat!. My feet were also swollen from arthritis!. Since becoming vegan these problems have disappeared!.
After reading Skinny B**** and Skinny B**** in the Kitch it was super easy to change over!. The authors have some great easy recipes!.
Something to do with clogging of the arteries from all the hidden fat in meat!. I used to have diarrhoea from the toxins in meat!. My feet were also swollen from arthritis!. Since becoming vegan these problems have disappeared!.
After reading Skinny B**** and Skinny B**** in the Kitch it was super easy to change over!. The authors have some great easy recipes!.
I became a vegetarian when I was about 6 or 7!. I was in a restaurant and I asked what meat was made from and my parents told be it was from animals!. That totally freaked me out!. And, after a while of still eating meat I didn't enjoy the taste anymore!. So, I gave up red meat!. I ate chicken for a few years after that but I didn't really like it so I gave it up around 11!. LOL I did it before it was trendy!.
I became a vegetarian 18 years ago! wow!. I first did it because I am an animal lover, I just couldn't eat them! After years of being a vegetarian and reading about it, I realized that it is a lot healthier!. Then a made another realization that it really is the way we are spouse to eat!. We as humans ar NOT carnivores our bodies do do not properly digest meat and dairy product and they make us sick!. If you get a chance read the book "The China Study"!. It is an excellent book and has lots of good proof on why we should all be vegetarians and it gives you fuel to talk to the non-believers that often try to talk you down!. Good Luck! Www@FoodAQ@Com
i went vegetarian b/c i learned about animals and how they lived and evolved!. and decided i didnt want to hurt animals by making them go through so much torture!.
i was 12 and like the first week i was sneaking chicken!. no idea why i was 'sneaking' it b!.c i was the only one who cared to not eat meat!. then my mom bought me a mcdonalds bacon cheeseburger!. and i ate it!. adn then!.!. kept kept thinking about the beef and the meat and then the cow and got myself so grossed out!. and that was the last time i ate meat!.
now i'm almost 20 and have been vegan for 2 months!. :)Www@FoodAQ@Com
i was 12 and like the first week i was sneaking chicken!. no idea why i was 'sneaking' it b!.c i was the only one who cared to not eat meat!. then my mom bought me a mcdonalds bacon cheeseburger!. and i ate it!. adn then!.!. kept kept thinking about the beef and the meat and then the cow and got myself so grossed out!. and that was the last time i ate meat!.
now i'm almost 20 and have been vegan for 2 months!. :)Www@FoodAQ@Com
I went vegetarian about 6 months ago!. I'm studying to be a Nutritionist, and I have just always felt bad every time I ate meat!. I thought about the animal and about how the first time it saw the sunlight was probably on the way to the slaughterhouse!. I just realized one day that wow!.!.!. I can actually choose not to eat meat!. My mom had always told me that I couldn't do that (as in she wouldn't let me) but then I just thought, why!? I had read in all of my books about how bad meat was for me!. So there goes one of her biggest arguments!. She can't make me eat meat!. So I stopped and haven't missed it a bit!. It wasn't a bit hard!. Well!.!.!. It wasn't hard for me!. My family had a bit of trouble with it!. But they are getting over it!. My dad is always making fun of me because I don't eat meat!. My grandma does it sometimes too!. My mom just complains a lot about how she doesn't know what to cook!. (I've offered to cook but she doesn't like vegetables)!.
I really feel tons better now though!. I noticed after just a couple of weeks that I had more color in my face already!. My boyfriend switched to vegetarian and lost 40 pounds!. (he went from 205 to 165 in just like 4 months)!.
Just forget about meat!. That's kinda what I did!. I'd just go into the kitchen and if I saw some meat it just didn't look like food anymore!. Meat is just an ornament to me now!. It is just something to look at!. I don't even really think of it as food now!. Vegetarianism is much easier than veganism too if you ask me!. Especially if you go to restaurants!.
good luck!
feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions!Www@FoodAQ@Com
I really feel tons better now though!. I noticed after just a couple of weeks that I had more color in my face already!. My boyfriend switched to vegetarian and lost 40 pounds!. (he went from 205 to 165 in just like 4 months)!.
Just forget about meat!. That's kinda what I did!. I'd just go into the kitchen and if I saw some meat it just didn't look like food anymore!. Meat is just an ornament to me now!. It is just something to look at!. I don't even really think of it as food now!. Vegetarianism is much easier than veganism too if you ask me!. Especially if you go to restaurants!.
good luck!
feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions!Www@FoodAQ@Com
i became a vegetarian because i cannot stand the smell of meat also the taste!. im not happy about slaughtering an animal to eat for lunch or dinner!.
it is sort of difficult when people around you think your retarded for not eating meat!.
" food chain" pfft!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
it is sort of difficult when people around you think your retarded for not eating meat!.
" food chain" pfft!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
wtf !?!?!?
i m a pure vegetarian but my family eats non
well!.!.!.!.!.its not at all difficult 2 b a veggy!.!.!.
dont become a vegan for da sake of it!.!.!.!.!.!.
think of the way the animals are slaughtered !.!.!.!.!.they r dipped in hot boiling water and all those cruel process!.!.!.!.!.its heck to fink of it
animal cruelty!.!.!.!.!.!.no no!
i m a pure vegetarian but my family eats non
well!.!.!.!.!.its not at all difficult 2 b a veggy!.!.!.
dont become a vegan for da sake of it!.!.!.!.!.!.
think of the way the animals are slaughtered !.!.!.!.!.they r dipped in hot boiling water and all those cruel process!.!.!.!.!.its heck to fink of it
animal cruelty!.!.!.!.!.!.no no!
I went vegetarian when I was seven, and it was so easy! The vegetarian options in the shops now are so wide varied and delicious, all you need is a little creativity with your meals and you can have much more than you ever had in meat dishes! Www@FoodAQ@Com
It wasn't difficult at all because ever since a little kid I hated it to eat meat because I love animals!. My mom has probably always known that I was gonna be a vegetarian, but I just didn't know it was possible when I was a little kid!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Basically I went vegetarian because I saw meat!.org and realized what they did to the animals!.
And it wasn't extremely difficult because I didn't eat much meats anyways!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
And it wasn't extremely difficult because I didn't eat much meats anyways!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I would become vegetarian - but I love the taste of meat too much to give it up - even for a single meal!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
Besides - it would be wasteful of me to shoot all these animals hunting then not consume them!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Besides - it would be wasteful of me to shoot all these animals hunting then not consume them!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
i became vegan a while back
it was hard at first because people always have a problem with it
but now its easy and i dont care what people think :]Www@FoodAQ@Com
it was hard at first because people always have a problem with it
but now its easy and i dont care what people think :]Www@FoodAQ@Com
6 years ago for 10 months!. It was easy and it was really good!.!.!.!.shame I stopped!.!.!.lol!.Www@FoodAQ@Com