What is the difference between the following animals rights groups? PETA, ASPCA, Humane Society?!
I know what the acronyms are (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)!.
But really, what is the difference between the three!? It's tough to tell from the websites what exactly their goals are regarding animals and how they aim to achieve them!.
I tried asking this in the "Pets" section, but I figured that in the "Vegetarian & Vegan" section, I might find more people who know more about animal rights organizations (not specifically about herbivores vs carnivores vs omnivores)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
But really, what is the difference between the three!? It's tough to tell from the websites what exactly their goals are regarding animals and how they aim to achieve them!.
I tried asking this in the "Pets" section, but I figured that in the "Vegetarian & Vegan" section, I might find more people who know more about animal rights organizations (not specifically about herbivores vs carnivores vs omnivores)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
PETA is basically a cult that hates people and worships animals!. If they ever lost their tax exempt status as a charity they would definitely qualify as a religion!. They want meat, milk and egg production banned!. They want to end the practice of using domestic bees to pollinate crops that provide most of the fruit in North America, even though it would make it too expensive to be vegan!. They want medical testing stopped or conducted on prisoners or human slaves instead of animals!. They want organic fertilizers like manure replace with petroleum based ones!. They spend most of the money they receive on publicity stunts and making shock videos!. They are basically the West-borough Baptist Church of the animal lovers!.
The organization called Humane Society US is basically the same as PETA, in that they don't do much that actually helps animals!. They are not affiliated with most of the Humane Societies that run animal shelters but rely on people confusing them with those shelters to get donations!. They shot most of the seal clubbing videos!.
The regular Humane Societies and ASPCA are animal welfare organizations that run animal shelters and often enforce the cruelty to animal laws!. They have no problem with people eating animals or keeping them as pets as long as they are not subjected to any unnecessary pain and suffering!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
The organization called Humane Society US is basically the same as PETA, in that they don't do much that actually helps animals!. They are not affiliated with most of the Humane Societies that run animal shelters but rely on people confusing them with those shelters to get donations!. They shot most of the seal clubbing videos!.
The regular Humane Societies and ASPCA are animal welfare organizations that run animal shelters and often enforce the cruelty to animal laws!. They have no problem with people eating animals or keeping them as pets as long as they are not subjected to any unnecessary pain and suffering!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
the main difference between these groups is that peta is a horrible group!. ASPCA and the Human Society have almost an 80% adoption rate and they actually care about the animals they have!.
Peta kills almost 90% of the animals they take in, some of these animals are badly injured and need to be put down, but a much greater percentage are perfectly healthy and adoptable!. Peta is supposebly a non profit organization, but they rake in 30 million per year and spend little to none of that on the animals, most of it is spent on advertizing and hiring celebrities to do campaigns!.
People for the ethical Treatment of Animals is a group that would have you believe that its motivations are altruistic and pure - warm and friendly organization that exists only to help animals!. It might have started out that way, but today nothing could be further from the truth!. The fact is PeTA is Unethical!. A closer look reveals that PeTA is nothing more than an extremist group that financially supports and aids arsonists, violent criminals, and terrorist groups!. PETA kills over 90% of the animals they take from pet owners!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Peta kills almost 90% of the animals they take in, some of these animals are badly injured and need to be put down, but a much greater percentage are perfectly healthy and adoptable!. Peta is supposebly a non profit organization, but they rake in 30 million per year and spend little to none of that on the animals, most of it is spent on advertizing and hiring celebrities to do campaigns!.
People for the ethical Treatment of Animals is a group that would have you believe that its motivations are altruistic and pure - warm and friendly organization that exists only to help animals!. It might have started out that way, but today nothing could be further from the truth!. The fact is PeTA is Unethical!. A closer look reveals that PeTA is nothing more than an extremist group that financially supports and aids arsonists, violent criminals, and terrorist groups!. PETA kills over 90% of the animals they take from pet owners!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Well PETA is more about getting people to go vegan and stop wearing fur, mostly about preventing the Cruelty to animals for commercial purposes!.
ASPCA is about the crime of animal cruelty and arrests offenders of animals!.
The Humane Society is about getting your pets neutered and adoption!.
All of these support all causes listed, but the ones in their section are the main ones that they focus on!.
Hope this helps!!Www@FoodAQ@Com
ASPCA is about the crime of animal cruelty and arrests offenders of animals!.
The Humane Society is about getting your pets neutered and adoption!.
All of these support all causes listed, but the ones in their section are the main ones that they focus on!.
Hope this helps!!Www@FoodAQ@Com
dear everyone,
i hate you if you're cutting down peta!. if you honestly don't like it shut the f*ck up and go somewhere else other than here, because trust me, no one here needs your ****!. all that's going to happen is people who belong to those groups and are here trying to help other people are going to rip you apart limb by limb because you don't even know what you're talking about with your dumb@$$ peta scandals you get of the internet!. peta cares about animals and if they didn't they wouldn't even start doing anything about animal rights, and yes, they do use a lot of they're money to get celebrities so they can get the word out about animal rights!. i swear some people can be so dumb sometimes!.
but sorry, the answer to you question is that peta is an animal rights group that wants to give animals the rights they deserve!.
the aspca is more of like animal cops and dealing with the laws we have already!.
and the humane socitey is like animal shelters!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
i hate you if you're cutting down peta!. if you honestly don't like it shut the f*ck up and go somewhere else other than here, because trust me, no one here needs your ****!. all that's going to happen is people who belong to those groups and are here trying to help other people are going to rip you apart limb by limb because you don't even know what you're talking about with your dumb@$$ peta scandals you get of the internet!. peta cares about animals and if they didn't they wouldn't even start doing anything about animal rights, and yes, they do use a lot of they're money to get celebrities so they can get the word out about animal rights!. i swear some people can be so dumb sometimes!.
but sorry, the answer to you question is that peta is an animal rights group that wants to give animals the rights they deserve!.
the aspca is more of like animal cops and dealing with the laws we have already!.
and the humane socitey is like animal shelters!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
As I understand it, PETA takes the most extreme stance, and their goal is to prevent all animals from being kept in zoos or circuses, abused by pet owners, used for experiments, or killed for their meat, fur and various other parts!.
The ASPCA and Humane Society are concerned with improving the welfare of animals through rescue projects and asking for laws to protect animals, but does not take the position that animals should not be used for industrial purposes, as long as they are well cared for!. I'm not sure what the difference in their agendas is!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
The ASPCA and Humane Society are concerned with improving the welfare of animals through rescue projects and asking for laws to protect animals, but does not take the position that animals should not be used for industrial purposes, as long as they are well cared for!. I'm not sure what the difference in their agendas is!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
PETA is the only group of the three you listed that is actually an animal rights group!. ASPCA and the Humane Society are animal welfare groups!. The difference is, animal rights groups are completely against exploiting animals for humans' benefit, but animal welfare groups just want animals to be treated relatively well when they are exploited!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Truthfully: PETA physcos radical good idea gone bad kinda the cause of the day group!.
ASPCA try to educate, proactive, good info!.fund raise good programs!.
Humane Society thats when animals fall through all the loops!. Partial or total government funding!. Pick up strays!. treat medicaly injured animals!. spayed or nuet!. them and try to find them a good home!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
ASPCA try to educate, proactive, good info!.fund raise good programs!.
Humane Society thats when animals fall through all the loops!. Partial or total government funding!. Pick up strays!. treat medicaly injured animals!. spayed or nuet!. them and try to find them a good home!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
PETA is full of crazed psychopaths who do things like set fire to processing plants, and demand that Ben and Jerry's use breast milk instead of cow milk!. What is SO wrong with eating a steak!? Damn hippies!.!.!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
i think peta is mostly like against eating animals, and maybe make up testing too!.
and i think aspca is aniaml crueltyWww@FoodAQ@Com
and i think aspca is aniaml crueltyWww@FoodAQ@Com
This is a cooking and food area!. Move your silly politics to another area!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
This is a cooking and food area!. Move your silly politics to another area!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
PETA is against all animal exploitation, believing animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use in entertainment!. They use shock tactics and silly publicity campaigns!.
ASPCA (or RSPCA for those in Canada and England) seems to focus mainly on companion animal issues, i!.e!., dogs and cats!.
HSUS, or Humane Society of the U!.S!. used to focus mainly on dogs and cats, but since Wayne Pacelle became president, they are also focusing on other forms of animal cruelty, including animals raised for food!. A friend of mine who works for HSUS is in California much of the time trying to get Proposition 2 passed; Prop 2 would end confinement of hens kept for their eggs, pigs, and calves kept for veal!. They have come out harshly against the annual seal hunt in Canada's maritime area!. They have a department that focuses on the exotic animal trade!. They have come out against fur!. All food served at HSUS events will be vegan!.
HSUS seems to encourage a vegan lifestyle, but doesn't beat you in the face with silly publicity stunts!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
ASPCA (or RSPCA for those in Canada and England) seems to focus mainly on companion animal issues, i!.e!., dogs and cats!.
HSUS, or Humane Society of the U!.S!. used to focus mainly on dogs and cats, but since Wayne Pacelle became president, they are also focusing on other forms of animal cruelty, including animals raised for food!. A friend of mine who works for HSUS is in California much of the time trying to get Proposition 2 passed; Prop 2 would end confinement of hens kept for their eggs, pigs, and calves kept for veal!. They have come out harshly against the annual seal hunt in Canada's maritime area!. They have a department that focuses on the exotic animal trade!. They have come out against fur!. All food served at HSUS events will be vegan!.
HSUS seems to encourage a vegan lifestyle, but doesn't beat you in the face with silly publicity stunts!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
HSUS is just PETA in a business suit!. Don't believe me!? Read this:
In Their Own Words
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) has this to say !.!.!.
Michael Fox, Vice-President
(Expressing opposition to use of bug sprays) "Only a few of the million you kill would have bitten you!."
(In Returning to Eden, Fox publication)
"Anthropocentrism, regarding human kind as the very center and pinnacle of existence, is a disease of arrested development!."
(Speech "A Vision Shared: What We Are Fighting For," to the World Congress for Animals, Washington, D!.C!., June 20, 1996)
"We are not superior!. There are no clear distinctions between us and animals!."
(Washingtonian Magazine, February 1990)
"The life of an ant and that of my child should be granted equal consideration!."
(In Inhumane Society, 1990)
"The life of an ant and the life of my child should be accorded equal respect!."
(Associated Press, Jan!. 15, 1989)
"Human care (of animals) is simply sentimental, sympathetic patronage!."
(Newsweek interview, 1988)
"Man is the most dangerous, destructive, selfish and unethical animal on earth!."
(Quoted in The Intellectual Activist, Sept!. 14, 1983)
Wayne Pacelle, Chief Executive Officer since April 2004 (joined HSUS 1994; 1988-94, Fund for Animals)
"Public opinion surveys demonstrate time and time again that Americans care about the humane treatment of animals and that sentiment is being translated into policy with several major animal protection provisions in the farm bill!."
(Quoted in "More Than Subsidies in Farm Bill," by James Henry, for AgriNews Publications, Illinois, Apr!. 25, 2002)
"We have no ethical obligation to preserve the different breeds of livestock produced through selective breeding!. !.!.!. One generation and out!. We have no problem with the extinction of domestic animals!. They are creations of human selective breeding!."
(Quoted in Animal People, May, 1993)
"If we could shut down all sport hunting in a moment, we would!."
(Quoted in "Impassioned Agitator," Associated Press, Dec!. 30, 1991)
"Our goal is to get sport hunting in the same category as cock fighting and dog fighting!. Our opponents say that hunting is a tradition!. We say traditions can change!."
(Quoted in Bozeman Daily Chronicle, Oct!. 8, 1991)
"Only 7% of Americans are hunters!. That means there are more of us than there are of them!. It is simply a matter of democracy!. The majority rules in a democracy!. We are going to use the ballot box and the democratic process to stop all hunting in the United States!.!.!. We will take it species by species until all hunting is stopped in California!. Then we will take it state by state!."
(Interviewed for Full Cry, "America's leading tree hound publication," October 1990)
J!.P!. Goodwin
The following quotes by J!.P!. Goodwin were made during his time as executive director of the Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade (CAFT)!. In 2001, Goodwin left to work with HSUS!. Goodwin has described himself as an "ALF graduate" (Anti-fur groups wage war on mink farms, New York Times, Sept!. 2, 1996), and as a "former member" of ALF ("Guerrillas say they fight to help liberate animals; FBI considers group's members domestic terrorists", Dallas Morning News, Feb!. 15, 1998)!.
"We have found that civil disobedience and direct action has been powerful in generating massive attention in our communities !.!.!. and has been very effective in traumatizing our targets!."
(National Animal Rights Convention '97, June 27, 1997)
"We're ecstatic," said Goodwin, who believes all living things are equal!. "We have no problem with inanimate objects being destroyed so animate objects can survive!. We believe life is more valuable than property!."
(Quoted in "Activists take credit for Sandy fur fire," by Cala Byram, The Deseret News, Mar!. 11, 1997, on learning of a bomb attack that destroyed the Utah Fur Breeders Agricultural Cooperative!. A caretaker and his family were asleep in the building at the time!.)
"We've started picketing outside the homes of the [department store] executives because these minks on these fur farms never get a chance to go home and relax!. Those executives do not deserve a break!. They do not deserve to go home and rest!."
(Speech "No More Fur: Bringing the Fur Industry To Its Knees," World Congress for Animals, Washington, D!.C!., June 20, 1996)
"It's time for the animal rights movement to take this industry and drive the final nail into the coffin by whatever means it takes!. If that means being outside the executives houses, if that means blockading their doors, whatever it takes!."
(Speech "No More Fur: Bringing the Fur Industry To Its Knees," World Congress for Animals, Washington, D!.C!., June 20, 1996)
"Let it be stated loud and clear, that myself and the Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade supporWww@FoodAQ@Com
In Their Own Words
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) has this to say !.!.!.
Michael Fox, Vice-President
(Expressing opposition to use of bug sprays) "Only a few of the million you kill would have bitten you!."
(In Returning to Eden, Fox publication)
"Anthropocentrism, regarding human kind as the very center and pinnacle of existence, is a disease of arrested development!."
(Speech "A Vision Shared: What We Are Fighting For," to the World Congress for Animals, Washington, D!.C!., June 20, 1996)
"We are not superior!. There are no clear distinctions between us and animals!."
(Washingtonian Magazine, February 1990)
"The life of an ant and that of my child should be granted equal consideration!."
(In Inhumane Society, 1990)
"The life of an ant and the life of my child should be accorded equal respect!."
(Associated Press, Jan!. 15, 1989)
"Human care (of animals) is simply sentimental, sympathetic patronage!."
(Newsweek interview, 1988)
"Man is the most dangerous, destructive, selfish and unethical animal on earth!."
(Quoted in The Intellectual Activist, Sept!. 14, 1983)
Wayne Pacelle, Chief Executive Officer since April 2004 (joined HSUS 1994; 1988-94, Fund for Animals)
"Public opinion surveys demonstrate time and time again that Americans care about the humane treatment of animals and that sentiment is being translated into policy with several major animal protection provisions in the farm bill!."
(Quoted in "More Than Subsidies in Farm Bill," by James Henry, for AgriNews Publications, Illinois, Apr!. 25, 2002)
"We have no ethical obligation to preserve the different breeds of livestock produced through selective breeding!. !.!.!. One generation and out!. We have no problem with the extinction of domestic animals!. They are creations of human selective breeding!."
(Quoted in Animal People, May, 1993)
"If we could shut down all sport hunting in a moment, we would!."
(Quoted in "Impassioned Agitator," Associated Press, Dec!. 30, 1991)
"Our goal is to get sport hunting in the same category as cock fighting and dog fighting!. Our opponents say that hunting is a tradition!. We say traditions can change!."
(Quoted in Bozeman Daily Chronicle, Oct!. 8, 1991)
"Only 7% of Americans are hunters!. That means there are more of us than there are of them!. It is simply a matter of democracy!. The majority rules in a democracy!. We are going to use the ballot box and the democratic process to stop all hunting in the United States!.!.!. We will take it species by species until all hunting is stopped in California!. Then we will take it state by state!."
(Interviewed for Full Cry, "America's leading tree hound publication," October 1990)
J!.P!. Goodwin
The following quotes by J!.P!. Goodwin were made during his time as executive director of the Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade (CAFT)!. In 2001, Goodwin left to work with HSUS!. Goodwin has described himself as an "ALF graduate" (Anti-fur groups wage war on mink farms, New York Times, Sept!. 2, 1996), and as a "former member" of ALF ("Guerrillas say they fight to help liberate animals; FBI considers group's members domestic terrorists", Dallas Morning News, Feb!. 15, 1998)!.
"We have found that civil disobedience and direct action has been powerful in generating massive attention in our communities !.!.!. and has been very effective in traumatizing our targets!."
(National Animal Rights Convention '97, June 27, 1997)
"We're ecstatic," said Goodwin, who believes all living things are equal!. "We have no problem with inanimate objects being destroyed so animate objects can survive!. We believe life is more valuable than property!."
(Quoted in "Activists take credit for Sandy fur fire," by Cala Byram, The Deseret News, Mar!. 11, 1997, on learning of a bomb attack that destroyed the Utah Fur Breeders Agricultural Cooperative!. A caretaker and his family were asleep in the building at the time!.)
"We've started picketing outside the homes of the [department store] executives because these minks on these fur farms never get a chance to go home and relax!. Those executives do not deserve a break!. They do not deserve to go home and rest!."
(Speech "No More Fur: Bringing the Fur Industry To Its Knees," World Congress for Animals, Washington, D!.C!., June 20, 1996)
"It's time for the animal rights movement to take this industry and drive the final nail into the coffin by whatever means it takes!. If that means being outside the executives houses, if that means blockading their doors, whatever it takes!."
(Speech "No More Fur: Bringing the Fur Industry To Its Knees," World Congress for Animals, Washington, D!.C!., June 20, 1996)
"Let it be stated loud and clear, that myself and the Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade supporWww@FoodAQ@Com