What to do about my friend?!

Question: What to do about my friend!?
Well, for starters, I am vegan and I live in North Carolina!. I have a friend who constantly makes fun of me and says stuff like "100% of guys who became vegan before they turn sixteen turn out to be gay!." And stupid stuff like that!.

He's very defensive and says he could never give up meat and is just really stupid like that!. I think it's an insecurity thing, because he always puts others down about everything to boost himself up and he's got a rather large ego!.

How do I get him to stop!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Why does he get defensive!? I'm guessing from your Additional Details that you have never tried to convert him to vegetarianism, so I'm presuming that he is one of those jumpy types who thinks that when you refuse to eat meat, you are somehow passing judgment on his choice to indulge in it!.

He's also, apparently, a homophobe, in which case, were I in your shoes, I would drop him like a ton of bricks because he is not someone I would want to be friends with!.

That aside, however, I would suggest to you to tell him point blank that he is being disrespectful of you and if he were any kind of an actual friend he would not belittle your choice to exclude meat from your diet!. And then, if he did not take the hint and apologize for his callous behavior, I would bring the friendship to and end, because he obviously doesn't give a damn about you!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

He won't stop!. Some people are just mean, even to "friends"!. If you really care about keeping him as a friend, explain your situation and tell him that you will not continue to be friendly to him if he constantly puts down you and your personal choices!. It is not really being a friend if he is not somewhat supportive of your life's decisions!. You don't have to necessarily agree, but friends have to at least be supportive and nice to each other!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You could tell him that a good number of famous actresses and models are vegetarian/vegan, and they'll like you better!. Move to California, and no one will think you're weird!. :) Otherwise, just ignore him!. You hit the nail on the head - you said yourself he's insecure and needs to put others down to boost his self esteem!. Show him you're bigger than that!. Either that, or stop hanging out with him!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

you can't, and that isn't a great goal!. try to change your own responses!. change how you react!. instead of judgin him 'insecure' try to understand!. maybe he's just afraid when he even imagines not eating meat!. try to understand him better!. don't try to make him stop/change what he says directly!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Some people are just ignorant!. you can't explain anything to them nor should you waste your time!.
also ignore ASHLEY or report him for abuse he has been really nasty!

you know who you are and what you are the hell with what anyone else thinks!! you will never make anyone happy nor satisfy them!. it's a cruel world! don't be a part of it!.

Kill him; his logic is inferior and serves no purpose in the human gene pool!.


But all kidding aside, there's really nothing you can do!. He'll grow up eventually, or maybe he won't!.!.!. It doesn't matter!. I think you should work on finding better friends!.!.!. Life is too short to waste on such tripe!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Tell him to stop worrying about being gay and that looking up "stats" won't help him any!. He should be free in his new lifestyle and stop being so closed up about it!. He should come out of the closet immediately and finally admit to being afraid of women!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

tell to stop!. be like "dude, just because you are to insecure to accept this, doesn't mean that i need to be"

i think it's hot when a guy cares enough for something that his morals are more important than his will power!.!.!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Tell him to stop making homophobic slurs!. One day he will say one to the wrong person and end up on the floor in a bar!.

Ask him why he hates your choices so much!. Really, what does that have to do with himWww@FoodAQ@Com

Just tell him he's missing out on all of the hot vegetarian/vegan chicks who don't have meat rotting in their guts!.

also, learning a few quick statistics to throw at him would be effective!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Tell him to grow up!. It is your lifestyle choice, maybe a choice that he(or I) wouldn't make, but that doesn't mean he should make fun of you for it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Do your best to ignore him!. You could also point out that veganism is significantly reducing your risk of becoming impotent!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Just ignore him, or get a new friend!.
You're right it's definitely an insecurity thing!. He boasts and puts others down!. He's definitely not worth getting pissed at b/c he sounds like a jerk!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Tell him he could never be able to handle being vegan and that he seriously needs to grow up!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Tell me, why is this person still your friend!? From what you have told me he has no respect for you or your life style!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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