Is this enough food or too much?!

Question: Is this enough food or too much!?
I'm a raw vegan foodiest!. (75% of the time)

Tangerine, Banana, Kiwi

Apple, peach, plum and another tangerine

4 tomatoes and half an avocado with a little bit of lemon

Soup(vegan corn chowder) about 1 and 1/2 cup
1/4 a cup of beans
1 slice of bread
Lettuce,tomato, onion(oil, vinegar and salt(not that much of those things))

nutitional value and whatnot!?

My thought is that it would be good to start the day with something a little heartier!. You might consider eating a bit of cooked food in the morning, like old fashioned steel-cut oatmeal, along with the fruit!. Or make a smoothie with protein or antioxidant powders added (16 oz with tons of fruits)!.

I also think that your lunch could be healthier!. Fruit is good for you, but it does have a lot of sugar and you need to be eating vegetables, too!. Maybe a huge salad for lunch with a lot of different veggies!? Lettuce, tomato, carrot, mushroom, sprouts, etc!. Then eat the fruit additionally as snacks or meal supplements throughout the day!. The dinner sounds pretty good, but you could also add some veggies here!. Maybe some raw broccoli for added calcium!?

Another thing - I would urge you to add some more fats to your diet!. It's not healthy to eat so few fats!. You should add some vegetable, seed, or olive oil in there - drizzled over a salad, infused in your soup, etc!. Add, most importantly, add some nuts and seeds! You can get raw unsalted ones!. Raw almonds are delicious and so good for you!. They offer fats you absolutely need for healthy body tissues!.

Right now, I think your diet is lacking in calcium (which you can get from dark green vegetables like broccoli or kale), lipids (which you can get from oils, seeds, and nuts), protein (which you can get from nuts or small portions of whole grains), and other nutrients that are found in greens!. You might want to see a nutritionist to work out something healthier!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Sounds like your getting enough not to starve yourself!. But nutritional wise, probably not!. Where's your protein and iron and all that stuff!? You need milk too!. Or you could just take two of those "A to Zinc" vitamins a day and you'll be good!. =/Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you feel good- the food is good for you!. If not - consult with a doctor!. I don't think this food is too much!. I sometimes eat more and feel wonderful!.
I need your help - answer my question - http://answers!.yahoo!.com/question/index;!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

so you get all your protein and vitamin b12 from 1/4 of a cup of beans!?

that's just not possible!.

no, that is not a healthy diet!.
i think what you are describing is anorexia, not vegetarian!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

YOU CALL YOURSELF A RAW FOODIST!.!.!. what about the cowpus used to create that bread!.!.!.!. do you know that every day we consume enough cowpus to cause cancer in one hundred million fetuses!.!.!. how can we let this happen!. Stop consuming the bloody pus cancer nowWww@FoodAQ@Com

It's a very healthy diet!. No it's not a lot of food!. My parents always say that you should eat a lot for breakfast!. Eat well for lunch and eat a little for dinner!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I would suggest making elaborate salads with sprinkled seeds (any of your choice)!. also, legumes (sprouted or cooked) are very healthy as they are not processed!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

in my opinion i think you need more veggies, especially for lunch!.
and i'd try to get more high calorie foods or your gonna be losing weight like crazy!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

you are eating too many fruits!. You should be eating more vegetables than fruits!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

really nutritional and not too much but not too little!Www@FoodAQ@Com

if you are under 18 you may be stunting your growth!.-blurey
humans did not survive millions of years eating grass!.-blureyWww@FoodAQ@Com

You nee some green stuff, try a salad at breakfast and lunch!. How about some grains!. Dinner looks niceWww@FoodAQ@Com

Well your not going to be able to keep weight on with that diet

you need to eat proper meals and stop being so strict with portions, just ******* let go!!!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

good amount, you just made me hungryWww@FoodAQ@Com

i don't see corn or peas!.!.!.!.you need some veg!.!.all looks good enough to eat!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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