How much of the various products I casually use were tested on animals?!
I don't use anything special!. Just like shampoo, painkillers, stuff like that
Are those kinds of things animal tested!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Are those kinds of things animal tested!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
practically all leading brands test on animals, especially medicines
here are some brands you might recognize
herbal essences
head and shoulders
max factor
mr muscle
and obviously theres many many more
if you want to stop using products that are tested on animals, you can do what i do which is buy supermarket brands (sainsbury's, tesco,marks and spencers and coop dont test on animals!. ASDA DOES TEST ON ANIMALS)
alternatively if you want to buy branded products,you can visit this website which is an organistaion speically for the issue of animal testing
here are some brands you might recognize
herbal essences
head and shoulders
max factor
mr muscle
and obviously theres many many more
if you want to stop using products that are tested on animals, you can do what i do which is buy supermarket brands (sainsbury's, tesco,marks and spencers and coop dont test on animals!. ASDA DOES TEST ON ANIMALS)
alternatively if you want to buy branded products,you can visit this website which is an organistaion speically for the issue of animal testing
At some time or another everything has been tested on animals!.
Practically all chemicals at one time in their history have been tested, same as medicines!.
You can buy things that haven't been tested as a whole, but the chemicals in them will have been!.
Your best bet is to use somewhere like lush, or the bodyshop!.
You cannot remeove everything that has been tested on animals, because there's nothing left!.
Just do what you can!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Practically all chemicals at one time in their history have been tested, same as medicines!.
You can buy things that haven't been tested as a whole, but the chemicals in them will have been!.
Your best bet is to use somewhere like lush, or the bodyshop!.
You cannot remeove everything that has been tested on animals, because there's nothing left!.
Just do what you can!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
All drugs have been tested on animals!.
Pretty much all the ingredients in soaps, shampoos and cosmetics have been tested on animals at one point in time even if the end products have not!.
Pretty much all the ingredients in soaps, shampoos and cosmetics have been tested on animals at one point in time even if the end products have not!.