For those hell bent on saying that milk comes from abused cows?!

Question: For those hell bent on saying that milk comes from abused cows!?
What would you say to someone who consumes milk from a dairy farm they have visited that is in their local area and they know for a fact that not only is it organic and the cows are treated well, but they aren't milked for more then 5 years and then allowed to graze in the pasture for the rest of their life!? Would you still disapprove!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Lol, you know the title of your post just grabbed me and I think tickled me with feathers or something!. Sorry but I see it's a serious question!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

In order to produce milk, a cow must be pregnant!. This is true of all mammals; they produce milk to feed their babies!. Most cows on dairy facilities are artificially inseminated!. When the baby is born, what happens to him or her!? You might want to ask the farmer that because on industrial dairies, the boys go off to veal crates!.

And why would a farmer keep around a cow around if she isn't producing!? Don't farmers operate on pretty narrow profit margins as it is!? Can they really afford to keep a non-producing cow around for 15 years or so!?

Add to the issue that humans are the only species who consume milk past infancy and consume the milk of another creature, and you'll see that milk is harmful and unnecessary!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I would disapprove because this still perpetuates the idea that animals exist to feed and serve us as humans!.

The milk of a cow is created for it's own offspring!. No matter how 'well' you may or may not treat an animal, you are still exploiting it for your own personal gain!. When money is involved humane treatment will ultimately fall to the wayside no matter how good the intentions!.

Humans are also the only animals to consume milk (of another species!) past infancy!. The consumption of cow's milk by humans is very unnatural!.

Bottom line: Animals do not exist to serve and feed us!. They are have the right to live their own life free of servitude!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

" and then allowed to graze in the pasture for the rest of their life"


Sounds better than conventional dairy but I wouldn't even consider drinking the milk of another species!. It's disgusting whether they are tortured or treated like royalty!.

What do you think that they do with male calves that are born to these dairy cattle!?

Why isn't that milk going to feed the calves that they give birth to!?

Even if they make more than enough for a calf and for commercial production, that is too much and it's completely unnatural!. They need more mammary tissue to keep up with that!. Would you like to carry around a pair of size FFF jugs!?
I know that I wouldn't!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The cows are only milked for 5 years and then allowed to graze!?

If that were true many of the animals would be retired and graze for nearly twenty years without producing any profit!. I think the farmer may have been telling a fib!.

also, did they explain what happens to the calves that are born to the dairy animals!?

I know that there are some better sources than factory farms to get milk from like possibly the farm you get yours, but I would urge you to ask more questions and be skeptical!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

I would not disapprove, but I still wouldn't drink it, any more than I would suck an udder!.

The simple fact is that the picture you paint is not reality for the vast majority of dairy cows!. Most people get milk from the grocery store, with no knowledge of where it comes from!. Cows have to be continually impregnated to keep giving milk, and regardless of their treatment, the male calves are sold for veal!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I am neither vegetarian nor vegan!.!.!. I have no problem with using animals for food, so here's a different prospective for you!.

Cattlemen are called "producers"!. Dairymen are called "producers"!. They are called that for a reason!. They breed stock for human consumption!. That's it!. Over the years the cattle industry and the dairy industry have colaborated to crossbreed cattle to produce the most possible volume of whatever it is they want to sell!. It stands to reason then, that their goal is to sell their product!. To do that, they have to present a campaign in order to convince the public to buy it!.

They did that in the 30's and 40's!. First They convinced the general public that cow's milk was a healthy and safe alternative to mother's milk, and then, because they realized they'd won and they wanted another inlet for profit, they went on to convince the public that milk was not only a desirable alternative - it was NEEDED to have healthy happy children, and further, that it was NEEDED to continue good health throughout your life!.

If you google "myths and facts about cow's milk" or something like that, you will get all kinds of information about the industry!. ANd make no mistake dear!. It's an industry!. It makes money!. That's it!.

I am 50 years old!. I drink maybe 2 cups of milk a week because I like it on some cereals!. Hey think about that too!.!.!. dry cereals were only developed after milk began to be mass produced!.!.!.!. coincidence!? I think not!.

I disapprove of consuming cow's milk for the following reasons:
1- Cow's milk is for calves!. Not humans!.
2- If a cow is producing milk, that means there is a calf around!. If it's being taken for human consumption, then what is the baby cow drinking!? I don't condone taking sustenance from animals!.

Regardless of the living conditions, the idea of drinking cow milk is disgusting to me!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Of course not!. I only disapprove of milk being mass produced by dairy farms and shipped all over!. But personally, I don't drink milk because it's really just cow fat!. I don't really have a problem with other people drinking milk, it's their choice to drink it or not to drink it!. I also like the taste of almond milk much better!. Yum!Www@FoodAQ@Com

human babys drink milk from their mothers and when they grow up they dont need it anymore
cows milk is for baby cows it wasnt even ment for human consumption

my cat is treated well and is not abused but i still wouldnt drink her milk
you dont see dogs milk bottled up and sold in stores
& why !?!?!? because that would be gross
so why is cows milk any different !?!?
( =

i wouldn't really disapprove!. As long as the cows are not hurt and abused!.!. but what about the male calves that are born!? Do they send them to a veal factory!?
If not then that sounds pretty good!

I may or may not drink milk even from a farm just b!.c the thought of cows breast milk kinda grosses me out!. But if I had to I definitely would choose that over factory milking farms!. :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

I still wouldn't drink it cause I'm vegan, and I find rice milk much better!. And I would disapprove!. Cow milk was made for baby cows!.(That's my own opinion, you don't have to agree with me!.)Www@FoodAQ@Com

I am vegan!.!.!.
I am not against it coming from good sources!.!.!.
But i still wouldn't drink it cuz of all the nasty stuff in it!.!.!.
Soy milk is tastier to me, personally!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Don't worry about what other people think, if you believe that the cows are treated well enough for you to drink their milk then do it! Www@FoodAQ@Com

no, i wouldn't approve!.

here's why:
cows milk is meant for cow baby not for humans!.

no!. sounds like the cows are happy to me!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Those cows were the offspring of an innocent cow and a profiteering artifical inseminator! who inserted an artificial thingy up the innocent cows " vijay"!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I agree with this (look down) =]

'I am vegan!.!.!.
I am not against it coming from good sources!.!.!.
But i still wouldn't drink it cuz of all the nasty stuff in it!.!.!.
Soy milk is tastier to me, personally!.!.!.'Www@FoodAQ@Com

You should only buy milk from California!. As we all know "happy cows come from california"Www@FoodAQ@Com

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