Vegan lifestyle and being against killing of animals?!

Question: Vegan lifestyle and being against killing of animals!?
In agriculture whether mainstream plantation of vegetables or organic farming, there needs to be pest control!. The biggest pests according to farmers in the UK are rabbiits, pigeons, moles, mice and rats etc!. Is it okay in the vegan way of life that killing these animals to protect the crop is justified!. Without proper pest control farmers would struggle to make a living!. Where I live in Europe, much of the vegetables here are destined for the UK market, but at times we are plagued with locusts!. If you don't stop them feeding on plants they will devastate an area!.
It could be argued that the killing of any animal life is necessary to produce food for the human race!. Everytime any crop is harvested, millions of creatures die, some so tiny you can't see, but that is still a life!. I'm just interested to know if this is acceptable!.

I never thought about that!.!.!.!.
I guess that you'd almost have to accept it or else starve!. The only alternative is growing all your won food without using any pesticides!. That would be lots of work, practically a full time job!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

You should know that 70 percent of the grain grown in the U!.S!. goes to feed animals who are going to become someone's meal someday!. And you should know that many animal industrialists kill small animals who threaten the crop that's supposed to go to these animals!. I don't know the numbers in the U!.K!., as I live in the U!.S!., but meat production uses up a lot of resources--land, water, crops--and causes the suffering of far more animals than growing plants for direct human consumption!.

No matter how you slice it, going vegan reduces misery and reduces suffering!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

first wtf christine!?!?
second what are we sposed to eat then!?
its sad and wrong BUT we are not consuming animal meat and their byproducts which does count for something its the easiest way to do it call it lazy or whatever but we do have lives outside of being vege/veganWww@FoodAQ@Com

ok firtstly do you eat meat!. do you think its acceptable for a cow that would live about 30 years to die so you can enjoy meat!. where an insect that would live 3 days to eat vegetables!. the scales dont weigh up!. to me its 100000000000 times worse for a cow to die than a bug or rat!. and secondly i dont eat meat because i know that its bad for my health!. trust me ive devoted my life studying this and its true meat and dairy is bad for your health i would go into detail but it would take to long!. and the only reason the meat and dairy industry say eating meat and drinking milk is good for you is so you can give them money, get sick then give the medical industry money,this is the biggest scam in the history of the Earth!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

For me, veganism is about doing all I can to prevent animals suffering and being killed for me!.

By buying meat and dairy products/eggs, I am actively supporting an unnecessary industry which treats animals as commodities, and causes them to suffer immensely!. I know exactly how the aniomals are treated, and it disgusts me!. So I do not buy those products, or consume them!.

This is pretty easy - I eat vegan food, I am happy and healthy, plus I know that my risk of digestive cancers/heart disease etc is dramatically reduced!. And there are added environmental benefits, which I'm sure you're aware of so i don't need to go on!.

It is, of course, unfortunate that animals die in the production of crops!. If i caould change that in any way, I would!. But I can't!. And since I am faced with the option of eating a plant based diet (and knowing I am doing the best I can) or not eating anything, and presumably dying, i am opting for veganism!.

Animals raised for the meat/dairy industry will of course eat vast amounts in their lifetime, so by eating meat, i would also be increasing the amount of animals kiled in the harvesting process or for pest control!.

Veganism is about doing the best you can!. It could be argued (and it has) that the best thing anyone could do for the planet, or for animals would be to die, immediately!. Because by being alive at all, consuming anything, moving around, you will invariably end up hurting something!. But it would be ridiculous to suggest that suicide is a practical option for someone wanting to reduce their impact on the environment, or for someone to help animals!.

Vegans (on the whole) care deeply about animals, and so make the most compassionate choice available!. I don't really see the point in trying to pick people apart who are simply doing all they can (practically) to live a compassionate lifestyle!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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