My mom's trying to make me eat meat?!

Question: My mom's trying to make me eat meat!?
so i'm 13 years old and about 5 months ago i did a report about animal testing and being vegetarian!. during my report, i decided it really was horrible what animals go through and i decided to become a vegetarian!. i told my mom i'd try it for a month and if i liked it, i'd stay one!. she agreed and i really liked not having meat in my meals!.
so now my moms been getting really mad at me because she says i don't get enough protein, but i do because about a month ago, she forced me to start eating fish!. i didn't like it, and i still don't, but i really do need protein anyway!.
well now she's trying to make me eat meat and whenever i tell her i really don't want to, she gets mad at me and yells!. i try to talk to her, but that never really works!.!.!.!.

any ideas on how to help!?
please and thank youWww@FoodAQ@Com

Re; Ashley's response, visiting a local farm won't mean a thing unless you are buying products from that local farm!. Nothing in your regular supermarket comes from a local farm!. Meat is an industry that is set up like any other mass production and it is completely unrelated to cute barns and cows on pastures!. Those aren't staged videos portraying rare worst-case scenario situations!. That is the truth of what is going on, of the only thing that CAN go on to supply millons and millions of gluttonous people with meat every day!. People who insist otherwise are uninformed and trying to save themselves guilt!.

Some people make nutrition arguments over why you should eat meat!. These are typically just not factual as it's easy enough to get vitamins and protein on a vegan diet!. But since you are eating fish, there is just absolutely NO argument over why you should be eating other meats!. There are NO health benefits to doing this, quite the opposite!. I would suggest researching this and showing your mom the results!. So many people are misinformed about this subject and REFUSE to learn, because it would shatter the world they've know all their lives and it would make them feel like they've done something horrible!. So theres constant denial!.

Check out the book "The China Study" - it may be a little heavy reading at 13, but if this is something that interests you, it is a good book about this subject!.

Anyway, tell your mom that she should be proud that you have ethical, moral beliefs and that you are standing up for them!. Stick to your guns, she'll get used to it!.

If anything, it wouldn't hurt to help with the cooking!

Good luck!

The same thing happened to my friend, and she ended up listening to her mom and eating meat even though she hated it!. But she told me when she is older she will become a vegetarian!. But you can still get protein from other things besides meat!. Next time you go to your doctor ask him any questions that will help clear up your mothers confusion about still getting enough protein by eating other alternatives!. Because if she doesn't listen to you she should listen to your doctor!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

tell ur mom, that she should not be forcing you bc its your choice to be a vegetarian or not!. And if you think abt it, killing animals and then eating them is very cruel!. Your like drinking there blood in a way andd eating disgusting parts of their body!. Just think abt killing a dog and eating it!. Its pretty much the same thing!. And there are a lot of other ways to get protein in your body, just look it up on google!. I promise, you will not regret being a vegetarian!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

well im in the same position kinda but i eat meat
i hate what they do to animals and its wrong and i protest on what they do to animals not the fact that they are killed to eat
cause u need to eat meat
u need protein
cause meat is a necessity
but if this is something u believe in immensly tell her and if she yells ignore it cause its somethign u believe inWww@FoodAQ@Com

You're only 13, and not nearly experienced enough to know what foods are good for you!. Your mother does!. Eat what she tells you until you turn 18 and are capable of surviving on your own!. From that point on, you can eat what you want!. Grow a garden and eat lettuce all day long if you like!. But for now you are your parent's responsibility, so show a little respect, okay!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

alot of things like beans and nuts are packed with protien!.
go to a vegetarian website and print out recipies with lots of protien!.
google search how to get more protien!.
hope it helps!
also just know that protien is rly important andd you should get as much as possible!.

Make a deal with her!. The next time you go for a check-up, you will ask the doctor to do a blood test!. If the test shows a protein deficiency, you will start eating meat again!. If it doesn't, she has to leave you alone!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

you can get protein from things other than animal!.

don't eat fish, you can eat other things and get protein from non dead animal carcasses!.

tell her to **** off!.
i started cooking my own meals and told her to leave me alone!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

i a vegetarian too and it is a good thing that you r not eating meat! your mother should let you not eat meat because its good for you and could save alot of animalsWww@FoodAQ@Com

Can you afford to move out and pay your own way!?

Then you live by the rules of your provider!. Who is most likely much wiser!.

Clean your plate like momma says!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Most animals raised for slaughter have great living conditions!. If your mom wants you to eat meat, then just try it for her!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

there are plenty of web sites and cook books!.!.!.!.

a mom is concerned of their child!.!.!.

a mom that would fed a child dead animal flesh is not very well informed nor very concerned of their child's well being and health!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

it is only a phase you are going through!. when you become a woman you will need to increase your iron intake, wich usually comes from red meat!.(ask your mom why)-blureyWww@FoodAQ@Com

You need to grow, you might need meat here and there!.!.

But If your doing it for the helpless animals!.!. I'm with ya!.!.!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Try and get more protein in your diet!. Figure out how much you need in your diet then count grams to make sure you're getting enough!. Eventually you'll figure out how to balance your diet correctly and you won't need to count anymore!. When you make as big a dietary change as going vegetarian or vegan it takes a while to get all the kinks straightened out!. Explain this to your mother as well as retelling her why you want to be a vegetarian whether it be for health or for animal rights!. Either way hold firm if it's something you really want to do, stay calm and just talk to her, you guys can figure it out together!. Deep Breath, Good LuckWww@FoodAQ@Com

It sounds as if your and your mom have not done the proper research on vegetarianism!. Protein deficiencies are rare in developed countries!. The average person consumes too much protein in their diet!. Protein is found in just about every food, and the average person only needs around 50 grams per day!. So, a glass of milk in the morning, and a bowl of oatmeal, already gives you around 15 grams!. The fact that you and your mom think that you need fish or any meat to get protein means you are not knowledgeable in proper vegetarian nutrition!.

I would suggest picking up a few books on vegetarianism and reading them with your mom(you need to read them together, so you both know about balancing a vegetarian diet)!. If she had the knowledge about vegetarianism and nutrition, it is less likely that she would rely on misinformation!. You also need the information to ease her concerns, if you could answer her concerns with factual information, she may worry less!.

Some good book:
The New Becoming Vegetarian: The Essential Guide To A Healthy Vegetarian Diet
by Vesanto Melina and Brenda Davis

Raising Vegetarian Children : A Guide to Good Health and Family Harmony
by Joanne Stepaniak and Vesanto Melina

I would also suggest picking up a few kid friendly cook books, this way you can cook for yourself some of the time, and not rely in mom to make all your meals!.

Meat is not necessary, but protein is!. There are so many sources besides flesh foods!. Dairy products, eggs, beans and whole grains are outstanding sources!. The average American eats three times the amount of protein needed for healthy functioning and some have health problems as a result!.

Is it possible your mom thinks your diet is deficient in protein!? If you aren't eating good sources then you are hurting your body!. If you're going to be a vegetarian you need to do it right!. That may require research on your part to make sure you are getting all the necessary nutrients!. Aside from protein, meat supplies abundant iron and other essentials!.

I eat very little meat, but I supplement with vitamins and minerals to make sure I am not sacrificing my health!.

Good luck convincing your mom!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

get a job and support yourself, then you will be qualified to make decisions on your diet!.

did you ever stop to think for 5 seconds about anyone but yourself!? maybe it's kind of hard on your mom to have to buy and specially prepare meals for you, AND make seperate dishes for the rest of the family!.

those videos you were watching for your school report were very likely what they call "shock videos" which many people believe that peta actually stages to promote their cause, but anyways, the point is, those videos highlight the absolute worse conditions, that's the job of the people that put those videos out, to make it as shocking and horrible looking as possible so you will want to join their crazy little peta club!. You cannot watch a few videos and then assume that is how things are done across the country, that's ignorant!. granted their are places that are bad, but their are also places where the animals are very well taken care of!.

maybe visit a local farm and see for yourself the conditions before judging whether or not eating meat is cruel based on a few shock videos you saw on youtube!.

if you allow yourself to be so easily swayed then what is the point of even thinking for yourself!? you are allowing yourself to be manipulated!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Let me begin by saying you and your mom sound misinformed about sources of protein!. A lot of people believe the only way to consume a healthy amount of protein is though meat!. This is false, in fact there are many vegetarian ways to eat adequate amounts of this very important building block to life! You should do a little research with your mom, and show her that you can eat healthy (actually, eat healthier) without the consumption of meat!

Here are some websites that discuss the matter!. Some of them refer to vegans but you can still use them to your advantage!.

Good luck!.





read the book 'skinny *****' by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin!. there's a whole chapter on meat and how it actually isn't good for you!. If you want you could even read her the chapter that talks about what they do to the animals we all eat, it's really sick!. You can get a lot more protein from fruits and vegetables than meat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

firstly GO VEGGG
i like u decision!.!.!.lol

hmmmm not enough protein huh!?
u can get protein in eggs, dairy, and bean products!.!.!.as well as nuts!.!.!.!.!.its as simple as googleing it, just look for vegetarian sources of protein, show ur mom too!.!.!.im sure she'll be willing to get u veg protein stuff=)

lol we can have the same protein as non vegs! Www@FoodAQ@Com

Tell her you will try to eat other sources of protein, she should respect your beliefs in being a vegiterian!. She will probably come around and start to let you be who you want to be!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

dairy products have a lot of protein(milk, cheese, eggs, yogurt) just have some of those and tell ur mom you are getting enough proteinWww@FoodAQ@Com

well eat other sources of protien eggs and peanut butter for example!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

im 13 as-well and really you inspire me ive been trying to be a vegetarian for so long but it was really hard for me i mean my parents fully supported me but i come from a huge meat eater family!.
i suggest that you tell your mum that it is your decision to not eat meat and that your mind is not going to change, but in order for her to agree with you, you must promise to eat lots of vegetables, beans, lentils etc as this will half fill the gap that is forming form your lack of meat!. tell your mum there is no point in getting mad because you have made up your mind!. offering to cook your own meals will help!. when i was vegetarian i made my own food and i found it really fun!. you can buy a vegetarian cook book and find simple, yummy recipes!. i made things like nut loafs and rissoles which were really yummo!
good luck!.!.!. let your mum know how you feel and try to see from each others perspective!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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