Ingredients question...?!

Question: Ingredients question!.!.!.!?
Um i used this taco seasoning that i double checked and it has this stuff called Monosodium Glutamate!.!.!. Well i am vegan and is this vegan!.!.!. I don't know and I really need to know!.!.!. I thought it was but i decided to double check!.!.!. I wanna know before i even think of eating anymore!.!.!. Plz help me out!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

its MSG its in some chinese food!. it is really not healthy at all to eat

it's vegan i believe its just an amino acid salt that i believe is from gluten!.

this is a site that shows how it is viewed as bad, and actually i don't really know why it is bad but i associate MSG with unhealthy!.

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is food flavor enhancer sourced from plants (through a fermentation process using sugar cane, beets, cassava or sometimes corn)!. It is extensively used in Asia particularly China and Japan!. It is usually found in many canned or processed foods!.
However, some people say they have a negative reactions (headaches, dizziness,nausea etc) when they consumed msg enhanced foods!.

you can get more info about it on the net!.!.!. just google "MSG"Www@FoodAQ@Com

ya, i had that two days ago and i checked online on like, 5 dif sites tomake sure, lolz! ya, its vegan but the first answer is correct, it super unhealthy!. oh well! =)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yeah, it's vegan!. It's really unhealthy, but it's vegan!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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