Im in a dilema. Im a vegan..and some of my shoes for example are not "vegan friendly" ?!
what do i do!? i cant afford more shoes or anything right now!.!.!.
my shoes are made of textiles!.!.
my shoes are made of textiles!.!.
Wear them if you need/want to!. You already bought them and there is no reason not to use them especially if you cannot afford new shoes!. If anyone gets on you about wearing them just explain that you bought them before going vegan and you cannot afford any new ones right now, but really it is nobodys business but yours!. If you feel comfortable in them then that is all that matters:)Www@FoodAQ@Com
Wear them until you need new ones, and then if you buy them new, try to find ones that are vegan friendly!. Or buy shoes from thrift stores, since the profits don't go to the shoe manufacturer!. I'm in your same boat, and this is what I'm going to do!. Plus, my diet makes an impact and I try to lead a ecologically, ethically, and socially responsible lifestyle!. But at the same time, no one is perfect!. There's not really a way to not exploit anyone or anything at all unless you can make everything yourself and weave your own materials!. Do what you can do!. If you can't find shoes in your pricerange that aren't made with a bit of leather, I wouldn't worry about it too much!. For me, my couch and chair are leather in my living room, I have a closet of leather bags and shoes I've collected, I have silk scarves and wool sweaters!.!.!. I'm not going to throw it all away!. I simply can't afford to, and there's not really a point in doing so!. You may as well enjoy what you have!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
I would say try not to worry about it!. I don't eat meat or dairy anymore, and in any way that I can, I am not going to give money to the industries who use animal products in future instances!. But, like you, I honestly don't have any money to buy new vegan friendly shoes, so I am stuck wearing my leather made shoes!. If you are around other people who are judging you because of this, you can explain to them you don't feel like being judged!. And, You do care for animal rights but at this time, it's just not possible to get new shoes!. Possibly ask if they might have some partially worn vegan shoes your size that you can wear until you can afford some yourself!?
If you already have them, then continue wearing them until you need to buy new ones!. It's not like wearing them is going to contribute to more killing right now; it's already done!.
Shoes that are made out of textiles are usually vegan-friendly unless they also have suede or leather uppers!.
Shoes that are made out of textiles are usually vegan-friendly unless they also have suede or leather uppers!.
After I went vegan, I just wore the shoes that I already had until they wore out then when I needed a new pair of shoes I made sure to buy a pair that were vegan friendly!. I mean you've already got the shoes, so if you don't wear them then the animal they were made from died in vain so you may as well make use of them now!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
What matters now is what you get from this point on!. Wear those suckers out, then- when the time comes- get animal friendly shoes!.
Or, if you're anything like me, I get yard sale shoes!. You know, the 50 cent shoes that have have to wash a million times and spray with perfume until you feel comfortable wearing them!? Well, that's my own personal call but I was never really a leather wearer anyway!.
So it's easy for me to go on about yard sale shoes when I have other options in my closet!.
Your call!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Or, if you're anything like me, I get yard sale shoes!. You know, the 50 cent shoes that have have to wash a million times and spray with perfume until you feel comfortable wearing them!? Well, that's my own personal call but I was never really a leather wearer anyway!.
So it's easy for me to go on about yard sale shoes when I have other options in my closet!.
Your call!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
keep wearing them till they wear out!. it's better for the environment that you use them till they are of no more use before getting new ones!. all that extra manufacturing that goes into making new shoes for people who want new shoes rather than need them is just another thing that isn't so great for the environment!. the same environment that matters to animals as well as humans!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
If you bought the shoes before you went vegan, don't worry!. Wear them out and then buy vegan-friendly shoes!. You're hardly the only vegan to wear shoes from her pre-vegan days that have leather or suede!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Keep your shoes!. The hide was not why the cow died!. You are just using a byproduct!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
im sure they arent going to crucify u for wearing them!. Just wear them until u save enough money to get some!. At least you'll be trying to get out of them and not just being a poser ya kno!? Www@FoodAQ@Com
They should go well with a nice ranch or Italian dressing but I would steam them a couple of days!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
then you are not a vegan, vegans do not "exploit" animals by wearing them on their person!.
or so i hear!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
or so i hear!. Www@FoodAQ@Com