Vegans, what do you think about this?!
What is your opinion on this matter!?
It this what Fruitarians support!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
What is your opinion on this matter!?
It this what Fruitarians support!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Don't you just love how they only show 42 seconds of the show!? In the end, the show decided that plants actually do not feel pain, despite a few surprising readings on the polygraph!. After they used the polygraph, they used an EEG which was more accurate, and nothing indicating any type of perception was detected!. The theory of plant perception is almost completely disregarded as pseudoscience by the scientific community!. There is pretty much no solid evidence supporting the theory!. It is currently accepted in the scientific community that a being must posses a nervous system and a brain in order to suffer!. Plants have neither!. Humans and most other animals have both!. So, it's logical to assume that most animals can suffer, while plants cannot!. Most people who bring up plant suffering don't actually believe it anyway, they just want to find a flaw in the logic of animal rights!. Nice try!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I remember this and actually a study was done years ago showing that not only did plants feel pain when physically harmed, but they remember who inflicted the pain!. When the aggressor came back they would start freaking out again, even if untouched!. Just their physical presence was enough to send the electrodes racing!. It really changed my perspective on things!.!.!. I wouldn't step on grass for like a year :P I often now think when people say that they "can't bear the thought of something dying just to feed them"!.!.!. what about plants!? They are living beings who grow, have offspring and most likely feel pain as well!. They may not be able to voice their feelings or move, but they are living as well!. Everything we have to consume to survive has been alive at one time!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I do not believe this is true, because plants do not have central nervous systems!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Can you tell us what the video is about!? I don't have the time to watch it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com