Are vegans using a 'fear tactic' to recruit people?!
NOTE : i'm not saying that vegans or vegeterians are wrong and 'meateaters' are right!. I'm purely asking about their way of recruiting!. Is that right!?
I was looking to turn from partly vegetarian (i eat out on sundays at restraunts and i enjoy a Chateaubriand) to completly vegeterian/vegan!. SO! i looked up vegan videos who i was hoping to have some advice on youtube, and i found videos like '10 reasons meateaters are stupid' and stuff like that!. I watched a few and these were their pointers of most
1!. you have rotting flesh in you
(fact : food doesn't rot inside you it gets digested)
2!. meat eaters are violent cause of it
3!. livestock is fed on antibiotics which makes you sick
(fact: plants are also treated the same, only it's called bug poison, you're not safe unless the soil, the water, the air is free from any type of polution to either grow plants or have livestock on that field!. )
4!. you have rotting carcass in your colon and that is not sexy
(i didn't know crap was sexy in any way possible!.)
5!. meat eaters get sick easier
(fact : no one in my family has ever gotten sick more than a headache, and i don't know anyone who was ever with a fever or in a sick condition that wasnt able to get out of bed)
6!. in packages of chicken there is poop
7!. humanizing animals like 'they don't want to see their family killed'!. We are different for a reason, animals are based on their insticts!. if you put a cow in your garden without a fence, it will eat your flowers, cause thats what their nature tells them!.
videos :
What is your opinion on these!? please be mature and do not flame my question in anyway!. If you do not wish to answer properly, don't answer at all!. Slander has no place when maturity is involved and that is what i expect from you!.
I was looking to turn from partly vegetarian (i eat out on sundays at restraunts and i enjoy a Chateaubriand) to completly vegeterian/vegan!. SO! i looked up vegan videos who i was hoping to have some advice on youtube, and i found videos like '10 reasons meateaters are stupid' and stuff like that!. I watched a few and these were their pointers of most
1!. you have rotting flesh in you
(fact : food doesn't rot inside you it gets digested)
2!. meat eaters are violent cause of it
3!. livestock is fed on antibiotics which makes you sick
(fact: plants are also treated the same, only it's called bug poison, you're not safe unless the soil, the water, the air is free from any type of polution to either grow plants or have livestock on that field!. )
4!. you have rotting carcass in your colon and that is not sexy
(i didn't know crap was sexy in any way possible!.)
5!. meat eaters get sick easier
(fact : no one in my family has ever gotten sick more than a headache, and i don't know anyone who was ever with a fever or in a sick condition that wasnt able to get out of bed)
6!. in packages of chicken there is poop
7!. humanizing animals like 'they don't want to see their family killed'!. We are different for a reason, animals are based on their insticts!. if you put a cow in your garden without a fence, it will eat your flowers, cause thats what their nature tells them!.
videos :
What is your opinion on these!? please be mature and do not flame my question in anyway!. If you do not wish to answer properly, don't answer at all!. Slander has no place when maturity is involved and that is what i expect from you!.
You have to realize that the "angry" vegetarians and vegans are just a small percentage of the non-meat-eating group!. They bring a lot of negative attention to themselves and thus stand out more!. I myself am vegetarian and I have NEVER tried to gross someone out of eating meat!. Life is about choices, right!? I don't care if someone eats meat b/c it's their own choice!. If you try to force someone into what you believe in, you're trying to take away their choices!.
And yes, I believe that those "angry" vegans are trying to scare meat-eaters!. To me, it's just like a religious fanatic telling a person she's going to burn in hell for eternity b/c she doesn't believe in God!. It's unnecessary and pretty damn rude!.
All those things you listed above as scare tactics are pretty lame!.!.!.!.!.I mean, veggies get digested, too and I agree: poop has never been sexy!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
And yes, I believe that those "angry" vegans are trying to scare meat-eaters!. To me, it's just like a religious fanatic telling a person she's going to burn in hell for eternity b/c she doesn't believe in God!. It's unnecessary and pretty damn rude!.
All those things you listed above as scare tactics are pretty lame!.!.!.!.!.I mean, veggies get digested, too and I agree: poop has never been sexy!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Some vegans are fanatical!. Others are normal people who don't judge others' eating choices!. My boyfriend eats meat, and I'm a vegan!. You can certainly be healthy if you eat meat!. It's just not for me!. I'm happy with my decision for myself, but I don't believe in pushing my ideas on others, and my ideas are not so extreme!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
I personally think their is a small group of people who will use scare tactics to push their agenda!. You will see this in many forms, religion, eating habits, drinking alcohol, type of car you drive!. The beauty of this rock we live on is a little thing called free will!. I can do whatever I want, and it's really none of your business!. Yes there are guidelines that people must abide by and if they don't they will be punished!. But your eating habits is not one that you should be punished for!. I have a few friends who are vegan or vegetarians!. Good for them I don't say anything about it, it's their choice!. And they know me well enough not to bother trying to convince me that "meat is rotting in my colon" It's called respect!. I respect their views and in turn they do the same!. Scare tactics are nothing more than people wanting to spread a message that isn't being heard, so they must get louder and scarier!. If they can't respect others decisions (right or wrong) then they shouldn't expect anyone to respect their need to throw a nugget of misconstrued information in the faces of people!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I feel that anyone who can say they love animals is lying if they eat meat!. THis is because all animals are creatures and that have the ability to feel, and bond!. these animals are being tortured!
a lot of people mistake anger from vegetarians when it is really frustration!.
i can't see how others do not see what pain these animals go threw for a pair of shoes!. It's sickening and devastating that people actually will own a cat or dog and say they love them when they are being killed by the billions in china for their fur!. The same fur many people wear thinking its well they don't think!. all they know is it is animal fur!. the video's people show is their way of getting people to pay attention to real issue's!.
I am not a angry vegetarian but I am frustrated with the people who choose to ignore the abuse and horror these animals go threw in vain!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
a lot of people mistake anger from vegetarians when it is really frustration!.
i can't see how others do not see what pain these animals go threw for a pair of shoes!. It's sickening and devastating that people actually will own a cat or dog and say they love them when they are being killed by the billions in china for their fur!. The same fur many people wear thinking its well they don't think!. all they know is it is animal fur!. the video's people show is their way of getting people to pay attention to real issue's!.
I am not a angry vegetarian but I am frustrated with the people who choose to ignore the abuse and horror these animals go threw in vain!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I think the videos you described use someone's opinion, being that it's not entirely fact or is exaggerated fact!.
YouTube has a lot of amateur videos and anyone can post!. Most vegan organizations (but not all) try to get away from that kind tactic to show people how animals are raised!. I know that saying "meat is gross" is only going to entertain some fellow vegans but it's not going to be "recruiting" any meat-munchers!.
I'm sorry I couldn't watch the videos right now but I have seen some in the past!. Some I believe to be fully legitimate but usually show the worst moments that they filmed!. Still, if the footage they show of the animals in slaughterhouses happens at all, it's too much in my opinion!.
Sometimes "fear tactics" are appropriate to shock someone into becoming aware!. Or they can be used as part of a propaganda machine!. In the USA, the milk industry does this by claiming that you'll be in bad health and people will make fun of you if you don't drink "White Gold"!. They also produced a commercial where an older man was mowing the lawn and his arms suddenly fell off because he wasn't a milk drinker!.
Basically, it goes both ways!. However, vegetarian "propaganda" seems to make much more sense to me than propaganda put out by industries out for profit!. You have to remember that most vegetarian organizations are not selling anything!. Sure they hope for donations, but they are non-profit organizations and most money goes to advertising, fundraising for sanctuaries, protest materials, etc!.
You can look through all the BS and still come to the conclusion that vegetarianism is a great choice!. And still, there are many investigative books that describe poor working conditions for humans and despicable conditions for farm animals!. These books are often backed by numerous sources and bodies of evidence!.
A particularly good book to read that I feel is right on point is "Slaughterhouse" by Gail A!. Eisnitz!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
YouTube has a lot of amateur videos and anyone can post!. Most vegan organizations (but not all) try to get away from that kind tactic to show people how animals are raised!. I know that saying "meat is gross" is only going to entertain some fellow vegans but it's not going to be "recruiting" any meat-munchers!.
I'm sorry I couldn't watch the videos right now but I have seen some in the past!. Some I believe to be fully legitimate but usually show the worst moments that they filmed!. Still, if the footage they show of the animals in slaughterhouses happens at all, it's too much in my opinion!.
Sometimes "fear tactics" are appropriate to shock someone into becoming aware!. Or they can be used as part of a propaganda machine!. In the USA, the milk industry does this by claiming that you'll be in bad health and people will make fun of you if you don't drink "White Gold"!. They also produced a commercial where an older man was mowing the lawn and his arms suddenly fell off because he wasn't a milk drinker!.
Basically, it goes both ways!. However, vegetarian "propaganda" seems to make much more sense to me than propaganda put out by industries out for profit!. You have to remember that most vegetarian organizations are not selling anything!. Sure they hope for donations, but they are non-profit organizations and most money goes to advertising, fundraising for sanctuaries, protest materials, etc!.
You can look through all the BS and still come to the conclusion that vegetarianism is a great choice!. And still, there are many investigative books that describe poor working conditions for humans and despicable conditions for farm animals!. These books are often backed by numerous sources and bodies of evidence!.
A particularly good book to read that I feel is right on point is "Slaughterhouse" by Gail A!. Eisnitz!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
i agree!.!.my other favourites are you eat meat!.!.!.your unhealthy!.!.!.hmm well michael phelps eats meat and he won 8 gold medals for swimming!.!.!.doesnt sound that unhealthy to me
You eat meat that means youl get cancer!.!.!.!.!.you have a higher chance of getting cancer being a vegetarian in the city than a meat eater in the countryside
Cruelty Free yur a moron if you think that just because we eat meat we dont care about animals!.!.!.!.!.!.i bet you use electricity which pollutes the planet so how can you love the planet and pollute it at the same time!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
You eat meat that means youl get cancer!.!.!.!.!.you have a higher chance of getting cancer being a vegetarian in the city than a meat eater in the countryside
Cruelty Free yur a moron if you think that just because we eat meat we dont care about animals!.!.!.!.!.!.i bet you use electricity which pollutes the planet so how can you love the planet and pollute it at the same time!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com