If vegetarians don't eat meat because it is cruel is it not cruel to walk along the street + squash insects?!

Question: If vegetarians don't eat meat because it is cruel is it not cruel to walk along the street + squash insects!?
Do some people not realise that it is impossible to go through life without killing other living organisms!? What happens when you have a disease and you take medicine!? The organisms causing your disease get killed!. Does this mean that you shouldn't take medicine if you are sick!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's extremely unlikely that I will be able to go through life without inhaling a little bit of secondhand smoke (walking along the street, to use the same example you did, somebody will probably be smoking)!. Therefore, I might as well smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day!. See the problem with that logic (basically the logic you used)!? You probably can't be 100% smoke-free, but you can significantly minimize it by not smoking!. The overall damage done to your lungs will be much less if you just inhale the secondhand smoke!.

Similarly, vegans don't try to eliminate animal suffering (that would be impossible), we try to minimize it!. Yes, we accidentally kill insects while walking down the street, but the ability of insects to feel pain is debated, and even if they can feel pain, it's probably very minimal, due to the simple nervous system they have, as opposed to the complex nervous system we, and other mammals, have (this might answer your question about valuing cows over insects)!. Plus, when you crush a bug, it dies immediately, not suffering at all!. I'm not saying it's right to kill bugs, but voluntarily contributing to the torture of mammals is much worse than accidentally stepping on an ant!.

When you talk about taking medicine, those are bacteria and/or viruses that are being killed!. Viruses are typically not even considered living, are not animals, and cannot suffer!. Bacteria are living, but they are not animals, and they cannot suffer!. Plants also can't suffer, as they lack a nervous system and brain (to answer your question about plant cruelty), and they're obviously not animals!. As I already stated, the goal of vegans is to minimize animal suffering, not to eliminate the killing of all organisms!.

You say you avoid buying factory-farmed animals if you can!? I'm pretty sure you can anytime, it's just a matter of how willing you are!. And if your teeth are such a good indication of the proper human diet, I suggest you try to take a bite out of a cow, and see what happens!. You probably won't be very successful!. It would be much easier to pick some fruit off a tree, and that way you wouldn't get sick from the raw meat that your body can't properly digest!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Always taking it to the extreme!. Yeah, I understand some people are extreme, but not everyone!.

Did you know that 10 billion animals are raised and killed annually for food, yet there are millions of people starving!. Yeah, ridiculous isn't it!.
also think about how much land is needed to feed those animals, which is has a huge environmental impact!.

Just by cutting down on the meat you eat, you're helping!. Heck, even eating the amount you're supposed to would help!. (a deck of cards)

If you're going to get ridiculous to the point of asking about diseases and plants having feelings, then technically nobody should wear clothing, have a house, furniture, etc!.

The fact of the matter is, we can survive without eating meat!. We can't survive with bacteria (disease causing), we can't survive with a lot insects (because they would eat all the crops)

A lot of people are ignorant, I get that!. But if you're doing one thing that will hopefully help others, then kudos!. Some people don't give a crap about who they are affecting, even if it is their child's future!.


THANKYOU!. Thankyou for enlightening us dumba** vegans about the absurdity of our animal-lovin ways!. We sure needed that!. However, the truth is we all despise plants!. That's what the real deal is!. Yup!. Anywho, the point of becoming a vegan/vegetarian is symbolically withdrawing your support of an industry that exploits animals!. We are aware that we kill germs and squash bugs!. However, most of us who are vegan for animal-rights reasons are just trying to go through life causing as little pain and suffering to other beings as reasonably possible!. Some of us are also vegan for health and environmental reasons!. There is no need to belittle us with questions you know are silly!. Your need to talk down to us tells me that maybe you just feel defensive about vegetarians!. Don't worry!. The vast majority of us don't feel that we are morally superior to you, and we are not trying to induct you into an evil cow-worshipping vegan cult!. If you'd like to learn more about being vegetarian before you start asking us about plant's rights, I encourage you to visit www!.vegan!.org for some great info on the benefits of vegging out!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Oh dear!. What a sad display of ignorance!. Have you ever met anyone who believes that they can got through life without harming other life-forms!? Of course not!. So why ask the question!? You reveal an unreasoned and shallow prejudice!.
I am a vegetarian!. It does not bother me one bit if anyone else is or is not!. I am because I like animals, and don't want to eat them, and because I deplore many of the methods employed in farming them!. This I have seen myself, being the son of a farmer!.
If I had to eat meat to live, then I would eat it!. But I don't, so I choose not to!. I also try not to harm insects etc, but know that know that harming other life is an unavoidable part of living!. Live and let live when possible, and when not possible, simply live!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Hence the large obstacle of being a vegetarian!. Almost everything in life involves the death of some animal in one way or the other!. It's just how the world turns!. However, I think they strive to kill as few as possible, rather than go to the extremes of not killing any at all!. And one of the easiest ways to not partake in animal death is to boycott foods or clothing associated with them!.

I've yet to find anyone that is willing to give up their health for their love of animals though!. (medicine)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Even if you stay inside it is probably you could kill one!.
I think this is like when a human kills a human, not because he wanted, but because it just happened (i!.e!. crash)
Sometimes it is really impossible to avoid that ( like when you eat pasta, and pasta can have insects parts) but at least a lot of people such vegans and vegetarians try to do what they can for animals!.
I really feel bad whenever I kill an ant, it i not my intention to do it, but at least I know I can avoid killing some pigs, chickens, and cows!. :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

That's very ignorant of you to say!.

A disease is not an animal or even a living organism!.!.!.it is actually a unicellular organism!.!.!.so there!.!.!.

And it is impossible to go through life without killing any insects!. I think it is mean to just kill one because you see it but driving or just walking, you can't help it!. There is nothing at all possible that you could do to not kill insects!.

You have just made yourself seem like a very ignorant person!.!.!.i bet you feel like an *bad word*Www@FoodAQ@Com

Thats impossible!. Its not possible to not kill insects!. You know you eat about a pound of bugs a year, mostly in your sleep!. They all die whether you want them to or not!. There is also billions of microscopic insects on you and your furniture right as we speak!. Thousands are killed everyday by you!. You can't avoid it!. Bugs will get killedWww@FoodAQ@Com

Hi Emma

Vegetarians are not only vegetarian to save the lives of animals but also because of health reasons!.

It is true we can't possibly go through life without killing other creatures, bugs or whatever but we try to avoid that if at all possible!.

Isn't that better than deliberately killing!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

With all due respect, Emma, I never heard such complete and utter bollocks in my life!. The incidental squashing of an insect is hardly the same as confining a captively bred intelligent, sentient animal in poor conditions!. btw I stopped eating meat because I lack the enzymes needed to digest it properly!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It is impossible to live at all without doing something that hurts something else, but that is a pathetic excuse not to TRY!
Sure no body is perfect and live that perfection but at least people care enough to try to make a difference, even if its a little bit, every little bit helps!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

There is a way of life in India, where a certain group of people actually rake through dirt before they step in it to make sure they're not killing any bugs!.

They don't take medicine either, they have natural ways of healing!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well if you cant prevent it you just have to live with it!. Raising animals just to kill and eat them is a whole different story!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Vegetarians Rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vegetarians Rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vegetarians Rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vegetarians Rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vegetarians Rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vegetarians Rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vegetarians Rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vegetarians Rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vegetarians Rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

In the military, this is known as "collateral damage" and "acceptable losses"!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Maybe vegetarians don't eat meat because they really harbor ill-will against all plants!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Does this mean every argument can be reduced down to an absurdity and represented and dismissed on that basis!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

They don't care about incidental killing!.

Or abortion!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Vegetarians don't eat meat because they have alternative choices!. if they had to they wouldWww@FoodAQ@Com

vegitarians are like emo's!. just wanna be different!. they'll grow out of it!.
mmmmmmmm black puddingWww@FoodAQ@Com

Bugs are our friends!. A head cold in the enemy!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

yes has long as that insect dont trouble that personWww@FoodAQ@Com

well at least they kill a lot less than you do!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Do you realize that it is possible to go through life minimizing your contribution to animal suffering, global warming and enormously reducing your risk for cancer and other unhealthful conditions simply by eating real, wholesome food!? This is our message, and we state it plainly!. You can choose to disregard what we say, but don't expect any sympathy when you are on your death bed!.

Edit: Emma, if you cared at all about plant welfare, you would cut meat altogether!. Did you not know that the diet of the animals you eat is vegetables and grains!? Did you know that SIXTEEN (yes SIXTEEN) pounds of grains need to be harvested to produce one pound of beef!? Believe it or not, you carcass eaters contribute more to "plant suffering" than we do!. And on a side note, why would plants have the instict of feeling pain when they cannot move - what purpose would pain receptors serve!? They do not have a central nervous systerm!. And I am sorry, but there is a difference between a strawberry harvest and tying a cow upside down and relentlessly slitting her throat til all the blood gushes out while she is fully conscious!.

Edit #2: Why is it that you meat eaters put a preference on dogs and cats over cows, pigs and fish!? Is it because fish are not cute and cuddly like "pets!?" Is it because cows are ugly!? Is it because you are a specieist!?

Edit #3: Humans are not omnivores by nature, they are omnivores by culture only!. And though our carcass-eating culture has developed a number of myths (historical and supposedly medical) to bolster the claim that carcass-eating is 'natural' or that we have 'evolved' to eat meat, the facts of anatomy clearly indicate otherwise!. Your teeth are designed to grind vegetables, fruits and seeds!.!.!. not to bite the neck muscles of a cow!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I am not a vegetarian, but I believe you are taking your assessments too far---it sounds like you may be a little bitter towards vegetarians!. Why, I'm not sure!.

Anyway, to answer your question, many vegetarians abhor the way animals raised for food are treated!. Have you ever done any research on the topic!? These animals are often quite abused!. Kept in small pens, force fed, treated with chemicals, and then killed in various inhumane ways!. I do eat meat, but I will not eat veal; if you want to know why, look up what veal is and how it is made!.

But it's not just the food companies!. Many vegetarians I know also will not use products tested on animals!. Why pour bleach in a puppy's eye!? We know what it will do!. A lot of times, there is no reason for the ill treatment of lab animals!. Don't get me wrong, animal research for things like the curing of AIDS, cancer, diabetes!.!.!.well, it's warranted and needed!. I don't like it, but there it is!. However curing AIDS is entirely different from sticking a mascara wand in a rabbit's eye to make sure the mascara works the way it was intended!.

Now as to squashing insects and killer-disease causing microbes!.!.!.vegetarians are humane, not insane!. Squashing insects is sometimes inevitable and accidental!. There isn't too much we can do about that!. Secondly, killer viruses and bacteria are dangerous to almost all other living things---humans, animals, plants!. To allow them to flourish would not only be crazy, but inhumane towards almost all other life forms!.

Vegetarianism is a lifestyle I haven't chosen, but it is one I respect and understand!. If you do a little research into the treatment of animals, you may come to the same conclusion!.


so your trying to compare taking medicine to kill a disease to the inhumane slaughtering of animals

WHY!? do people take somebodys attempt to make a difference and turn it into something its not by bringing up things that are completly ridiculous and have absolutly nuthing to do with vegetarianism
but that still dosnt change the fact that people are trying and that they have good intentions
its like your trying to take something away from vegitarians!?

my hair and nails is alive does that mean i shouldnt get a haircut or trim my nails !?!?!?
does vegtebales have feelings!?!?
because i brutally stabbed a potato today and i squished some grass
( =

and i do not value cows and sheeps lifes more then insects
accidentaly stepping on a bug is one thing
but using and exploiting bees for there honey is another thingWww@FoodAQ@Com

Bacteria is indeed a living organism, but viruses on the other hand are basically little pieces of genetic code that copy themselves by use of a host cell!. A vegeterian may not eat meat, but this doesn't mean that they persue life as "Jesus's of life!." Many of them choose to be Vegetarians for health matters rather than for the simpathy of animals!.

If they do find wrong in killing animals for food, then chances are they know they may accidently kill an inocent bug!. They just try to kill less and not contribute to the killing of other livestock!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

im a veggie and i also hate the thought of killing any living thing, insect or otherwise!. but some things cant be helped, its unrealistic and a bit stupid not go leave the house because u might walk on a beetle!. But where there is a choice involved, why not make it!?
I dont force my beliefs on other people, I dont give out to people because they eat meat!.If someone asks my opinion I give it but I don't preach!. Im not against the fundamental idea of eating meat - I am against the idea of treating animals just as products that can be used for food!. And unfortunatly most meat is produced this way, unless on free range farms!. And it is possible to live a normal life without eating meat - I haven't eaten it for 10 years and Im still alive!
People think it bad to abuse children, but they still buy Nike gear, which uses child labour!. My conscience is clear I know that no animals have died in pain to feed me - I realise they have died anyway but I can't really do anything about that!.
also I believe that it is the intention of an act which really matters, I would never step on an insect just for the sake of it, i think every organism deserves to live its life, but if it happens by accident than there is no way around it!.

It's about not killing sentient beings!. Bacteria and viruses don't count!. And it's vegans who don't eat meat because of the cruelty towards animals!. Vegetarians don't eat meat for several different reasons, some just because it is healthier!.

Vegans try not to step on insects, but aren't always successful!. The same with Buddhists!. What it comes down to is intent, and they don't intentional step on insects!. And insects aren't only outside, so your taunt of staying indoors is nonsense!.

ADDITIONAL: You're wrong about the teeth!. There is plenty of plant life which has a tough outer skin, so canine teeth would be useful to tear through it!. You are making a lot of mistakes in your thought process because you are trying to view this in an elementary way, when it is more of a complex issue!.

And we don't value certain types of life more than others!. Look at the fuss being made over the diminished number of honeybees!. Insects simply are smaller than other life forms, so they are easier to overlook!. As to cats and dogs being more revered than sheep and cows, that isn't necessarily true!. There are plenty of countries where cats and dogs are used as food, and also plenty where sheep and cows are not!. The reason certain animals are farmed and slaughtered for food overall is because of their size, their numbers, the type of meat they produce and the type of food they consume!. So animals which are cheaper to feed and keep, but which also produce leaner cuts of meat are the more desirable!. Shep, cows and chickens tend to fall into this category, dogs and cats don't!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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