By being a vegitarian am i actually saving any animals lifes ?!

Question: By being a vegitarian am i actually saving any animals lifes !?
by being a vegitarian am i actually saving any animals lifes !?!?!?
what else can i do to help animals besides just being a vegitarian !?!?!?
i just dont feel like im makeing a difference or that im doing enough


A vegetarian spares the life of an average of 50 animals each year!. Obviously that's more or less depending on how much you would have eaten!.

If you want to help animals you can volunteer at your local animal shelter!. That's what I do!. I help train them so that they can find homes more easily!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes, you are actually saving animals!. In fact 100 each year! You can make sure you don't buy anything with animal products and anything tested on animals!. You are saving 100 more animals than would be saved each year so trust me you are already doing a lot!. Together we are both saving 200 animals a year! :) Keep up the good work! Www@FoodAQ@Com

not really if you think about it!.

it's mostly women who are vegetarian or vegan, they don't eat much to begin with simply because they are women

most people who turn vegetarian never ate much meat to begin with so it's not really like your "average" person all of a sudden turning vegetarian!.

that statistic that says you save 50 animals per year is misleading, because anyone who is prediposed to become a vegetarian was probably eating very little meat products to begin with!.

Plus the fact that people who do eat meat and like it, eat A LOT of it, which makes up for any that you do not eat and then some!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

No, you are not!. If you do not present a demand, there is no supply!. If you are not eating meat, the demand goes down (however minuscule)!. The companies rear less animals based on current demand, and since your demand isn't out there, less animals (IE MINUSCULE amount) are raised!. So, in a nutshell, you cannot save what does not exist!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think so!. Maybe not a huge effect, but to much we do does!. Me walking to work won't save the planet, but what if a bunch of people did!? It is like a drop in the bucket!. You need a bunch of drops to make a difference, but if no one put a drop in the bucket - then we would be in trouble!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes you are saving animals lives as if fewer people want meat then less animals will be killed as the meat producer will only kill the amount of animals he can sell!.
A way to help animals is to encourage others to get their pets from a rescue centreWww@FoodAQ@Com

indirectly I think!. The less demand for animal protein, the lesser number of animals that are required to meet that demand, and not slaughtered!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No, they are still killed to supply the meat!. I will take up the slack that you have just created!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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