Is substituting 100% juices for real fruits and veggies as effective?!
I'm on the go and will often pick up a V8 juice or Naked juice with lunch for veggies or a Tropicana juice with breakfast for fruits!.
Is swapping real fruit and vegetable for a 100% juice just as effective!?
Can a person lead a healthy existence by drinking V8, Tropicana, Naked Juice or Bolthouse Farms with meals instead of real fruit and veggies!?
Is swapping real fruit and vegetable for a 100% juice just as effective!?
Can a person lead a healthy existence by drinking V8, Tropicana, Naked Juice or Bolthouse Farms with meals instead of real fruit and veggies!?
Yep, you are losing most all the fiber which is essential for your plumbing, plus there is a tendancy to take in more calories and consequently, sugars, than your body can process!. If you are diluting with water at least 50/50 you're better off!. Check out a juicer at your local Whole Foods or other public juicing access and see how many carrots or apples it takes to fill one of those huge, multi-serving containers you are swilling down!. I believe 4 oz is a serving!. Check out your bottle contents !. !. !.Www@FoodAQ@Com
It's still healthy, but not as healthy!. The juices don't have all the fiber that actual fruits & veggies have, although a serving of juice still counts as a fruit/veg serving!.
Some juices, especially apple, are basically flavored sugar water!. You'd be better off just drinking water and picking up an apple or other serving some other time!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Some juices, especially apple, are basically flavored sugar water!. You'd be better off just drinking water and picking up an apple or other serving some other time!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
No it's not the same!. You get less vitamins and more sodium then you would using fresh not to mention all the preservatives and such that get added!.
I am an avid juicer now and feeling far healthier then I did before and because I'm healthier I'm less stressed and less edgy then I had been!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
I am an avid juicer now and feeling far healthier then I did before and because I'm healthier I'm less stressed and less edgy then I had been!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
No, and the juices you are substituting with are made from processed and denatured concentrate!. You should not substitute processed fruit drinks for whole foods, even if they claim to be 100%!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
you are missing the fiber at a mininum Www@FoodAQ@Com