I've been vegetarian all my life...what will happen if I eat meat?!
not that I want to, Ive never had a single piece of meat in my whole life, but Im just curious, is my body incapable of digesting meat!?
My friends say thats why i'm so thin!.!.!.could that be true (I doubt it, but is it possible)!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
My friends say thats why i'm so thin!.!.!.could that be true (I doubt it, but is it possible)!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Hey! I've been raised vegetarian too! And I'm making the switch to vegan!.!.!. Slowly and barely!. ahahah
But yeah, I'll admit!.!. when I was little, I had a chicken nugget on accident (how was I supposed to know!!?!!? I was in kindergarten!. Im so guilty) and i lived!. I think you still can!.!.!. but if its like steak or something its hard for your stomach!.
thats so cool!
email me sometime! unkowndreamer@yahoo!.comWww@FoodAQ@Com
But yeah, I'll admit!.!. when I was little, I had a chicken nugget on accident (how was I supposed to know!!?!!? I was in kindergarten!. Im so guilty) and i lived!. I think you still can!.!.!. but if its like steak or something its hard for your stomach!.
thats so cool!
email me sometime! unkowndreamer@yahoo!.comWww@FoodAQ@Com
I refrain from meat for forty days out of the year (during the Lenten season) for religious reasons!. It almost seems like my body forgets how to digest meat during this time, especially beef!. For the first week or two after I've ended my fast, most of the meat I eat is usually either poultry or fish, and I'm careful not to eat too much beef or pork until I know my body has readjusted!. I'm sure you could eat meat if you wanted to, but you'd have to let your body adjust to it first!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
yes and no!. since you've never had meat you will have a hard time digesting it, at least until you're body's adjusted!. If you do want to start eating meat, i suggest you start with small amounts of fish (some vegetarians still eat fish) then move to heavier stuff: chicken>pork>beef!. And overcook everything until you're sure you can break down the food!.
And you could be naturally thin, if you want to gain some weight throw some more nuts, diary, and carbs!. (rice is good) into your diet and exercise to boost your appetite!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
And you could be naturally thin, if you want to gain some weight throw some more nuts, diary, and carbs!. (rice is good) into your diet and exercise to boost your appetite!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Yea you may get an upset stomach b/c it will take a long time to digest which your body is not used to!.
However being a vegetarian is not why you are skinny!. Are you underweight!? Or in the normal weight range!? B/c you are probably just healthy!. If you are underweight, maybe you have an overactive thyroid or maybe you are not eating enough, or getting enough nutrients!.
However a vegetarian diet is capable of suppling you with enough nutrients that you/anyone needs to be healthy!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
However being a vegetarian is not why you are skinny!. Are you underweight!? Or in the normal weight range!? B/c you are probably just healthy!. If you are underweight, maybe you have an overactive thyroid or maybe you are not eating enough, or getting enough nutrients!.
However a vegetarian diet is capable of suppling you with enough nutrients that you/anyone needs to be healthy!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
you will DIE!.
seriously!? wtf kind of answer are you looking for here!? btw, incoming "DON'T EAT MEAT, IT GIVES YOU CANCER and is unhealthy" post by christine!.
since you've never had a piece of meat i honestly think you would throw up or be psychologically incapable of actually eating it!. i'm being completely honest when i say that you would probably need to talk to a specialist if you actually did want to start eating meat!.
If you could hold it down, you would probably feel sick because your body is used to only digesting light veggies and fruits, not that that means there's anything wrong with meat, it just takes more time and energy to digest, and also will return more!. If you really want to try it, go with something light, like chicken!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
seriously!? wtf kind of answer are you looking for here!? btw, incoming "DON'T EAT MEAT, IT GIVES YOU CANCER and is unhealthy" post by christine!.
since you've never had a piece of meat i honestly think you would throw up or be psychologically incapable of actually eating it!. i'm being completely honest when i say that you would probably need to talk to a specialist if you actually did want to start eating meat!.
If you could hold it down, you would probably feel sick because your body is used to only digesting light veggies and fruits, not that that means there's anything wrong with meat, it just takes more time and energy to digest, and also will return more!. If you really want to try it, go with something light, like chicken!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
you would have to slowly get the ability to digest meat back!. if you wanted to start eating meat, you would have to start w/ a bite or two of chicken!. then, maybe half a breast!. then after that maybe you could eat a whole one!. if you just dove into a bucket of KFC, you would vomit it back up!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I have noticed vegetarans have been on the thin side actually, but that doesn't mean all vegetarians are really thin!.
You will probably throw up the meat!.
I've only been a vegetarian for!.!.!.half a year and I'll probably throw it up!.!.!.but that's partly because I don't like meat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
You will probably throw up the meat!.
I've only been a vegetarian for!.!.!.half a year and I'll probably throw it up!.!.!.but that's partly because I don't like meat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
you haven't eaten meat even once in your life!!!
it's amazing!.!.!.!.!.
good for u!.
yes, I think it will make problems for your health!.
your body hasn't even felt one piece of meat even once , so if you really want to eat meat, go and take a doctor's advice, IT will help u!.
you haven't eaten meat even once in your life!!!
it's amazing!.!.!.!.!.
good for u!.
yes, I think it will make problems for your health!.
your body hasn't even felt one piece of meat even once , so if you really want to eat meat, go and take a doctor's advice, IT will help u!.
The transition would make you sick for a few days, but your liver has the ability to produce meat digesting enzymes!. Being human the ability to digest meat is in your genetic code!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
ur body will b able 2 digest it if u eat some!. and she could b right!. meat is way fattier and packed w/ calories compared 2 a vegetarian diet!. its not an issue, just ur diet!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
don't eat meat!.
vegetarianism is a gift if you have been raised that way your whole life!.
I wish I had that!.
I've been a vegan for 7 weeks, and I am actually very proud of that!.:DWww@FoodAQ@Com
vegetarianism is a gift if you have been raised that way your whole life!.
I wish I had that!.
I've been a vegan for 7 weeks, and I am actually very proud of that!.:DWww@FoodAQ@Com
firstly an animal will die!. that's what the meat eaters don't realise, if they had to kill the animal in front of them before they ate!.!.!.how many would still eat it!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
If its just oral then nothing will happen and can't blind you if it finds itself off target, but any other orifices and you run the risk of pregnancy!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I'm guessing you'll get a stomach ache!. Our stomachs are better geared for digesting plant-based foods, so it will be like "what the heck are you giving me!?"Www@FoodAQ@Com
You will pass out from the taste and go into a coma!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
you will probably get really sickWww@FoodAQ@Com
you'll orgasm from the taste, and you'll poop just fine!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
meat is delecious
better than the grass u eat all dayWww@FoodAQ@Com
better than the grass u eat all dayWww@FoodAQ@Com