Tree hugger i cant believe that?!

Question: Tree hugger i cant believe that!?
Why is it every time someone here asks a serious question, some liberal meat eater goes " that's just hippie talk" Do vegetarians or vegans go to the meat forums and talk about them dieing, is that what started this thing!? Is it just because meat eaters don't under stand!? What is it that makes omnivores want to come to our forums to talk about us being hippies!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

In my opinion, I find it VERY stupid how people assume that vegans are for abortion and all that!.!.!.!. jeez, people, will you stop judging!? Everyone's entitled to their opinion!. Just because someone's vegan doesnt automatically make them pro-abortion and against death penalty and crap like that!.!.!. a lifestyle is one thing, politics are another!.
Only someone with some mental retardation issues would make such dumb generalizations!.

Oh, and we veg*ns are not hippies (well, at least not all of us)!. Again with the assumption thing!. That's like me saying that all meat-eaters are murderers!. Well actually my friends are meat-eaters, so there should be no discrimination!.

Everybody does what they want!. If they feel like eating meat, let 'em go ahead, but don't bother us when we just post on here without any attack purposes!.

See!? It's clear who started it!. :D

So everyobdy let each other be!. No hard feelings!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Because you're a flaming idiot who only notices the bad posts and marks!. There's a lot of good feedback coming from meat eaters just as there's a lot of good advice from vegetarians!. And hey, you never mentioned the "eat meat and die" ppl either, i've seen quite a few of those floating through the forums lately!.
And FYI all you posts show up on the Q&A homepage where most of the people just happen to eat meat, if you want an exclusive forum find one, yahoo is for EVERYONE!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Maybe its because you guys think that a few hundred loggers can pack up and find a new career, but the spotted owl must live in its preferred tree!.

Maybe its because Vegans somehow reason that destroying an unborn chicken is murder, but destroying an unborn child is a constitutional right!.


some people are just idiots, and can't wrap their brain around something that's different- I like meat but if you're vegan, I don't automatically assume you're a hippie!. I think people that eat meat and make fun of vegans is because maybe they view them as being soft (most of us that eat meat, believe we need meat- as it has been that way for many many centuries!.!.!. some places don't have the convenience to just eat veggies) But, it's basically idiots that have nothing else to do!. Keep eatin green! (Wish I could!.!.!. but I just cant)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well some people, like those 'liberal meat eaters' don't care to see the truth and try to avoid it by stamping the label HIPPIE on it!.
If they don't understand it, its not normal!.

At least those hippies are actually doing something to help the world instead of sitting back a calling everything hippie talk!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I honestly have no idea what possess people to troll over here and say "eat a juicy steak" or something along those lines!.

I actually do answer questions in the general food and drink section as well as the cooking and recipes category!. If I know something and can help someone out, why not!? I used to eat meat!.
Do I end my responses with "Go veg!" or "Meat is murder"!? Of course not!. My veganism has nothing to do with their question!. I don't understand why people cannot leave well enough alone if they don't have something positive to contribute!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Don't worry Josh, it's all macho talk!. Just because they eat meat and the animal has to be slaughtered, they feel like they are powerful, superior to us!.
When they're sitting in hospital with heart, liver, digestive, arthritic, eye, circulatory, and/or mental problems and a big chance of contracting mad cow disease then we'll see who's macho!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

josh this is the answer that you gave to another question about the correctness of vegetarianism

It truly depends on how you look at it!.
From a omnivore -
We were meant to eat meat and vegetarians are just hippies!. You need meat

From a vegetarian-
Anything with a face should not be eaten!. If it could feel pain its bad, so vegetarianism is good
36 minutes ago
Split personalities

i have looked through all of your postings over the last several days and the only comment anywhere about hippies was made by you in this answer!. the only comment about tree hiuggers is in this question you just posted!. no where else!. you are just looking for attention and as such your question is based on a lie!. grow upWww@FoodAQ@Com

There is a cooking forum, but actually i don't think there is a specific meat forum, so we do the next best thing to talking about meat in the non existent appropriate forum, we make fun of our arch enemies, our polar opposites, are nemesis, if you will!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

No I just stick here because I answer questions about things I know!. I wouldn't answer questions about meat because I don't eat meat!.
I don't know why meat eaters come here to answer vegetarian/vegan questions!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

listen to me your choice of what you eat is just that your choice
i for example would never riddicule you for being a vegetarian
just like i would not like yo to tell me not to eat meatWww@FoodAQ@Com

some people feel threatened by change!. It takes them a long time to adjust to it and in the meantime, they just react to it with violence and anger!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

I hate people like that!.
?you are not self obsorbed!.
?your not a hippie, you're a helper to the poor innocent animals who die everyday just to supply those b**sards with their double-cheeseburger

most vegans and vegetarians preach to us meat eaters,so in return meat eaters retaliate!.we all should just leave each other alone and get over it!.we should all live and let live!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i just had bacon and chicken for dinner mmm yummy, then i watched th video "Meet your Meat" then went down stairs and ate some more bacon!. I love bacon meat is yummy!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Good question, I dont know why a non-vegetarian/vegan would bother luring in the V/V section!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's Darwinism!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

First, I've been called a lot worse!. :)

Second, people always attack what they don't understand!. They release their fear that way!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

People make fun of us!. but we have to know what were doing is right! People just make jokes or r jealous!.


Wait where are these "meat eating forums!?"Www@FoodAQ@Com

what!? i have never made fun of a veggi or vegan!. well one, but only because they were wearing leather!. Www@FoodAQ@Com


haaa!.!.!.um!.!.!.!. i don't get what you're saying!.!.!. i've never heard of that on here before or anywhereWww@FoodAQ@Com

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